Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen
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Everything posted by CvB
the more the weegie press report that its a done deal then the more huns will gamble their giro and punt it on, thus the odds will drop. If he wants to leave then I'm not sure just how that's going to impact the squad, what will piss me off the most is if as a club we just bend over to those fucking skint cunts and let them dictate this whole fucking pantomime.
I can't remember if it was here on twitter or somewhere else, but I've said it before, if the hun are going to make a sleekit approach to tap McInnes up then it's going to be over the international break. That way an absence is less conspicuous. I do however think that the hun ego will mean they're going to look for somebody with the same "pedigree" as brenda at the tims. They'll look at the difference he's made since taking over and covet something similar for themselves. Even with the likes of Coyle and Clarke coming back up north to reestablish managerial careers I suspect their thinking will be based more around a proven EPL manager. But, that's just my thoughts based on no fact, so, pretty much like your average west coast journalist then.
Pedro?? I'd be surprised if they've paid up Warburton yet.
He's always got a bit of a "rabbit caught in the headlights" expression about him. Like I said, lets just say he only had 3 or 4 beers and got pished on it. We all know a lightweight who'll come out for a pint with the boys but gets hammered early doors. That doesn't make them a disgrace, it just means that they're not used to drinking copious amounts of booze, so lets just guess that's the case, rather than he's a 20 pint a night alkie who likes a scrap. Either scenario could be accurate, I don't know, I'm just guessing pretty much the same as you are, however, my guess is a glass half full benefit of the doubt guess, whereas you're more than happy to write him off a month into the season. Wild assumptions about it being "probably more than the bevvy" says more about you than it does him. Should professional footballers drink alcohol? I'd say that if you wanted to become the absolute best at what you are doing then no, you shouldn't. A finely tuned top athlete will count every calorie consumed and record every calorie expelled to keep themselves at the absolute top of their levels. As a culture, Scotland is way behind many parts of the world as far as attitude and culture to drink is concerned, that's why as a nation we fail to produce exceptional footballers in comparison to many similarly sized smaller nations. He went out, big deal He got a bit pished, big deal OK, he nearly drowned in a Glasgow river - That is a deal, but without any actual knowledge of the incident (and I refuse to believe that anything written in a shit stirring glasgow based tabloid) then I'm going to assume that it was a freak, one off unfortunate occurrence. Maybe he was trying to get away from an escalating incident and didn't realize that he was away to plunge into a river, maybe he thought he'd be quicker swimming over to the other side than wait for a taxi, maybe he was pissed and stumbled down the bank and fell in or maybe he was just so hot from the eccies he'd taken that he needed a cool down....I've no idea but I would like to think that he's learned from it.
Poor attitude? Getting blootered and some wide weegie takes exception...not quite sure how you come to that stunning conclusion. Let's put another made up spin on it. Good on GMS, has a few beers and gets pished. Lightweight, needs to get out more since he's clearly a part time drinker and can't handle his bevvy. Fair play for getting involved in a toe to toe with some weegie minker, shows the boy has a bit of fight about him. Lets translate that onto the park and push on.
He wasn't a bad player for Utd and hopefully can be for us. Best put his time at celtic behind him. He'll not be a Jonny Hayes, but we've got Scott Wright for that. I was genuinely enthused by his signing and have every faith that given some time to settle in that he'll show some return. I'll never expect him to go thundering into a tackle or go toe to toe with a lego muncher like Brown, but not every player has to be a hardy bastard.
4 games into the season and folk are writing the boy off as a nutter, a waste of space and all the other pish. Seriously? I despair sometimes, I really fucking do.
So, a change manager and not as you would lead us to believe an architect or an infrastructure planner? If I was being fatherly it wouldn't be a comforting arm I was putting round your shoulders it would be a skelp round the lug you'd be getting. Get it into your thick skull, all of the info that has been solicited from people who are actually qualified to pass fact rather than just opinion would appear to point towards the Pittodrie site being unsuitable to redevelop a stadium to the requirements that as a club they want/need, so maybe its time that you accepted that instead of repeating the same unproven, unfactual bullshit.
I understand peoples reluctance to change, major change always makes people nervous because it's full of unknowns. People need to bear in mind that we're talking about Kingswells here. Aberdeen isn't that big a city, we're not talking about a move out into the middle of nowhere like Alford (I know, that's not within the city boundaries but using it to make a point). While the move to a new stadium is an unknown, it's compounded by multiple other unknowns. Parking, access, shuttle buses, new bypass etc etc. I get it, I really do, but there's too much fixation on a lot of shit that you have either no way of influencing or no real idea what the impact will be. Will the opening of the bypass vastly improve the flow of traffic through the city and if so, how long will it take to shuttle from the city centre to Kingswells? The official studies forecast that will be the case, but I am no transport infrastructure planner so really I can't say one way or the other. What I do know is that there will be much easier access to a stadium located in Kingswells based on the fact that there will be big new fucking major road that services the site. Shuttle buses, will it be a pain in the arse? Maybe, then again maybe not. It depends on whether it's done properly or done half arsed. Much in the same way that the people objecting to this concept do, I'll make my own conclusions and say that on top of the Afc/cooncil busses I'd anticipate that certain bars that are normally busy pre and post match may lay their own minibuses. I used to get the bus from the Rosemount to Pittodrie, so it's not a new idea. You know what though, if you have to go into town and go to a certain or bar or restaurant then just go into town half an hour earlier than you do now. Embrace change, embrace the future, you never know, it might turn out to be not as shit as you fear.
