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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Gervaise_Brookhampster

  1. She's one of the few "celebs" that you can google her with nude at the end and get 3 or 4 real pics of her taken many years ago, nae the best picters but you can see....fanny.... tits..... ahin!
  2. After 20 posts you will see the names simmie and durrant under your rating, you can give people a +1 rating (simmie) which is more or less a like in the old Mad forum or a Durrant which is a -1 Collect 100 likes for a feel o Lisa Tarbucks left pap 1000 and you get to chew on her massive broon nipple* * the last bit might be wishfull thinking
  3. Yaaas Buc I was hoping a nice juicy wifie would lure you in!
  4. Lisa for me, Lorraine would be a fair dirl though, I just prefer "the fuller figure" and Id love a go on Lisas paps
  5. She looks like she's just escaped fae Walters dungeon.
  6. Goes without saying, loving the sneeky suspender/stocking look the dirty auld hoor. Bet she likes the orals both giving and recieving and would have a clit like a budgies tongue
  7. Looks good Crazz min have a simmie rating point on me....almost retracted due to your divot o loaf
  8. Fuck me Donsdaft we have clashed! I'd give janet a Sticky Back and it wouldn't be plastic!
  9. A bit quiet today so thought I'd spice it up a bit with a milf fatty Good thing about doing this on donstalk is I can repeat wifies that have been done on Mad a year or two ago. I like woman with a sense of humour(rare) and with a bit of meat on them so Liza Tarbuck wyowyn?
  10. Enjoyed that, great to see the display at parkred. To think we are only 90 minutes away from that again....... Mind you it will more than likely be vs the victim fc so we wont have nearly so much of the stadium to do that sort of display........getting ahead o maesel....one game at a time
  11. Aye she is stunning right enough, thing is Malaga min, your still a young bloke with high standards, when you get to a certain age, your standards drop, that template of beauty becomes a bit samey and unachievable, you start to like a droopy tit here.... a wrinkle there..... a belly..... some curves etc. Then you get to a point like me where you would shag a barbers fleer
  12. I'm nae the sort o person that knowingly pisses folk off, (although i have had a durrant or 2 of late )nae sure what to do now Dinna want RicoS321 having an eppy
  13. Looks fab as always Malaga! making me hungry ....is it denner time yet?
  14. I would certainly show her some Big Time Sensuality! I get the impression she would be "experimental" between the sheets like, think she would have a right hairy biffter like a bear trappers hat. I'd certainly like to make her violently happy.
  15. 20 posts before they kick in min
  16. TheDeeDon sort of guessed my next choice in the saturday wyowyn post Tv presenter and general all round Jolly Hocky stick type Kirstie Allsopp wyowyn
  17. There you go, happy to oblige
  18. Haahahhaa
  19. Back on the So Co
  20. Haha was that you gave me a durrant Ive went back to 0 ! Good to see you got it sorted, she was worth waiting for.
  21. Aye they are all her, the last een is taken from a screen shot of Property Ladder from 10 to 15 years ago, the others more recent. As said by BigAl she looks like she has had a hard paper round and hasn't worn well, still like a go with those tits though!
  22. Haha I was going to say I think one a day is enough!
  23. The simmie/durrant thing is a way of rating someones post .... I gave you a simmie so you got 1 rating if I had done a Durrant you would get a -1 , it's a sort of like button.
  24. Pity we cant get Pacman and Buc and a few of the others that are left to come over and try Donstalk out. Once you jump in and get settled it's as good if not better with none of the drawbacks.
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