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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by OxfordDon

  1. Hemmin Tom, you dinnae half save me from having to type. The only thing i would add is: Sorry Jess but to be pedantic that bit is the very definition of the term acoustics. That's nae me nitpicking or being argumentative though, it's an area that many people vastly underestimate in terms of its significance and is one of my very few realms of (apparent) expertise edit - read that back and it sounds a bit more smug than it should've, sorry. It is an important factor to take into account though.
  2. I may have misinterpreted this the first time i read it, how does she compare to Ash's missus?
  3. He's just scored for St Mirren just as i was reading this
  4. Tip for the future: name your account "100% Pro Pittodrie" so that you don't come across as needlessly obstructive. Expend all of your energy into coming up with feasible suggestions that make Pittodrie more viable and attractive than the other options. After all, you don't want folk to get the wrong end of the stick, and think you don't give a damn about Pittodrie but are just out to block the Kingsford option at all costs, do you?
  5. Ooot sofa sofa pub 6-0: Mcginn to score two hattricks, be carried aloft from the field by adoring fans, have a sudden rush of emotion and sign a 6 year contract extension. And smile for the first time on camera.
  6. I'd agree, i doubt its because Kingsford is better than Loirston. The club themselves clearly preferred Loirston as it was their first choice all along, Kingsford only became an option after Loirston rather dramatically fell through. (However, before 100%AK jumps on this, the club has also made pretty clear that in their view Loirston is no longer an option, and Kings Links/Pittodrie were non-starters. So the merits and issues with Kingsford are what we examine now, and try to resolve if possible). In terms of increased support: You could maybe argue that there's an element of fans realising that options are always going to be more limited than they would like, and are tempering their objections accordingly. You could equally argue an element of fans getting fed up with the length of the process, and just want it concluded. Or, as i mentioned, that the volume seems to have gone up in the debate, making it more polarised and both sides more obvious. It does seem unlikely that the increased support is due to it being a better option though. edit - ach, you've both just posted pretty much the same as i was typing this
  7. Well, this is going to be a big test for McInnes this summer then - first key player lost since... Anderson? Robson? I'm amazed he's managed to keep the core of our original 2013 team (McGinn, Jack, Hayes, Rooney, Considine, Logan*) together for so long to be honest, it was inevitable we would lose someone eventually, i just hoped it would be at retirement age again (* i'd include Reynolds in there except we may not have lost the man but we do seem to have lost the player. Flood, Pawlett and Langfield weren't key by the time they left)
  8. Poor Tansey, his signing has already been relegated to "but we've signed Tansey"
  9. On the BBC site now. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39445213 Damn, i was hoping this was a standard "SunSport understands", like these previous understandings:
  10. Aye, that's a fair point. The answer i think is that the conversation around Kingsford has become massively polarised in both directions compared to Loirston, somewhat to the detriment of actual debate. It's all gone a bit shouty.
  11. I thought it wasn't that Kingsford was better than Loirston, but simply that Loirston wasn't an option any more after the part of the area was rezoned and therefore unavailable.
  12. Let me help you get it right: The probability that George Yule is solely responsible for AFC's success is exactly the same as the probability that George Yule is solely responsible for the new stadium's issues. Can we move on from conspiracy-driven witchhunting and back to rational debate please?
  13. I think the point that Rico is making is that there's a bit of a logical fallacy going on here: sentimentality does not equal argument BUT that does not mean all arguments equal sentimentality. In other words, there's a lot of shyte being spouted on both sides grounded in nothing but sentiment, but that should not be used to obscure the fact there are valid arguments that need to be addressed too. I think, to be honest, you are agreeing with each other
  14. Oxford is lovely, i still think the new Pittodrie should be moved here The general view here seems to be that the McGinn rumour is pish, although it would give me a reason to go watch football here.
  15. Maybe you should just stay off Facebook min, and pursue the debate in the sanity of the real world. Folk will argue over anything to the back teeth on there, rationality doesn't get a look-in. I doubt the planning proposal will be booted out in June, although i can't see it getting the green light either. My uninformed guess would be that be that there would be some form of moratorium with a requirement for more clarity over certain issues, like transport, at the heart of the non-facebook objections. However, there are folk on here with far more knowledge of the legalities of planning processes than me, who may be able to clarify the likelihood of this.
  16. I tried reading this but it doesn't make sense, fit does it mean?
  17. BBC suggesting 6 of the 11 will be Celtic players. Think i'll pass.
  18. It never occured to me that Didcot FC would be called the Diddies Welcome to the board.
  19. The diddyness was summed up perfectly by this picture on the BBC live text. Man of the match tony Andreu with his bottle of bubbly:
  20. I was listening to it on the BBC site to see if they would give "Jonathan" Hayes a run out, but missed the last bit, and started on the heart palpitations when i came back and read the text visible on the screen:
  21. Oxford Utd are quite happy where they are and want to buy their existing stadium in the south of Oxford. The proposal to move them out of Oxford City boundaries into Oxfordshire County next to Oxford Parkway station (already built and opened 2 years ago) was suggested by the leader of Oxfordshire County Council Ian Hudspeth, and he seems to be the only one pushing it. Neither Oxford City Council nor Oxford Utd are that interested. Some pertinent background information is that Conservative-led Oxfordshire County Council are currently trying to implement a hostile takeover of Labour-led Oxford City Council by forming a unitary, a move that City are resisting with every sinew, and as a result they are not exactly on the best of terms and may just be looking for things to goad each other with. Here's some facts: NOW OR NEVER: Chance for new Oxford United stadium could be lost under housing plans - Oxford Mail 13th Jan 2017 Note City Council and Oxford Utd's responses.
  22. By fecking christ will someone take that bloody trumpet off that fan standing near the BBC radio commentators for the Rep. Ireland - Wales match or i'm going to get a fast flight over there and ram it up his arse as he emerges from the stadium
  23. ^ See, that's how to write a counter-argument without starting on the defensive and descending into conspiracy. Welcome to the board Jess. I dinnae agree with you on Pittodrie, mind. I do think we all acknowledge that Kingsford has issues that need to be fully addressed before the build goes ahead, and transport is the big one.
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