Heres a few that we frequented but no longer exist.
Coming off the train for the fitba,our first port of call was either Aitchies,over the road on Guild St,or the Scotch corner nearby.We were underage at the time,and looked it,but they were never too busy,and were happy with the custom.Another was the Clansman,up the Adelhpi.Think it was only the once.We had "lunch" there and the best they could do was a minging mince pie,chips and beans.Didna go back in a hurry
The Drift Inn was also a very regular haunt.Normally a bit of a dive,but on a Saturday afternoon it was often stowed out when they held the blues jams,as did Oh Henrys,c/w with Jerry Jablonski ably and beautifully supported by Kim the dancer who came on during the breaks .My mate was the drummer at The Drift Inn and (being an ex drummer myself) often got invited up for a thrash.
The Venue - A bit of a dive in reality,but saw some great bands there in the 80s,same as Dobbies Ale House.Some cracking bands and drunken nights in both places
Heaps more coming to mind but that will do for now