Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen
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Everything posted by Ten Caat
Sevco have just bought a crock English reserve player for £3million. Would he get McKenna's place in the Dons team? Absolutely not..... So no way should the club accept anything less than what an established international player goes for. Which is northwards of £5million. As said by another.....he is better than Hanley who went to Newcastle from Blacburn for £5million a couple of years back and then sold on to Norwich for a (rumoured) £3.5million a year later
Now a Scotland first pick and probable long term captain....there is no way we should be selling for anything less than £5 million and with a hefty percentage of any future sell on fee too.
I'll be investing in that one
Although hoping for Tunisia to get a result against Guffland I am a realist and expect them to lose. Guffland I would then expect to end up facing Colombia in the round of 16, again I think they will get through this. Depending on results it was then supposed to be Brazil or Germany in the quarters. Haven't looked at the tables or done the maths but with both of them getting piss poor results in the opening games I really hope we don't find that half of the draw suddenly opening up and giving the Guffies a relatively easy march to the semi's.
It's only one end loon. There will be plenty space to accomodate you elsewhere in the ground in comfort and safety. I'm all for the safe standing section and hope everyone one get behind it to ensure the club makes it happen.
aye Iceland get my vote too even despite what Arnason said.....
Thank f@ck for some proper football. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco and Iran involved in the first 3 games was hardly the crackerjack opening the World Cup deserves.
So the obvious solution is to sign a striker whose attributes do suit McInnes' tactics rather than try to fit a square peg into a round hole. Agree it isn't Rooney's fault but having him on the left wing last season was like playing with a man down.
I'd have to question your "biological fact" statement. There are cases of identical twins ( who share the exact DNA profile with each other as they result from a single fertilised egg separating into 2 embryoes) where one twin is straight and the other gay/lesbian. I'm sure I read recently that a theory as to why guys turn out to be gay ( there was no mention of why lesbians are so and the theory wouldn't fit i believe in their case) is that the developing baby in utero has its brain accidentally "washed" with large dose of oestrogen from the mother. Not sure how this fits with the identical twins where one twin (the straight one) would avoid the oestrogen overdose.
Can't really see him getting much better than Yinited, he could probably go to a Motherwell or even just up the road from Tannadump but the caravan dwellers are spending (relatively) big in what looks like an all out gamble to get back up this coming season and on paper certainly seem no worse than those sides mentioned. If he can agree a contract with them I'd hope he is allowed to leave for free as thanks for his service. Would be epically funny if the gamble failed though
A bloody nose, 2 broken legs, a corner flag rammed up his Gary Glitter and one way ticket back to Liverpool courtesy of the orc hordes demanding his immediate sacking....
I wouldnt say its homophobic for a straight guy to be repulsed by the thought of what they get up to sexually or even just kissing each other. What I will stand up for is their right to be and do what they want (within the law of course). It shouldn't be anyones business but their own and shouldn't be labelled as abnormal. It's just different.
I'm certainly no do gooder, just that firstly I went through primary school with 2 boys who we all knew were gay before they even did (and shamefully I and all the other guys taunted them at the time for being "poofs". We knew no better) Both indeed as adults did turn out to be gay but are both in long term relationships and extremely successful businessmen. I am proud after 40 odd years to still call them friernds. Secondly, my chosen profession was General Nursing. I started my training in 1985 and in those days it was certainly true that in that branch of nursing many of the males were homosexual (psychiatric nursing conversely had relatively few gay guys in it). Yes there were some who were overtly effeminate but others unless you knew them personally you wouldn't have a clue about their sexuality they were in every respect "normal" blokes who just happened to fancy other blokes. Again I'm proud to call the ones that I knew friends. I would never deny anyone's right to free speech. If the views you hold contrast against mine that is entirely your right. Won't stop me finding them offensive though. And I really do hope your comments about "fancying wee boys" in a later post were a crude (and unsuccessful) attempt at injecting some humour into the thread......
Only gay footballer I can think of who openly admitted his sexuality was Justin Fashanu who most certainly dd not "mince" and definitely never wimped out of any challenges. Sol Campbell....vaguely remember some rumours but don't think they were ever substantiated. Again, even if he was, his attitude on the park was never anything other that one million percent committed and never shirked a challenge. There is a worrying amount of rank homophobia in this thread. If it was 1978 i could probably understand it (though in no way condone it)...different generation, different values.... but this is 2018 fgs. I'm actually nauseated at some of the comments...
4 full ROI caps isn't really an "uninspiring" signing and as said before he has played at a decent level so this one I am fully behind and hope we get him in asap
Fartz looking to get Freddie Woodman in on loan for a year.
Dons offering player plus cash for Naismith........bye bye Tansey then
I wish I had your sense of optimism LA......however the spoonburners are also supposedly interested hopefully he will decide to end his career where it all began.
Big fat DJ was actually a decent striker in those days. Always looked a bit on the hefty side even then though, perhaps explains why he always preferred to play at centre half (less running required). I was 11 then just finishing primary 7. The hype was unbelieveable in the months leading up to the Finals. A year previous in the summer of '77 Scotland went on a 3 match tour of South America. Beat Chile 4-2, drew 1-1 with Argentina....if memory serves me right Willie Johnston got a red card and Argentina were awarded a ridiculously dubious late penalty by a dodgy ref allowing them to equalise.....then on to Brazil where we lost 2-0 in the Maracana but weren't disgraced. Looking back on things I think the general consensus was that the World Cup came 12 months too late for that squad. A good few of the first picks were 30 or over by '78 ( bear in mind in those days where lots of players smoked and virtually everyone enjoyed a good drink, retirement often came aged 32-33) and they just didn't have the physical conditioning to cope in the Argentinian heat. McLeod still has to bear the brunt of the blame for the failure though. He never even bothered have anyone scout Peru or Iran. Had he done so he would have realised Peru were a damn sight better than anyone in the UK realised. And Iran, whilst fit and organised, were weak defensively. Doubt we will ever have a better chance again of doing well at a World Cup. That squad despite being a year past their peak definitely had the ability to have come 3rd or 4th.
He is as fit as he could be for someone nearing 39. Would probably also be an asset to the coaching staff looking after the youngsters. But he is a sevconian....
Now reported in the Record
Unless they move back to the 3pm slot vacated by us....
Few sevconians reckon Kenny Miller is on the verge of signing for us. Hope to f@ck theyve been on the jungle juice and are just havering
I wouldn't give a flying f@ck if all 11 of them were buggering the life out of each other so long as they were delivering us trophies on a regular basis. As long as they were laying off the bevvy ( or any other substance), what the hell they get up to in their life outside football really is of no consequence to anyone.