Getting our knickers in a twist over not very much.We were a goal down after 16 mins,and 2 down after 37 at the LC final,hence an understandable lack of atmosphere.
The SC final should take care of itself.Could argue its better having the singers spread around more.
But ach meantime lets get on each others tits before the final
Ive mentioned something similar a few times.Why not even trial playing without a recognised striker like Rooney or Stockley.It would force Hayes,McGinn,Christie etc to cut out aimless punts into the middle,and encourage better movement,while making our attacks quicker at the same time.All 3 are capable of end product
^^^You should frame it,its a cracking post
We should also explore other ways of how we supply ball to Rooney, and try to involve him more in the build up play around the box.Wonder if Christie would be a good foil for him if we were to go down the inlikely event of 2 up front
Pawlett starts,no Jack(not on bench either,injured?)
Pawlett Subs - Aexander,Oconnor,Christie,Storey,Stockley,Ross,Wright
Diane Abbot doesnt seem to have learned from her gaffe the other day.I almost feel sorry for the silly cow,but theres a bit of a witchunt for her now.She needs to be ditched Asap.If she spent less time trying to sound knowledgable,she might actually have become knowledgeable
Think some of the Tory gains in Scotland last night were more about the blue rinse brigade getting out in numbers to give the SNP a 'no referendum' bloody nose?
Chuffed for Andy,likeable down to earth loon,great work ethic.
Christie getting an award for about 12 mins of game time is a nonsense though.Saying that,be happy for him to sign next season.
In or oot - Working up at Crathie,depends what time I finish
Pre/post - Driving if in
Furryboots - SS X
Prediction - A nice 3 - 0 build up to the final, Rooney,McGinn x2
Agreed,we need to keep on the front foot.The amount of times weve lost goals when weve tried to manage games .Were just not good enough at it,nor does it suit us IMO.
We had some bright spells of football yesterday,but other times a bit clumsy in the pass.And slow in ideas, or anticipation for the next pass.We'll need to be brighter in thought and movement going by the way Celtic quickly pressed today.Yesterday was useful in what not to do.