Having met Foster out in Holland a few years ago at the last pre-season camp there - im not surprised he reacted. He came across as a right grumpy cunt up his own arse then. If you are out there it is a bona fide pish up and the players and management know this and most embraced it. Duff, Young and Kerr got the majority of our good natured abuse but they were also the most friendly with JDV, Daal, Consi, Mackie and others also being friendly. However Foster stuck out like a sore thumb and was grumpy unlike the rest and went out of his way to not speak to us (I can understand why as we were mostly gibbering drunks) but we did notice this and the impression has stuck. Ok, he is not a people person and reacted to getting abuse - still not a reason for him not to be captain.
When I was told he was captain I was surprised and personally I didn't see him as captain material and he lacks ability. I think he handled being at Ibrox ok but was surprised at how often he was put up for the media to interview as I cant really remember him doing that much for us. I just cant see him inspiring the players, players looking up to him and it doesnt matter how much you all say it is immature to dislike him - it was clear as soon as he left to play for the huns a vast proportion of people would lower their view of him. Lastly dont forget he is from Elgin