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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by OxfordDon

  1. Cheers GB for summarising all our thoughts so eloquently
  2. Sevco emphatically lost to Tic today, so a win for us today will effectively wrap up 2nd due to GD. Although even a loss has the silver lining of keeping alive St Johnstone and Hearts overtaking Sevco and taking their Euro spot away. In fact, maybe we should just let Saints win...
  3. 5-1 Tic, time for a new manager for the Zombies?
  4. [ "Swimming against the tide" is not the same as spouting sensationalist, alarmist, factually misrepresentative pish. McLean's personal support is irrelevant in a professional setting (sensationalist), he is unlikely to have upped his form in the last few months just impress Sevco (alarmist), and his contract is not up at the end of the season (factually misrepresentative). Incidentally, i suggest you check the political demographics in both Oxford and Edinburgh before you unwittingly fall into the same trap.
  5. Shocking decision. However, what is funny is this: Zombies will burst with conspiracy theories now
  6. Save yer fishing for the stadium thread min.
  7. To be fair, it takes a particularly dodgy curry to need everything up to the back page, so you may as well laugh at whats left.
  8. Pretty much what i thought when i saw the "story". They've done Jack and McLean, we should hold a sweepstake for who's next - i reckon they'll keep working through our midfield and next puffpiece will pretend Shinnie gives two shites about them.
  9. Thank Christ for that, i read the title of this thread too fast and thought Willie Collum had taken a seat on ACC.
  10. Came on to say much the same. McLean and Shinnie were constantly in Hibs faces. I'd also disagree with the comment about Hayes not playing well, he certainly tried his usual pace but just kept getting battered by the Hibs defence whenever he was looking like getting past them - I was pretty relieved to see that he made it to the end in one piece. the O'Connor sub definitely not the best decision deek has ever made - i can see what his thinking was (to play out the game), but we lost that goal straight after because our defence then didn't have a clue where they were meant to be. Difficult to tell if they would have settled as he changed it straight back again not long after, but we certainly don't look comfortable with 3 (4? 5?) at the back. When McGinn came on, went back to our strongest team and shape, was just praying Hibs didn't get a last minute number as i reckon we would have come out on top in ET because of that. Bottom line, trying to play safe ironically nearly cost us the game. Had we simply stuck to our proven winning team with like-for-like swaps (McGinn>Christie, O'Connor>Taylor probably?) we would likely have been more comfortable. The team and management need to get their heads around treating cup-ties as just another game we need to win, and not start thinking they have to do something different.
  11. Hibs starting to come back into it by HT, but we were absolutely dominating them for the first half hour. Hopefully deek's HT chat gets a'body back in the mindset they were clearly in at the start. Back to lots of pressing please, Ambrose looks like he's about to shyte himself every time he's got the ball and there's a red shirt near him.
  12. I hear local residents are already organising a "No to AntiKingsford" protest group
  13. Rico - this should give you some idea of the size of the current revenue streams for AFC: Turnover 2016 (£000) Gate receipts 4023 Sponsorship & advertising 1801 Broadcasting rights 2322 Commercial 4678 UEFA Solidarity & prize money 552 Other operating revenue 38 Commercial is (AFAIK) merchandising, matchday hospitality, and corporate facility provision outside of matchdays. edit - cup/league prize money is the broadcasting rights stream
  14. You back to trolling again then 100%AK? First the claim that the ACC would give AFC land, then birds, now "corporate facilities"? Only you are it implying would pay for the stadium singlehandedly. Only you are mentioning an "injection of big corporate finance". You're stirring for the sake of it, trying to make something stick. For someone who claimed he was going to pick his ba up and go home in a huff, you do hang around for an affy long time, like a malignant shite that winnae flush.
  15. Yes, I believe that is the plan, although the mortgage would be approximately half that due to the sale of Pittodrie, and weekday corporate hosting would only be one of several revenue streams, the other main ones being merchandising, sponsorship, season tickets, matchday income, and prize money. What's your point again?
  16. They announced the date changes due to Easter before the games occurred, so it's a bit unfair to say that they are manipulating the system to benefit the tribute-firm - this would (presumably) have been the case for any team appealing this week, it just happened to be Celtic. On the plus side, if it's a two game ban, doesn't that mean he misses the Aberdeen-Celtic game instead? Or a meringue?
  17. Corporate facilities doesn't just mean matchday hospitality - Pittodrie has 9 conference rooms/suites that the club rent out throughout the week for conferences, functions, weddings etc. It's a revenue stream that provides significant additional income from the stadium outside of matchdays, and that the club are looking to maximise/expand on with the new stadium. Seems sensible to me. http://www.afc.co.uk/commercial/facilities.php http://www.afc.co.uk/commercial/conferences.php
  18. Neil McCann appointed as Dundee interim boss. Dundee's loss is Sky Sports's gain. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39635353
  19. I didn't know that. That's a really lovely gesture by the club to support the local wildlife.
  20. Shame that, personally think he got Dundee punching above their weight. It will be interesting to see if this makes them better or worse now.
  21. And yet you bite every day without fail.
  22. 100%AK, yellow card for blatant misrepresentation of the facts. Your membership of the Donsdaft "show us the facts" brigade is now being reviewed. From the summary of the document you quoted (which nobody, including the EE, appears to have bothered to read): The recommendations then go on to state the precautions that should be taken. Note that the nesting check is something that is done as a matter of course for any building work, and does not imply that there are actually nests. This is literally a storm over nothing, created by the Evening Express being incapable of bothering to read more than an executive summary before running off to print a sensationalist story. And of course, a desperately trolling 100%AK What are you going to go for next?
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