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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by OxfordDon

  1. Good bit of pre-emptive indignation from Deek to secure this, seems we are finally cottoning on to how Scottish football works.
  2. i'm still miffed they moved the date of the final - it used tae always fall on or next to my birthday. I was looking forward tae another nice birthday present from the Dons, what they gave me in 2014 was ace
  3. In/oot ~ oot Furryboots ~ working Pre-Match ~ working After-Match ~ working Prediction ~ a record-breaking number of goals by the dons during a brilliant performance the likes of which the world has never seen or will see again, including Maddison nutmegging every member of the Morton team in a row before scoring, and Hayes using only the power of his mind to float the ball over the keeper. Such things always happen when i can't watch the game
  4. Players with moustaches.
  5. Aye, i'm expecting this too - we go 1-0 up through a scrappy fluke then do nothing but sit and clumsily defend, England will be wasteful with their 90% possession but eventually score twice late in the game to kill us off. In his post-match interview, Strachan will use words like "magnificent", "outstanding", and "unfortunate" to justify yet another loss, his job will be secured, and we don't see another world cup until 2086 when the competition is expanded to 256 teams.
  6. Barcelona humping the other participant of that "advert for Scottish and world football", Man City, 4-0. That makes the goal difference between Barcelona (top) and Celtic (bottom) a mighty +21 after only 3 rounds of games
  7. I suspect the person to thank for all this is Gordon Marshall. As much as i will forever remember Leighton fondly as a player, under his coaching tenure we had a lengthy string of shit-to-middling keepers. Marshall replaces him, and in the space of a year we get 3 keepers far better than anything we've seen in the last decade. The fact that Neil Alexander is merely our backup keeper speaks volumes in itself. Cheers Gordon
  8. Girth. It's shaped like a rowie.
  9. Cheers, first chance i've had to see the game - that Hayes goal is lovely No highlights of the goal ruled offside though? On another note, the video that follows that is highlights of the Tic game (autoplay before anyone asks). It's 2mins 52secs long, and there isn't a single touch of the ball by a Well outfield player shown in the whole clip.
  10. I'm guessing it's the only way they could get him out the manager's seat as they couldn't afford the severance remuneration. I think "investment" might be a bit of wishful thinking on York fans' part - he's just picking up a CEO's salary now instead of a manager's one. Shows how desperate York were to get his hands off the team though that they took this step
  11. Good god, i'd actually forgotten that he is somehow employed in not one but two managerial roles in this country.
  12. Aaaah, real football, thank christ. None of that pink pish.
  13. Dinnae be daft, they'd never get enough votes - even counting the Sevco fans that have forgotten they are supposed to be boycotting the BBC, it's still only 1 user per computer at the social centre.
  14. Just to comment on one point, i'd nae be happy if the Scottish government did divert public funds to football - it's not exactly a frontline public service and there are far better beneficiaries of a very limited (and shrinking) financial pool, like health, education, social care, LAs etc. Other than that, as you were
  15. Up next, Sevco game, Willie Collum as ref. What could possibly go wrong?
  16. as chosen by BBC website visitors (!) 2 from Aberdeen (Maddison and O'Connor) are joined by 5 Victims (who cares), and 1 of each from Jambos (Paterson), Well (Moult), Caley (Fon Williams) and Hamilton Crawford). I'm amazed it's nae 11 Victims given the source of the voting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/scotland/37645907 Incidentally, can you embed videos in posts on here?
  17. I thought he'd left one for himself.
  18. So i switched it off after the 2nd goal went in. What did i miss?
  19. Surely to christ that's the end of Strachan.
  20. No, and that's the problem. This isn't the Scottish national team, it's the Strachan personal team. As far as i'm concerned, it's Slovakia 1 Strachan Utd 0, his teams are nae fit to represent Scotland.
  21. Hopefully that strip gets dumped the same time as Strachan, so we can threaten poorly performing teams with it in future years - "pull it together boys or you'll be playing in the Strachan Pink Strip of Shame" Also, fuck. But no surprise, just fuck.
  22. Griffiths isn't starting. Nor is Robertson (who was our best player on Saturday), Burke, Anya, Rhodes or Shinnie.
  23. Linfield are utterly rank, and have resorted to hacking at the QOS players. One of them has just rugby tackled the goalie into the goal whilst holding the ball and (briefly) tried to claim it.
  24. 2-0 now after a quality free kick which i got the impression the QOS players enjoyed quite a bit, as it followed two QOS players getting taken out with studs to the back and arm respectively.
  25. Is this the "diddy games" thread then? Sevco Linfield down 1-0 in extra time to QOS in the soft drink cup.
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