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Posts posted by mizer

  1. He phoned me earlier saying 'the rain's stopped, the game could be on if they'd waited until now!'.


    Having seen the pitch on Reporting Scotland earlier, I doubt it would've been playable at all, the ball wouldn't bounce.


    Yuir still nae in a great mood then  :thumbsup:


    Im nae bothered, ground is 5mins fae my flat, pub 2 mins, nad hopefully nae Robson!



  2. Just back home and the puddles have disappeared from my carpark and nearby park no longer has surface water. A couple of guys from the pub team are training on the park, ball running across it ok. Also had a wee wander on the grass at the back and not squeltchy. Pity the decision had to be made so early for people getting down as I think by time of KO it would have been ok (as long as it doesn't rain again). The decision at 2pm was correct though as it was wet as fuck.

  3. Pretty unbiased stuff from the BBC yet again! Miller was getting a doing from Berra and the ref took forever to do anything about his persistent fouling. Ever single time the two of them went up for a high one Berra had his arms over Miller's shoulders. He dragged his feet down Millers shins a couple of times and the ref and linesmen never saw it.


    Miller DOES go down affy easy at times but he got a tanking yesterday from Berra and the ref allowed most of it.


    I wonder if it is a case of the boy who called wolf. Jute was saying that Miller won a penalty which wasnt earlier in the season when Willie Collum was also in charge. A bit of 'you made me get a row from the ref supervisor, you're going to get nothing today!'.

  4. Duff made a total howler for the goal but he didn't look that bad, there were far worse players on the pitch than him.


    With regard to the refs performance, what a cunt!!

    Hearts players were going down like 20 dingbat hoors and yet he continued to do nothing.


    Diamond, first foul, have a booking. The southstand side linesman is well known as useless cunt too.


    I did catch the BBC commentators slating the ref and the linesman, however their main gripe was the diving of Lee Miller and how he seemed to be trying to get one of the jambos on a yellow card sent of by only diving near him. Thoughts?

  5. Yet again JC can't win with you mizer... maybe stuart duff should be at home dwelling on the fact he was nervous and made a mistake which cost us the game?

    Stop annoying me, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Go read what I wrote again min........Duff is an Aberdeen fan he will know fine well his mistake led to the goal in his debut and be gutted by that. JC saying yes he made a mistake but we are going to move on is not going to be any better than saying he was not to blame.


    The fact we don't have a big squad, the players are knackered and we're playing two games every other week is not the managers fault.  I think if we hadn't lost young and seve we would have won the game - so i'm angry at calderwood for injuring them! 


    I never mentioned the game, I agree with your sentiment about small squad/injuries/frequency of games and the injuries during the first half obviously affected the game. I didnt even really listen to the radio so I dont know how we played outwith people speaking to me on the phone after the game. I was just commenting on his strange stance on the goal.

    I have yet to see Duff play, undoubtedly I will see him on Tueday and then start to make a judgement. What better way to make up for your mistake and prove yourself than against your old team.


    p.s. were you at the match caller?


    No I was working, just like you have to.


    Jimmy Calderwood, when he wakes in the morning he tries to think up new ways to annoy Mizer.  ::);)


    Jimmy Calderwood is good at his job  :thumbsup:

  6. Jimmy Calderwood appears to be trying too hard into talking himself into believing Duff is a good player


    Duff was very unlucky' date=' I don't think he can foot the blame for the goal, it was a sore one for all of us and I won't be putting the blame on him. Stevie Lovell was picking his nose and it distracted Duff.[/quote']


    So he crucifies Lovell in the media last week but doest think "Stuart Duff's poor back-pass " was to blame for the goal see_stars.gif


    Jimmy, just say he was nervous in his first game and people make mistakes yadda yadda or something similar ph34r.gif Stop annoying me, please!!

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