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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Ten Caat

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Everything posted by Ten Caat

  1. 2 match ban it is then. We don't play in blue and have a stadium in south west Glasgow so there's not a hope in hell we will win
  2. Any word on Charles Aznavour though?
  3. Celtic have a bit of a point as hearts used Murrayfield for 4 games last season whilst their newest pink bus shelter was being erected. and is only a short stroll under the railway away from Tynecastle. Although conveniently forgetting that their ground is only 1.5 miles from Hampden and that they used Hampden as a home ground themselves for a season albeit 20 odd years ago. Drawing lots to see which tie gets played where seems the fairest way to do it but I think Plod Scotland will throw a spanner in the works and say they want our game at Hampden as it would be a logistical nightmare to police us and sevco arriving into Haymarket and trying to keep us separate on the walk out to Murrayfield.
  4. ^^^^^^ this
  5. I think half the time they are being paid to allow the paper to put their name to the article and that the article itself is actually written by some apprenctice reporter. Thus the more controversial the article, the better chance the junior hack has of actually getting a proper gig down the line
  6. Been printed in the press (I know I know) on a number of occasions, he supposedly wants anonymity. Theyve got over 40k season ticket holders but it's only this season theyve outspent the Dhims and started paying £3million for players so I'm inclined to believe it. I dont think even sevco would be mad enough to splash the kind of cash they have without having it covered. If they had spunked all that without a backer and not made the Europa League play offs, they would now be in a financial black hole that could have bust them before Xmas. As it is, their gamble has paid off and even if no more cash is injected, they are probably ok financially for at least this season and next now.
  7. The world......and football.....has changed since the days of the mid eighties when were winning championships. n those days we were the highest paying team in Scotland.....and Man U got a shock when they came in for Fergie and Knox and found out we were paying Knox more than they were Ron Atkinson whom they had just fired. The sad fact is no team outwith Celtic and sevco will ever win the league again under the present circumstances. And sevco I reckon are at least 3 years away from doing it........if they don't go bust trying beforehand. Hearts have a decent lead atm but they have yet to face us, sevco and Hibs. They will drop points soon and Celtic will be ahead of them by late November at the latest. Sevco will overtake them in the New Year. I think ourselves, Hearts and Hibs will cut each others throats but this season I reckon they have just got too much of a lead for us to claw it back. Buying the league as Celtic do just isn't the sport I knew when growing up. A Celtic and sevco-less league would produce different champions most years....i doubt any team would ever win more than 2 or 3 in a row at most. But our chairman licks the dangleberries off the arses of both cheeks. "We need a strong Rangers".......no Wiggy we need a dead sevco and a Celtic playing elsewhere
  8. Geoffrey out of Rainbow Bungle is said to be devastated
  9. Makes no odds what we think. As long as the present system remains, Celtic will operate on a different planet from us due to their financial superiority. And sevco will start winning cups sooner rather than later although I'd love to know who their mystery financial backer is this season and if it falls within financial fair play rules. They could also go bust at any time.....their whole model is a house of cards. Ourselves, Hearts and Hibs might win a cup every 5 years or so (given a kind draw) and a rabbit like Killie or St Johnstone might win one every 20 years or so (given a bizarrely flukey draw). Even if we suddenly found a financial backer willing to pump millions into us I actually still think we would struggle to recruit the players that would land us the title on account of our geographic position. We are located in a relatively small city in a northern outpost of a tiny country on the periphery of Europe. Just don't think many players would want to up sticks and move to a freezing cold place when they have options in better leagues in countries with a nicer climate (and likely better tax conditions as well).
  10. He comes from Hill O' Beath in Fife. It's quite a special place. Makes Bedrock (where Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble live) look like Manhattan.
  11. That cannot happen. If it did then fans of every other team in Scotland would start lobbing thousands in loose change at the poor linesman nearest the away section at Ibrokes. Mind you sevco probably wouldn't mind if the cash they collected from the sidelines covered any fines
  12. Sevco beaten 1-0 at Livi By a goal scored by Dolly
  13. Csaba "leaves position" at the arabs
  14. Starting to go a bit tits up for Europe. As it stands they'll cling on for a narrow victory but the Yanks hve points in the bag , Europe's guys with leads are still mid round and have time to be reeled in. Great TV though
  15. Doncaster should have been booted back south of the border by every chairman in Scotland after the oldco/newco stitch up. Only Turnbull Hutton of raith had the guts to say anything publicly though, and Wiggy should hold his head in shame forever after his "we need to move on" capitulation. Regan was forced to resign from the GFA a couple of years back and Dungcaster should have followed him out the SPFL but instead he effectively copped a bit of a promotion by getting added to the SFA board. The best thing for Scottish football now would be Celtic joining the English league set up and sevco going bust (although I'm sure i read somewhere that rules have been changed and even if they did go bust they could form a newnewco and remain in the league set up with only a minimal points deduction). Otherwise we are doomed forever to a 2 horse race as it was from the mid 80s onwards
  16. He certainly would have been a better acquisition than Forrester. And would have been free. To be fair to him he did look decent in the last couple of months of last season when he had perhaps lost half a stone of the bulk he carried when he first signed. Killie have got the rest off and now he looks a good piece of business but he's only there on loan for the season so we could get him on a pre contract in January.
  17. And fat Looks at stone lighter down at Killie
  18. Just had a wee look at caravan mad for the first time in about 3 years. Same old roasters wanting yet another manager fired. Shedka, Tugboat, Deebuster et al.......Lord I've missed your absolutely crackpot postings and promise I wont leave it another 3 years (by which time there is a decent chance you could be in League 1 ) before I check in again to see which manager you want fired on that particular week.
  19. Thought May did ok tbh. The chances we had all fell to others......GMS really should have scored late in the first half. Just looked at the possession stats on bbc website says we only had 33%. There's no doubt the dhims had more of the ball but it didn't seem like it was that much. On another day we would have escaped with a point Problem is we didn't and both Hibs and Hearts extended their leads over us. Sevco probably will do the same tomorrow. Vital we take all 3 points next week before heading into the international break. After that our programme gets a lot easier whilst theirs gets tougher and should allow us to start playing catch up.
  20. Fucking back heeled goal bastards
  21. Decent display so far. Could, probably should, be 1 up. COYR!
  22. Caravan dwellers go 5-1 down at home to coonty Csaba must stay!
  23. Never ever seen so many top players go for a dook. FFS half an hour ago a hole was haved in triple bogies where the yanks were in the water twice and Europe still couldnt win the hole. Still the best live sport event of all though
  24. His teeth were so badly aligned
  25. He said yesterday it was bullshit only link is that Ireland is a friend of Logan
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