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Posts posted by mizer

  1. fuck that mizer! Give it tae a real "fan" fae the "Y".


    Ma mate's efter een - although he keeps tellin me he wiz there in 83 and he's nae bithered if he misses it - but he's still efter een.


    (If ye dinnae gie it tae me (oooh sir) yeez edinburgh puffs better watch yersel on the curva sud Y ;))




    If yer nae fast yer last  :wave:


    Can you nae just give him yours, you will only be there for a couple of mins  :thumbsup:

  2. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2008/02/12/dad-s-anger-after-fans-wreck-plaque-to-tragic-hearts-kid-86908-20316720/

    SICK football yobs have vandalised a memorial plaque dedicated to a fan who died at the age of six.


    The heartbroken parents of young Hearts supporter Cameron Strathie had the plaque fixed to his season ticket seat at Tynecastle.


    Cameron died from the same heart defect that killed Motherwell skipper Phil O'Donnell.


    The inscription on his seat read "Cameron Strathie, Forever a Jambo 2/8/99 - 7/1/06".


    But when his dad John, 43, went to Tynecastle on Saturday, he was disgusted to see the plaque had been wrenched off and thrown away.


    He said: "As I approached my seat, people round about were looking upset. Then they pointed out the plaque was gone.


    "The name tags on other season ticket-holders had been torn off.


    "I was sickened to my stomach. Whoever did this must have known it was in memory of a wee lad."


    John and his wife Deborah, 33, blame Aberdeen fans who were in the Gorgie stand during Tuesday night's CIS Cup semi-final between the Dons and Dundee United.


    The game was marred by missiles being thrown from both ends and is being investigated by the SFA.


    John, from Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, said: "Someone would have had to have taken a key or a screwdriver to prise it off.


    "I'm not tarring all Aberdeen fans with the same brush. Sadly, every club has a tiny minority of morons who follow them. "


    Cameron had sleep apnoea, which can cause the sufferer to stop breathing in the night. He died after an attack when a heart valve failed.


    The couple have two other children, Leah, four, and Keira, six months.


    An Aberdeen FC spokesman said: "We are horrified that someone should do something so disgusting.


    "We shall be writing to the family expressing our sincere apologies."


    Nicked this fae KKK chat, some talk of getting some money together to replace it. Would like to say I cant believe it but some of the idiot behavior in the Gorgie Stand on Tuesday makes me know this is true. It was only a minority but we all get tarred.

  3. ;D Cheers fella.  I wouldn't go as far as say I'm a fan, just not as cynical as some. I don't have a problem with people not liking JC, it's just the mindless repitition of individuals who solely post negative crap about him and have nothing else to say. 


    Anyway, don't get me started.


    Cheers for the welcome!  :thumbsup:


    Indeed JC needs time to settle in  ???::)

  4. This should have been posted in the Introductions thread in Off topic, yellow card and a weeks suspension for that sort of behaviour :cardyellow:


    Hang on, wrong site  :doh: Welcome aboard :thumbsup: (Just what I need though, another JC fan  :( )

  5. :lolabove:

    Don't underestimate yourself now.  ::)


    I meant my mate, not me. But yes what I do is more than important than JC, I only wish I was on his wages. In fact many of the posters on here have more important jobs than he does.


    If it’s in your contract that you have X amount of weeks holiday and you’re stupid enough not to take them, then on your own head be it.


    Cheers for calling me stupid, but I am the only person doing my job and the work will have to be done. Plus I don't work for a big corporate oil construction firm or the likes, I'm here to help people stop losing their livelyhoods. Back to JC, other managers don't take the same extended break...


    He can only piss with the cock he’s got and he keeps getting pieces sliced off by the board


    Are the board looking for someone to do this? I would quite happily take time out of my schedule to do this for free



    He’s taken us to February and we were still in all competitions.


    You saying we could have still won the SPL? And since when hass it successful to get to the semi-finals of the cis and past the entry round of the Scottish cup?? Yes we have done fucking brilliant in Europe, beyond even the most optimistic fans wildest dreams. But the only way you can say if it has been a successful season is at the end, lets wait to then please.


    Do you honestly think any manager can work under those conditions and expect to have a better team because of it?!.


