A reply on Rangers Media to someone who said they should drop down to the 3rd div to take the money away from the SPL.
They would only suffer for three seasons and then its back to where we are now,leaving the spl would punish every team in it and the ones who should be hurt the most(dundee utd, aberdeen and hibs) would still be there as it's the smaller teams who would suffer the most(ict and falkirk), plus how do we manage running costs on a div 3 income?? and when the time comes when we get back in the spl where does the money come from to build a title winning squad??i think going to div 3 would be a huge waste of time and would only serve to hand the taigs 3 easy titles, boycotting away days would punish clubs financially and plus in 2 seasons we can look forward to european football at ibrox again and not arbroath away