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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by OxfordDon

  1. Good on them, always like to see community programmes geting a bit of recognition (sidenote:please nobody turn this into another stadium bickering thread)
  2. Either there's an entire fishing fleet in your post, or you need to tone down the scattergun vitriol in your posts when you encounter a view you don't agree with, as you are (rightly or wrongly) coming across as a bit of an angry self-righteous dick. My issue wasn't that the team came from Celtic specifically, but that the impression given was that the players were being picked as a ready-made block from one team rather than on individual merit - that doesn't send a great message to Scottish players in other teams. However, as i get the impression that a measured response is unlikely and you seem determined to hijack what was a general observation made to all, i'll just leave it there.
  3. Calm down, you seem awfully upset - it's only a forum, and I was only commenting on your last handful of posts to me. ...although (and i'm going to regret asking this i'm sure), what do you mean by "biased ignorance"? Actually, no, don't worry about it, don't want to inadvertently set you off again. Enjoy the match
  4. Just out of curiosity, are you capable of posting a response without throwing a random insult in? Or is this some kind of digital Tourettes?
  5. I take exception when the reason for selection is given as familiarity rather than merit. Thought that was obvious from the last time I said that, 1 post ago. Don' want to overexcite you any more than you already are though, so don't worry about it.
  6. I do, when they are selected en masse with the main justification for this being they make a handy off-the-peg team. Difficult to look beyond it as anything other than a lazy selection by the Scotland manager.
  7. Just can't get excited about watching a team that is basically picked from Celtic because "they're used to playing together". 6 out of 11, and that's only because Tic haven't got any more Scottish players.
  8. Reckon Heneghan was a pretty good shout min. Ball definitely looks like he was our backup option.
  9. I'm starting to think Deek just got him for the free wine gums
  10. Well have just netted a big chunk of cash from Marvin Johnsons sell-on fee, i can't see them being in any hurry to sell Moult. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/41114577 Then again, i didn't think anyone would give us cash for Stockley
  11. I'd think Stockley going suggests we are done for strikers. I'd like to see another CB/RB if we are going to sign anyone else, those look like our only shady areas now for cover.
  12. BBC reporting the Stockley fee is around 100K - damn good bit of business if true. A the best loon, still love your lobbed goal against Partick. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/41107199
  13. Really. And slightly earlier than last week - without even leaving this thread for a source:
  14. Reynolds seemed to have a crisis of confidence after having half his face rearranged. He was a rock in defence before that, and never the same after.
  15. You've nae really got the hang of this have you loon
  16. Didn't realise he's signed for Coventry in L2 now - thats a fair drop from where he was touted to be heading.
  17. Are you telling folk fae Aberdeen what the Northern Lights are? Next you'll be popping down to Tannadice to sell them some sand, no doubt.
  18. Sounded like we were in charge after about 10 minutes onwards, although i was listening mostly to Red TV Some hit from O'Brien at the end though, unlucky not to score.
  19. Argh - GMS: Lovely touch, wonderful skill, terrible pass. Lovely touch, wonderful skill, terrible pass. Lovely touch, wonderful skill, terrible pass.
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