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Posts posted by mizer

  1. Well done Ricky foster on a good game and saving that incompetent arab reject Mair. Mair is not a right back (or even a footballer on recent form) as he would drift into the middle (more frequently than Barack Obama) and leave the right back position exposed - 'its your position for the game you twat hole!'. :hammer:

  2. Few guys behind us were booing Clark when he was on the ball but we soon put them right  ;)

    FFS clark why is the world so sexist Its ALL your fault you racist bastard


    FFS Clark Langfeild should have scored from that goal kick! You retard!


    Clark shoot from your 6 yard box you cunt!


    Palestine - I blame clark! he's a bigot!




    Shut up those fucking retards  :thumbsup:






    That'll be a no then  :(




    The first 25 mins was pretty decent with us playing very much on the front foot until Falkirk worked out how to play us and then we were on the back foot the rest of the game. Some woeful defending on the right.


    AKA Lee Mair - every time he wanted to be a centre back and followed the forward/ wandered ineptly into the middle. How he played after last weeks ineptitude is bemusing - JC  must rate his oral sex, it is the only rational explanation!

  4. Falkirk striker Michael Higdon will miss the Scottish Cup fourth-round tie against Aberdeen with a knee injury.


    Goalkeeper Tim Krul returns from suspension, while Pedro Moutinho and captain Steven Thomson should feature.


    Aberdeen have injury concerns over Sone Aluko and Jamie Smith ahead of their trip to Falkirk in the Scottish Cup.


    Jackie McNamara, Darren Mackie and Michael Hart are all still out, but Andrew Considine is available after recovering from a hamstring injury.


    Falkirk: (from)  Krul, Ross, Holden, Scobbie, Barr, Cregg, Arfield, Riera, Finnigan, Latapy, Barrett, Milne, Aafjes, Moutinho, Thomson, Bradley, McBride, Olejnik.


    Aberdeen: (from) Langfield, Mair, Diamond, Touzani, Byrne, Foster, Aluko, Maguire, Nicholson, Severin, Clark, Young, Jamie Smith, De Visscher, Miller, Lovell, Jonathan Smith, Soutar, Dan Smith.


    Match Official: Michael McCurry





  5. Come on people do it properly!  >:D


    1. Mizer

    2. Glasgow Sheep (at last)

    3. Chimp

    4. Kowalski

    5-7. Jimmy Jimmy +2

    8-10. Edinburghdon + 2

    11. Tenement Funster - now subject to miraculous recovery

    12. Sheep #1

    13. Disco

    14. Stoner

    15. Linds

    16. Ecosse1

    17. Stewart

    18. Penfold

    19. Padre

    20-25. Nig + 5

    26-28. Dave min + 2

    29-29. Wazzamatazz + 1 AFC2

    31. The Doricle  Permission received to leave the missus and bairn again (unbelievably!)

    32-33. topcorner + 1

    34-35. stonefish100 +1

    36. Slim

    37-38. Aberdeen_Ladette + 1

    39-40. GlezgaRed + 1

    41-46. BigAl, SM'sW + 4 others

    47-59. Superstar Tradesman + a dozen others

    60-65. PtkDon + 4

    66-68. Millers Tache + 2 others

    69-72. Unit + 3

    73. BTR

    74-75. Roboafc +1

    76. Jagerdeen

  6. Now people have been saying that Clark especially will be getting abuse on Saturday. Have they thought this through? No they haven't! We can still get money for him, and if we are singing "Your not worth a fiver" etc etc at him and there is a scout up they may rumble he is not worth anything. There may be even more scouts there to watch our Scotland B International, so I vote we have wail and gnash our teeth to pretend we will miss him and try and get some money in for him.

  7. He only has a limited career, fuck it being it Aberdeen is not glamorous don't fool ourselves.


    He will get to play in the glamour tie, as he wont be leaving till the end of the season and will still be on his current wages.

  8. http://www.setantasports.com/en/Sport/News/Football/2008/01/07/SPL-Calderwood-on-Aberdeen-trio/?facets/sport-space/great-britain-locale/


    Aberdeen boss Jimmy Calderwood has told setantasports.com that a press conference will be held on Tuesday to announce what decision Chris Clark, Barry Nicholson and Michael Hart have come to with regards to their futures at Pittodrie.


    The trio have been mulling over their long-term commitment to the SPL club amid reports of interest from a number of clubs in their services.


    “It’s just to get clarification,†Calderwood told setantasports.com. “We need to know because you have wanting to know for a number of weeks now.


    “So, we may as well get it all done and dusted one way or the other.â€


    The Dons boss confirmed to setantasports.com that Tuesday is in fact D-Day for the contract rebels.


    He added: “Yeah, it is. And any questions that have to be asked can be and then hopefully we can put it all to bed.â€


    Calderwood confirmed that there is interest from down south in his players and conceded that the club would be unable to match any financial offer.

    “Well I know the standard of wages and all that is down south and there is interest for all them lads, and quite rightly so,†added Calderwood.


    “So, you have always got to fear the worst sometimes.â€


    Setantasports.com also understands Hearts are interested in Barry Nicholson, but according to the manager he would be very surprised should that link develop any further.


    He added: “I have just heard the same as you, I’ve not heard from Barry himself. But with no disrespect to Hearts Football Club I would be very surprised if he went to Hearts.â€


    As the contract talks have become somewhat protracted Calderwood has called upon the ‘rebels’ to give the fans and the club an answer to end all the speculation, but he is also determined that he will not tolerate being left in a situation where he is desperately searching for players to replace the trio.


    Calderwood said: “I don’t think it’s fair to your club and supporters.


    “They could wait until the last minute, then all four of them would go and then you’re rushing about trying to get players.â€

  9. I dinna ken fit daftie drafted that message but they are spreading confusion once again. Saying only st holders and shareholders will get tickets and through a ballot - like we will be taking far more than 6000!


    Supporters clubs have been sent an email stating that there is a allocation for each club (probably similar to Madrid), hopefully they use the CIS semi order as we have aboot 70 fowk fae oor lot going  :thumbsup:

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