    If they didnt choose to play 4-5-1, every away game - YES! Even funster would agree that. He has it in his mind that it works, but it doesnt. It was like last year and the 2-3-5 strategy which had no support for the mass of players up front, he kept doing it until Hibs nailed us 4-1 in the cup. I can only hope he now realises that his new formation doesnt work for the team he has assembled.


    He is culpable

    Holy handbaskets batman!


    Never thought you could utter such sacreligous words


    The club have sold us up the swanny


    No the club need to control the debt, debt is increasing at the moment due to the wages the players are on and falling crowds. Yes they have made poor financial plans as you say when they gave him money to play with as did Dunfermline. But he cant expect to pay any transfer fees in the current situation.


    we’re still only 2 wins off of 3rd place.


    We may only be 6 points off 3rd but we are only 6 points above hearts in 9th. Lets see how we get on in the next month (5 games) playing the top 3 teams (all three have pumped us 3-0 this season) and the shit killie and misfiring hibs. I have grave fears we will do poorly going on curret form so will be avoiding them.



    Must be too busy to reply.


    Sorry, yes I have. Fuck writing this has taken me a few mins and it is past 6 on a friday and still in work  >:(

  6. Rant about that too if you want, but you're both bleathering nothing short of complete and utter speculation.


    Sorry, we were at the game and most of the humiliating defeats this season you weren't!


    The boy is allowed 6 weeks holidays just as you and I are.  It'll be in his contract and it's not like he's skipping the country and phoning in sick.


    I don't get 6 weeks and if I did I couldn't  take them as I have an vital job to do. My mate I was playing football with tonight told me he lost 12 days holiday as couldn't take them all as he has an important job to do for the government. Overall JC has a less important job, but gets paid more and who the fuck here wouldn't mind going to see a few games of football and viewing some players on a saturday during your hols? I know I do it for a fun day out during close season!


    But you both seem to know for a fact he doesn't have a list of players.  Roll Eyes


    Yes it is the Dundee Utd reserves or shit Dunfermline players.


    Whereas I'd say


    Opinions are like arseholes, evryone has one and most of them stink yaddah yaddah - dont think yours is better than mine or the chimps. I am willing to argue it logically all day long if you want.


    he has a list of players who he'll have told Miller he wants.  Miller deals with contract negotiations so depending on budget, he'll take the list and score a black marker through the top twenty who will require fees.  Another twenty will be marked off because of they wages they command, then Miller hands him the list back with United rejects.


    Yes of course he wants players that will have a fee, but our debt is getting worse and that has to be our priority.

    Are you saying that the best free players out there in Scotland are Night Mair and Duff by name duff by nature? As chimp pointed out there is better, Im not the person to ask but someone like jute could run off many players. The big money wage spend of Jackie McNamara was fraught with danger, as at Celtic he was often crocked and at Wolves he was injured about half the time he was there. He is only getting older, its a gamble that hasn't paid off as he is too slow through age and injuries. Lee Miller also on high wages, is playing better this season but is still not worth the money IMHO, and since he has got his new contract has disappear from the goal sheet worryingly. Wages demands like that also have a constraint on the club.


    I'll tell you what Mizer, here's £100.  Go down to Dixons and buy me a 50' plasma with surround sound and one of those Lazy-boyz reclining leather chairs.  Roll Eyes


    Wow, great argument (I may even use one of your favourite smilies) rolleyes.gif


    But to humour you. We are not a shopper that can afford to buy at Dixons, the reality is we are a cash converters shopper as only the tinks that use it have the equivalent debt, but if you have a good look there are bargains to be found. We cant have the 50' plasma, only the Man Utds of this world can afford them!  I would be quite happy for a working small TV, with a comfy chair not smelling of cat piss/puke/shit.


    Now if you wasn't blinded by your hatred for JC you might go down town and buy me a handful of cinema tickets.  Not quite the same thing but you'll have made do with the scraps you've got and found a half decent alternative for the time being.


