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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by OxfordDon

  1. Er, yes? I don't think optimistic would ever sum up a Doric commentary, especially RedTV. We give more grief to our players than all other fans combined
  2. Normally, i would say it was wishful thinking. Then i read this BBC story posted today - wow, just wow. Caixinha is coming across as a bit of a dick, some of his comments are shyte-stirring of the highest order: What a prick, and fair play to Deek for not rising to any of it, publicly at least. Although if he did leave the boy standing on his tod in his office for 15 minutes, that's pretty funny. Rangers 1-2 Aberdeen: Caixinha tells McInnes not to come to manager's office
  3. Try listening to that for 93 minutes straight, it was right out of the Kim Jong-Un Football Commentary Handbook. Every Sevco touch was "world class", every Sevco youngster was a "huge find", every Dons shot was a "great save" (and there were a lot of "great saves" ). The McGinn free kick was the funniest, one of them spent the whole buildup to it hammering on about how it was far too far out for any player of Dons quality to take a direct shot at goal, which quickly turned into a grudging "great save" when he bent it towards the top corner
  4. It wasnae quite that bad min! 26 years. (bad enough)
  5. That'll do pig, that'll do. Boos at Ibrox - my favourite sound.
  6. Key now is to not lose anyone for the cup in the last couple minutes to a bit of hunthuggery.
  7. Must be a big one if you have to shift the furniture to make space
  8. Loving this. SevcoTV commentary dropped to a whisper when the 2nd went in.
  9. Actually, i take that back - it's hilarious. Can't wait for us to score another so that the commentators go into proper meltdown.
  10. Dear christ, someone tell me there's a stream that isn't SevcoTV
  11. We shall expect a name change to WellingDon the second you land.
  12. Jury's out for me. He has looked solid in some matches, utterly gash in others. Like a less scary Taylor. We clearly need to clone Russell Anderson or get God to regrow his moustache, as we are crying out for a stabilising CB. If i had to choose who pair with such a player though, it would be O'Connor over Taylor.
  13. Best for the Dons if it were Accies - if ICT go down, i'd worry they wouldn't attract the quality of players we need.
  14. Touché. This board ain't big enough for two pedants. Although technically given a web entity doesn't have any physical attributes and is potentially infinitely scaleable with sufficient storage capacity and assuming a lack of artificially-imposed software restrictions, maybe it is.
  15. Innocent until proven guilty. Jack has been a good player for us, no need to start badmouthing him just because of some unsubstantiated shite-stirring by the Sevco manager. Of course, if he does actually sign for Sevco, fire in by all means.
  16. OK, so here's something weird google threw up by chance this evening... I saw this link appear in my Google search results: https://rangers.co.uk/talent/ryan-jack/. This seemed rather odd. However, i assumed it was to do with the empty "Sevco want Jack" chatter doing the rounds just now, so took a deep breath, held my nose, and dived in to have a closer look. To find...nothing. Or to be more precise, a placeholder page for Ryan Jack, with no other information on it. But it gets weirder. If you click the arrows to the left and right of the page, you then get an empty placeholder page for each member of the Dons team. And only the Dons team, no other SPL players are listed. If you look at the URL, these are listed under a subdomain of "talent/" - this isn't linked to or referenced from, anywhere else on the site. So why are they there? It can't be some one-off leftover from the start of the season, because Ryan Christie is listed. Equally, it can't be a recent creation as Wes Burns is there too. Are Sevco so ashamed of their own team that they have to list ours on their site under "talent", just to pretend to themselves that they have some real players?
  17. Nice stats. Whats the minutes for Rooney's 8 goals in 13 appearances in the cup competitions, compared to Stockley's 1 goal in 11?
  18. Knowing our fecking luck we'll draw thon FC Kairat (or Kairat Almaty or fitever they're actually called) on the other side of the globe again. At least we'll have enough airmiles to exchange for a new stadium.
  19. Bit harsh min, this was our last game at home this season, and in the case of the the 16yrold lad, it was probably his reward for how he has performed in the youth team. I think he at least will have taken loads from the experience of running out in front of a full Pittodrie for the first time, even for only 5 minutes. Thank christ that's the last we'll see of that pitch though, we lost so many chances from slips.
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