I know lists of stuff are really no gauge on a film, song etc, but just saw this on the BBC website. A top 100 list of film comedies. No place for See No Evil, Hear No Evil... just marks this top 100 out for the crock of shite it is.
Ach, now I'm confused. Per chance did I get 10 points for something? Really interested to see this points table Is it a competition? Can I exchange these points for a prize? Ken fit, I'll post some more laughing emojis and see what i get for that :rofl:
I think I must be dead inside. Oh, there's the sun.... Oh, there goes the sun.... Oh, the suns back again. shrug shoulders and carry on with life. Maybe it's because I'm from a place where we hardly see the bastarding ball of fire in the sky anyway.
I've never watched a UFC fight in my life before. I'm aware of it's existence and aware of McGregor, but the first time I've ever seen or heard of him was in the build up to this absolute pantomime. He's certainly not come across well. From what I've seen of him he's a grade A knobjockey and I hope he gets the living crap beat out of him in Round 1.
In all fairness I've seen disagreements in pubs over stuff that's a lot less trivial than a stadium move that ended up with blood being spilled. It's got down to trying to score points over each other now, which is absolutely pathetic. Like two little kids squabbling over which one is the favourite and trying to make the other one look bad. As much as I disagree with some of the 'arguments' from both sides, I'm not going to come to blows with anyone over their choice, I may well reserve the right to call them a dick of course
It's all around you, CCTV cameras can track your movements, one of the shopping centres in the city, can't remember which one, tracks your movements through your mobile phone and can tell what shops you go into, if one does it, I'm sure the others do it a well. The only way to stay off the "Big Brother" radar is to go completely dark and off grid. Be as well start digging a big hole for your own fallout shelter while you're at it. As technology improves, perhaps advances is a better term, then the ability to check, double check and track to the minute detail does as well. Edited to add link. Bon Accord and St Nicholas are the 2 in Aberdeen that are mentioned in a different 2012 article, but it links to a Daily Main financial site, so I'll leave that one
Febo, that's the place
I thought he was already gone. His brother (I think it was a brother, might have been some other relative though) used to be the janny at my primary school. Affa fine bloke but dead for many a year.
Biometrics, be that a fingerprint a palm print or an iris scan, does mean that the swipe card/season ticket isn't transferable. I've nothing to hide, my fingerprints are readily available from several different countries where I go through e-gates with ease rather than standing in lines of people at immigration. I know I'm not going to do anything where leaving my fingerprints is going to pose an issue and to be honest, if I did something stupid like kill a hooker in a drink and drug fueled orgy then I probably deserve to get caught. Stuff like that really should speed up admission into stadiums, ease the queues at kiosks etc. I remember a chain of places in Amsterdam, can't remember the name but they basically had a vending machine style shop front, freshly cooked stuff going in and then punters just popping their cash into the slot and taking their food. Much better than some spotty twat who can only remember one pie at a time. Take the physical handing over of cash out of the equation and things move so much quicker.
While you're having a meltdown, any reponse to the random figure you came up as a ticket price for the new Kingsford stadium? Or was that just a whooooooooosh as well? Honestly, never heard the term whooooooosh used so much since my youngest was in his "look how big I am" phase, which was about 5 or 6 years old.
True story or just more made up shite to help your anti Kingsford rhetoric? aye, made up shite like this statement, did you base this on anything other than the fact that you have decided that there's a threshold to your outlay on football and this randomly plucked figure will exceed that? There's plenty of "if only's" If only Milne had bought up all the houses around Pittodrie, if only we could redirect the streets around Pittodrie to allow expansion, if only we'd bought the old lumber yard etc, etc, etc. That's not how businesses work, especially one where we haven't exactly been sitting on a pot of gold that we were able to spend on land that would not provide any return until a point in time where we were ready to rebuild. Pittodrie is done, accept it. I've had bars and favourite restaurants close on me, I wish the owners could have made them more profitable and continued to trade, but they couldn't, I was disappointed, I moved on. Leaving Pittodrie will be a wrench, but this is how it is. Sadly there aren't huge swathes of land lying in the city centre that a new purpose built stadium can be located, which means the stadium will have to go somewhere North, South or West and ideally within the city boundries. I'm struggling to think of an ideal location.
you know what, I really can't be arsed trawling through the shite that's been posted on the various threads, so where exactly do folk propose we build a new stadium? Lets accept that Pittodrie is a non starter, the footprint of the stadium does not avail its self to a nice sparkly new all singing all dancing stadium. So, what's the proposals by all the naysayers?
i'm not complaining and I commend the board for sanctioning the signings that we've made. The money for Hayes has helped, but imagine a Jonny Hayes in addition to this squad...
For sure the international qualifiers in Sept and October should be boycott...although it would be hard to figure out whether its because we're shit or because of a protest.
The problem is, Scottish football is regarded as a joke because the SPL, SPFL or whatever bunch of non entities that run the game call themselves, only market 4 games a season. As far as they are concerned and as far as the rest of the world are aware, Scottish fitba consists of two teams, so to drag one of those two teams names through the mud then it does damage the reputation of the game. All of these self serving sycophantic cunts are in it for themselves. There's no bigger picture, there's no transparency and there's no "greater good" It's time to dissolve everything and start from scratch.
might be believable if they had some fucker we needed. Genuine question, which current hun would make a positive impact on our squad?