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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Elgindon

  1. Elgindon


    we were trying to work out if the lawyer woman(no,thats my hourly rate) was the same woman that played Rentons girfriend from T1?
  2. Indeed.i was attracted by the cheapo price,but actually pretty decent
  3. San Pietro Chianti with a Chinese after the cinema. Very nice
  4. Elgindon


    Nephew crashing at mine for the w/e so we went in to see T2.Thought T1 was a bit grim,but enjoyed this one a lot 8/10
  5. Is that FFS Taylor,or Bearsdenred? Thought Taylor was ok,apart from the odd aimless hoof,Rynolds too
  6. Cheers,will look that one up,and bubble and squeak
  7. Like cabbage too,I'm never sure what to do with it,because of the quantity.Polish golubka? is about the best recipe Ive found but theres usually enough cabbage for almost a weeks worth(and possibly another to deal with in the next delivery)
  8. Changed the veg box* this week,and made a surprisingly nice Celeriac,Squash and fennel soup with what they supplied. *They still managed to chuck in a cabbage though
  9. Goals here http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/38778676
  10. Comfortable win. Personally would persevere with Rooney in the hope he clicks again.Weve only recently gone back to a more familiar attack,Hayes,McGinn,Rooney.Familiarity may have been part of the problem? Off form,but still managed 13 goals. Looking forward(ish) to Parkhead. COYR
  11. here http://chat.donstalk.co.uk/example/default.html
  12. Were over on the matchday live chat.
  13. Am now out for the fitba,so making do with Guiness golden ale again.Fine
  14. Nae doubting shes gotthe body and the looks,but have to decline unfortunately,because I hate her flippin guts
  15. Hope we all survived the harrowing winter conditions( grey sky,4 mph winds),look forward to getting back to fitba. Sounds like Christie will play at some point.Nae doubt theres folk waiting to get on his back,so hopefully hits the ground running.Potentially a better player than Maddison,too Who knows what Deeks got planned for the rest of the line up COYR
  16. Hope so.The more recent Friday night games havnt had many more than normal. I'll go 12,235
  17. Had high hopes for him earlyon.If it was an open pacy game he could look good,eg that Falkirk cup game.He was making some great cheeky wee runs around the box in that one,but in a lot of other games got muscled out or disappeared Got rave reviews early part of his UTD career.Not sure what happened since then
  18. Canna find it online ,but from memory I think the away end holds about 2,200? not sure if that includes the wendy house thing they wheel out for bigger games. Wonder if theyd give us a bit of the main stand if the home end didnt sell out(like ICT do)?
  19. 1 - 1 into ET
  20. Ha,similar to me.Bettings never bothered me,and only ever betted on the Grand National once.We were sitting in the pub(might have been a cup final day) and thought we'd all have a flutter on the National.I stuck a fiver on Mr Frisk,around 1990.Came in at 33/1.Nice one ,I thought,thats nae going to happen again.Havna bothered with it since.
  21. Thats the stuff!
  22. Always like a bit of Friday night fitba,and a free Saturday .Forecast not too bad. In or oot - In Furryboots - SS X Pre/post - Driving Prediction - 3 - 1 Rooney hat-trick,assuming hes not at l/b
  23. Did he not have a daughter with Debbie Rowe?(he says after a wiki search) EDIT - Seems there were question marks over him being the biological father at the time
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