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Posts posted by mizer

  1. Maguire is in line to make only his seventh start of the season tonight for Aberdeen - but the striker is determined to prove he should be a first-choice pick every week.The 18-year-old was warned by Jimmy Calderwood to change his ways at Pittodrie despite being top scorer in the reserves for the past two seasons.Maguire worked overtime in the gym and altered his diet to boost his prospects and vowed to fire the Pittodrie side up the table when he got the call from Dons boss Calderwood.Despite following orders Maguire demanded talks with Calderwood when he was still being overlooked for a first-team start.He said: "I have been here since I was eight years old and full-time for the last three years so it is frustrating not to have played a full 90 minutes for the first team yet. I asked the manager why I hadn't had a good whack at first-team level and he admitted it had been partly his fault and I just needed to stick in."Hopefully the gaffer can see I deserve my chance to get a good run in the team from the start now and I had a word with him about it last week."As a striker you need a run of games to raise confidence and get among the goals. I am confident I can do that. Hopefully if I keep working hard my chance will come."Maguire is set to get his chance against the Steelmen but is aware defeat will end Dons' chances of retaining third place in the SPL and a return to Europe.


    I did think at the start of the season he hadnt been givena fair crack at the whip but...In his last start (against hibs), he was so gash he had to be subbed!

  2. I was in Cafe Schiller having pint one of the day, ordering a large sausage, loving Ptkdons Luca Toni is cunt T-shit, and excited about football.


    Today I am in work drinking some peprmint tea for my sore throat, eating mini toblerone, loving nothing, and worried about playing Motherwell at home.


    Where did it all go wrong?  :hammer:

  3. ::)


    Dinna be stupid min.




    Hello min  :wave:


    He's unable to look for a job if he's on gardening leave. We'd also have to pay someone else the managers salary as well as JC's. All seems rather pointless to me.


    The other option is (stealing fae the boy on abz mad) hire a hitman! Far Nigel Pepper when you need him  ???

  4. Absolutely. No matter how bad things are domestically at the moment Calderwood took his team in to Europe and exceeded expectation on that front. There is no way the board are going to sack him.


    The only way they will sack him if is the attendance drops to a point which makes it more economical to sack him rather to continue with the poor crowds. That is why I have quit going for the rest of the season (well I say that for the third time  :thumbsup:)


    The other option is if they can sack him for gross misconduct and dont have to pay him compensation. You could try sneaking Dan Smith into the back pocket of his troosers and claim he was trying to steal him when he heads back hame one night.

  5. Wow wow wow. As a cameraman who films football myself, i can categorically say that the BBC and Setanta have much better and pressing matters to attend to on match day than running cable or setting up wireless mics all the way from the gantry to the RDS.


    The gantry is in the south stand, so that's where the mics have got to be


    Do you mean whoa?


    And yes they have to wank all over which ever of the old firm manager is in town  ::)

  6. >Reverse the ban on flags bigger than one person can carry rule for home fans in the SS.


    >More female police officers


    >As JJ said, more clothing in the shop/web


    >Get rid of Reds n co - we aint in America


    >Stop that announcer mooing out "Coooombe oooon yew weeeeds" at the start of the game, if he insits on saying something do it in a fashion less like a cow being milked


    >Better quality food, I quite like the sound of the fish pie they have at Peterheid. Even if they had a wee stall selling cullen skink for the freezing cold days.


    >Better quaility of music over the PA




  7. We cant afford to sack him now.


    Worryingly after the game he says he will want to major restructure during the summer. I dont trust him to buy players.


    Here is why........


    Calderwood said: "I don't think Stuart has got too much to prove. I don't want to sound big headed but I expect him to prove my judgment of him right. I have heard a lot about him and I have tried to sign him twice before. In the two days he has been here he has only substantiated what I thought of him.




  8. Still in munich 4 oclock in morning just going to bed. after a night of out singing the Hamburg fans. Everyone in munich now knows Luca Toni is a CUNT!  :wave: 


    Cheers also for the phone call to tell me that  :thumbsup:

    Not often do I not care about a drunken phone call in the early morning, but hearing the last 6 of you falling out of the sports cafe singing luca toni is a cunt was one  8)

  9. GUASC bike race



    lovely beer halls



    Our flag in the square



    Peterheids top



    Dons in the square/side street



    Mess in square



    Family party of Marien Square (from Fridays local paper which the receptionist at the hotel showed me). He said we were wonderful and well behaved. I think they turned a blind eye to the mess  :thumbsup:





    Campbellton flag







  10. Mizer your T-shirts were tooo good.


    Credit where credit is due: Ptkdon had the first Luca Toni is a cunt Tshirt, Peterheid wanted that on his shirt so we went searching for a Tshirt shop. I just got one at the very last minute as they only had white tshirts. When I got back to the bar some guy came up to me and asked to sign it as he thought it was excellent, and from there it sort of mushroomed. Lost it that night (along with everything else  :tumbleweed:) but then in the square the next day some guy wandered past me wearing it so I took it off him, and it now had 100s of signatures on it  :thumbsup:

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