    I will start with the cinema tickets. Yes I may well be going to the cinema more and attending as many games as you do. Not only me I but I know of several other people who are going to reduce the number of games or not go at all as we are severely pissed off with the current situation. Several members of the globes have removed their ticket application for the hibs game next weekend, the number of tickets is a record low order for us for a game in Edinburgh. Its a bit like hangovers, you say you are not going to drink again, but already this season I have said I am not going back (after the falkirk away cup tie) but I was dragged back. The difference this time is that several people have said the same thing. I can have a good time doing other things at the weekend why put myself through it all?


    Im not blinded by it, my annoyance comes from people like yourself defending JC to the hilt, even though he is clearly culpable. Using shit arguments like heres a £100 go buy X & Y - No shit sherlock! And the good old "He is better than Paterson", come on try a bit harder (even though you never used it, it just sends me through the roof). Ask any of the posters that know me, I am a very placid person, I am 99% sure I was the only person in the ground on Tuesday (supporting the dons) laughing at full time at the total shambles as I can normally see the funny side to things. But I am totally flummoxed by so many people coming on and backing him and saying its not that bad and for instance Kowalsi saying we have taken a step forward.....its like I'm waking into a parallel universe where gravity has been reversed and giant penguins wearing pink Paisley pattern ties are running the world from downtown Mintlaw! I just want to grab you all and shake you and scream what the fuck are you talking about?? Because I'm confused and utterly bemused at your undying belief in the glorious orange leader! (Yes I'm writing this bit last, the other bits still to read are me less happy at your post)


    Of course when you come back with that I'll moan you wasn't working Xmas day, your skin tone, how you need to drop a few kilos and the way you were waving your hands around when you was complaining about the price of cinema tickets these days.  Roll Eyes

    Look at the big fucking picture for once....


    I have been looking at the big picture for years as I saw what he did to Dunfermline long term and has been doing to Aberdeen. My mate was one of the few Pars fans not upset when he left as he predicted they would be in trouble long term, and he was correct. We have got old crippled players on long contacts and no youth set-up. Crowds are dropping, therefore less money for the team and increasing debt.


    Any manager we have in the door will have to work under the same constraints.  Plenty have been shown the door before JC and they've embarressed us a lot more than he has.


    At least they wont play 4-fucking-5-fucking-1 and then wont change it when it is plain bloody obvious to everyone else it isn't working. The whole crowd knew it wasn't working, or that no midfielders were getting up to support Miller on Tuesday. And yes any new manager would have to put up with the same old crocked players as they are in long term contract, but they could play 442 and make the situation better instantly.


    Milne is holding this club back and he's the one you should be venting your fury at.


    Yes I think Milne is a cunt, he gave JC a 3 year contract when it was clear (to me and many others) we were struggling. But who out there is willing to come in and buy-out Milne - no one! We are stuck with him and JC as we cannot get rid of him as we cant afford to. I see there is £93 million in the lottery this weekend, lets all get some tickets and cross our fingers!

  7. For as bad as it seems to have gotten this year, I still don't think you can completely blame JC.


    I very much doubt he wanted Anderson out and you just had to watch the press conference to see what he thought of selling Clark and Hart.


    The players he wanted in when he first came here are all but leaving, the ones that where here when he got here but he liked have left, the youngsters are not up to much and he's getting £1.4m over the next 3 years to bolster the squad.






    Are you saying there is not other pool of players available at the moment but the Dundee Utd reserves?


    If JC had been scouting during the summer rather than taking a 6 week holiday in the summer he may have had some players marked out to replace leaving players rather than seeing what Utd want rid of and some player his son says isnt getting a game in Holland.


    Yes he is getting less money, but to be honest I wouldnt trust him with it. He would have just bought Scott Wilson from Dunf - we only didnt as we didnt have the money to pay for him!

  8. But this season is definitely a step forward from last year, it just doesn't feel like it at the moment.


    The current squad is at least two steps back from the one we had last season. Step one Anderson leaving and step two was other players going and bringing in Dundee Utd rejects!


    The only way you can say we have improved is the UEFA cup which is due to the consistancy of last years team. That consistancy has gone.


    Defensively we are poorer, and this can be put down to our second half performances. Taking into account all the goals scored and conceded this season in all competitions, we perform worse defensively in the second half.


    So far we have scored 47 goals, 24 in the first and 23 in the second half.


    Defensively we have also conceded 47 goals, but this time there is a difference with 18 in the first half and 29 in the second half.

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