Fuck me, it's the great "I am" again.
Despite his horrendous and pontificating manner of presenting his opinion of McGhee's interview, I do think Rocket, and McGhee, make valid points and points we probably all suspect to be the case.
There must be issues within that board and I've long thought there are some well thick individuals amongst the players. And Rocket is right to say he has been there and worked inside AFC so has a valid opinion on how the place operates. By no means indicates it is accurate or indeed fair.
Let's face it, the only mistake he owns up to is not "doing due diligence" because he played for us once, however well. The whole tone and content of his responses just reek of that abortion of an interview he gave in the aftermath of the 9-0. This, in fact, sounded like a piece of self promotion by rubbishing his previous employers to try to erase a catastrophic period in his career. Anyone who read all of that would be justified in thinking he is a bitter cunt but I don't think he comes across like that deliberately.
Let's face it, going to be jobs coming up soon.
I really don't think I like Mark McGhee and I definitely no longer have any respect for him, mainly because he's made me dislike a playing legend at the club I love.