A situation where this is about the only thing to say Ajja. It makes sense to me, football is cyclical, shifting the numbers of teams in the league will achieve fuck all, splitting the league will achieve fuck all. Spending money on facilities and good quality coaching will. If you suddenly drop so much cash you can't do that.
The game is pretty bad, cash is tight and it will get tighter so the chances are the game will suffer too, moaning about how many shite teams are in a shite league won't make a lot of difference. Good coaching and good facilities will help more than whatever number you think should be in the league, it has to be our way forward and I think it looks like the folk in charge of developing the future talent at the club seem to know what they are doing, I suppose we just have to trust that the people in charge of the finances do too, but given Milne has already stated his preference for a top 10 then it would appear he has got one small bit correct.