Yeah, you were right all along about Calderwood. I was happy he got the job. The current crop of applicants has got me sighing with a little relief that McGhee has pretty much sewn it up.
They cannot afford that! Wtf the fuck? There have to be instalments and sell ons and shit in there. Reputedly this dude is bit of a knob away from the park.
Good luck Mark, with the most fickle support in the land. Hughes wouldn't be a bad signing at all but I reckon our central pairing are better. Still, a good player.
Pretty suspect for all of them to be fair and I expect would have been sent off for the penalty incident, had it not been a friendly.
The were all decent finishes but he was fucking no place for all of them.
If he commanded a fee he was anyway but as it's just a friendly and Norn Irn have a lot of regulars missing, it ain't gonna be recession busting figures.