I feel sorry for the doctors and nurses,eg in the NHS,who after they/we committed ourmselves to the Covid jab,( I think the majority of us initially did) are now seeing the adverse reactions fallout post vaccine,...but at the same time,the doctors/nurses are having to make the effort to maintain the confidence of the public in the vaccine.
What none of us were made aware of at the time the jabs came out,was the FDA list of possible adverse event outcomes related to the vaccine such as we're seeing now,eg Mio and Pericarditis,Guillame Barre syndrome. Over 1m adverse events recorded to date. Wheres the informed consent? Assuming those figures are correct,how can anyone be critical of folks who want to look at alternative ways to combat the virus? If youre fit and under 40,(and with a 95% Covid survival rate) , if you take the right things to prime your immune system,eg Vit C,Vit D,Quercetin,Magnesium and Zinc,along with having eg Ivermectin/Melatonin or Nasal/throat sprays at hand,why would anyone argue with someone preferring to take that route?
Why the push for kids,esp in the US,to get vaxxed when 99.5% of them will recover from Covid. The risks from the jab far outweigh the benefits in their case IMO.eg chances of Miocarditis increase manyfold versus adults due to undeveloped organs/immune systems.
Why the,what appears to be a, concerted effort to silence/censor doctors for administering alternatives that appear to be effective. This guy gave 3 elderly patients,who were failing with Covid,Ivermectin after they asked for it.All 3(2 in their 70s,one 95) started improving in less than a day,and have all now recovered. He was dismissed as a result. (Ignore the Nuremberg shite in the clip) Canadian Doctor Suspended for treating Covid patients (rumble.com)
Another Suspended Texas doctor who promoted ivermectin as Covid treatment resigns from hospital (nbcnews.com)