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Saturday 14th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Posts posted by mizer

  1. nice

    but a couple of questions come to mind

    1) who wants rid of zander

    2) we're fucked

    3) who wants to keep McNamara

    4) we're fucked

    5) we had a small squad, and are losing most if it

    6) we're fucked

    7) you have too much time on your hands

    8) oh and we're fucked


    Since hes in contract, maybe people think we should sell him? Only player worth any money I would think.

  2. I have done some analysis of the voting and ranked the players on the % of people wanting them to stay. I have then put their contract situation on the right and put them in Amber if they are confirmed as leaving or possibly leaving.




    Best away boozer Pubs in general are shite but probably La Solsomething in Madrid



    It was La Solera, ran by the Boca Juniors fans




    Top class boozer, me and jute even did a shift for them as they ran out of glasses and we filled up the washing machine and I also served tapas to Glasgowdon if memory serves me right? The staff even joined in with the shoes off if you hate rangers  :clap:

  4. And Mizer - if all ye can think about is last Saturday's result ye need to get another hobby (or smack habit  ;))


    Good news is I have had no sad thoughts about Saturday this afternoon  :thumbsup: (Mainly because I have lost an important excel spreaedsheet  :hammer:)


    Long may it continue  8)

  5. I get up and all I can think of Saturday, walking to the bus all I can think of is saturday, on the bus all I can think of is saturday, get to work try and review a paper - and all I can think of is Saturday.


    This just wont go away.


    Sneckie luckily for you, you have something far more important coming up which is drawing your attention away, get off DT and study more  :thumbsup:



  6. AFC Player of the season - Zander Diamond


    AFC Goal of the season - Jamie Smith - 1st goal v Copenhagen


    Bounce of the season - Opener against United in the CIS semi


    Game of the season - Copenhagen


    AFC Cunt Award (who at the club is the biggest cunt?) - Calderwood


    And in other catagories



    SPL Cunt of the season - Gordon Strachan


    SPL Shitest player of the season - Dave Bus


    Best grub award - Pizza slice at Easter Road


    Best away boozer (Scotland) - Life of Riley (after semi at hampden)

    Best away boozer (Europe) - Cafe Schiller

  7. For his reputed wage we are not getting value for money. As you guys have already said Brewster showed what a big centre forward should be doing Miller doesn't do that. On Saturday he was fouled a few times but never got the free kick because he has earned the reputation as a diver (deservedly), and personally I don't like that as I hate cheating.

  8. Somewhat surprised that i too got to sixteen, but it did include the three loan signings at the bottom of the list, and personally speaking I will be very surprised if any of them are around next season.


    BTW who the fuck voted to keep Dan Smith ::)


    More to the point who the fuck voted for bus  :o

  9. Captain - Derek Young possibly, Not sure about Zander now


    Sorry, that is the most fucking stupid thing I have ever fucking heard!  :o


    Are you saying a player who could not get a contract at a first division club and was only brought in as he is good banter is your choice for captain? The best thing that Youngs fans will say is he trys really hard, well I try hard at 5's on a thursday night - it doesn't make me in anyway a footballer!

  10. IHave to say cheers to all my fellow Globe Reds. What a great day oot, my sides are sare the day from laughing so much at various random things! Skinny John Hartson, taunting the Jambo, bairn next to the skip and loads of other stuff! Cheers for making what ended up being a bad day a wee bit better! :thumbsup:


    As you said minus the football a great day out.


    The jambo at Linlithgow getting abused  :rofl:


    Manc getting covered in topcorners blood :rofl:


    The baby left next to the skip :rofl:


    Rearranging the pub :rofl:


    Breaking the fireplace in the pub :rofl:


    Telling the policeman who tried to confinscate my 36 beers for the train back to Edinburgh to gtf as I was on the Edinburgh train not the Aberdeen train :rofl:


    Tartan army pub quiz :rofl:


    Falling off the fire escape whilst trying to take down the flag from the trees :rofl:



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