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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by 1903_Redz

  1. Hmmmmm.. sounds lush Malaga. Nae sure about the black scrappings tho. Sure HSE would have summit to say about that particular ingredient. The broiled scallops were fine but nae as fine as just doing them in the frying pan. They seemed to lose a bit of size broiling them too. I did actually use the fan assisted over with the grill on and not just the grill. Accompanied them with spinach which i stuck in a hot pan with a dash of oil and spaghetti which was tossed in a garlic and chilli oil. A little sprinkle of parmesan and it was all good. Fooking hungry again about an hour later tho!
  2. Just read that the new rangers are to be holding a minutes silence prior to kick off for some guy who played for the rangers that went bust. While it's nice of them to hold a tribute for someone who's got nothing to do with them or us it would still be nice if our boys and girls were to show a bit of respect and honour the minutes silence. It's only 60 seconds so please don't do anything to show our club up, at least during that minute anyway. I still remember that last one for George Young i think his name was... at least this one isn't being broadcast across the nation like that other one was. Be nice folks.
  3. Can you imagine the amount of scrammbling being done by all the top drivers to try and get into that newly vacated seat at Mercedes?
  4. Unbelievable isn't it?! I reckon he knows he'll never win it again so has quit at the top. He's got what he wanted and that'll do nicely thank you very much. Away to do a bit of reading / watching here... http://www.skysports.com/f1
  5. I realise this article is a couple of days old now but just wondered what folks take on it was... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3984080/Aberdeen-did-not-turn-Hampden-Park-point-prove-Ibrox-says-Charlie-Nicholas.html To me he seems to be aiming the blame for Sundays capitulation at the players and says DM may now have trust issues with his players. That may be right because they didn't even start, but i would say the big question is WHY didn't they turn up? I don't think it's fear of going to the Weeg like Charlie suggests... fooking better not be because 20 odd thousand of us travelled there without fear. Just interested in others opinion of Charlies rant.
  6. Cheers for the tip Rico. I've just turned on the 'broiler' for a dry run, in other words see wtf that setting on my over actually does.
  7. Those damn yanks confuse things!!! https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060827081146AAjbcaX This would suggest you're right Malaga... i would just say 'stick them under the grill', but their definition of a grill appears to be like a BBQ. There's still a setting on my oven where it shows the 'oven' to be on but also the 'grill' at the same time. Ach, they're getting 'grilled' this evening.
  8. I would need to rip that green and white shite aff her.... but only because i want to find the chocolate.
  9. Just to confirm.... the oven is on as well as the grill, yes?
  10. Agree Manc, i'd like to see us revert to the set up used against ICT and Partick. I know i'm harping on but i really have no idea why DM changed that line up?! It seems to me that every AFC supporter thinks that Shinnie would be best used at left back, Considong in the middle of defence with O'Connor, Jack and McLean (if we must use these two) holding with Maddison advanced, Johnny on one wing and either McGinn or Burns on the other. If so many see it that way what is it that happens behind the scenes that make DM see it different? Please Derek, have some faith in the ability of your players and allow them to play to the best of their abilities, which they will do in their natural positions, and i'm sure they'll reward you for that faith. I'm convinced they didn't have the heart last week due to his evident lack of belief. In / out: Out Prematcher: Making my way to the boat in Onne port in Nigeria Match: Following by any means possible onboard Post-matcher: I'll still be onboard funnily enough, reading more post mortems because i don't trust DM to play his best line up. Prediction: Nothing positive to say.... 25 bloody years so far!
  11. Any of you cooking gurus heard of the cooking term 'broiling'? I've just been looking for some new ideas for scallops and came across broiled scallops... i'd never heard of broiling before but it would appear it's a combination of oven cooking your dinner with the grill on at the same time. I have noticed that option on the oven but never used the oven and grill at the same time, i will tomorrow when i'm making my broiled scallops. Every day's a school day.
  12. I'm thinking the team needs freshened up big time. We've played the same tactics with the same players (more or less) for the last 3 years. The fact that teams have faced this set up for so long is a possible reason for Rooneys ineffectualness this season. If you cut out the supply to him in the box that's him out the game. Johnny's having a funny season, McGinn is treading water imo, McLean who would've been playing the attacking midfielder role had we not brought Maddison in, wasn't performing, hence Maddison's arrival. Thank fuck that boy has come in, could you imagine the state we'd be in just now?
  13. Jesus! That would be a good morning waking up to that! There'd be some morning glory involved as well. I think she's just ace. She's a 10 outta 10. Not only is she good looking and built for pumping.... she's also got a 'nice personality'.
  14. Didn't see it live as i'd foolishly agreed to travel to the weeg and waste some time down there.... As i've said above i'm not a fan of either HAM or ROS but if i'd been HAM i'd have been trying to pull that stunt 4 races ago when it became clear he needed snookers. He was bound to get a result eventually. Saying that the Merc hierarchy would have probably pulled him out if he'd kept it up. The Beeb are being a bit bairny suggesting ROS isn't a worthy champion, he's maybe not the best but he's obviously earned it! Looking forward to next season... i think.
  15. 1903_Redz


    Obviously i'd shag it, i could even see me paying for it due to her cherry being involved. It's been a while since i've had one of them. But a million quid?!?! Even if i had it spare, i'd still be aware enough of the shiny side of a penny nae to be spending that sort of dough! But i'm in total agreement with GB regarding Holly.... OOOF! I'd do whatever it takes to get a swatch at her patch.
  16. I said similar on AbMad at the start of the season before we picked up Maddison. I suggested he should be played in the No10 role behind the main striker but that's not going to happen with Maddison there, and rightly so. I can't see why we can't play with two advanced midfielders (Maddison and McGinn) and only have the one holding midfielder.... Don't know who that would be though, neither Jack or McLean seem very good at it and for the love of god just play Shinnie at left back. It's been said for years now that we need a strong holding midfielder and that's because the afore mentioned aren't fit for purpose.
  17. I certainly wouldn't say you're wrong. It's hard to argue a case against someone who scores as regularly as what Rooney does / did but i've never been convinced by him. He's got many many flaws and now that he's going through a Darren spell he's got nothing else to offer. To be honest i was a bit disappointed to see him sign a new contract not long ago, it was clear then we weren't going to try and improve on him. But yes, i would like to see Stockley get a decent run in the team to see what he's got to offer.
  18. I'm not really sure how best to express my disappointment but by fuck i'm pissed off at what happened on Sunday! I just don't get why DM fucked with the team the way he did? Why?! Is it because he's shit scared of the dhims?! Fucking pathetic management in my opinion. We'd played two games away from home with a formation / set up he hadn't used all season and it worked well, winning both games comfortably at tricky venues.... then he goes and does that... reverts to shitebag tactics! What the fuck was the point in the experimenting in the two previous games? If they were experiments they worked!!! Just cos it's the dhims why change it?! I wouldn't be surprised if the players inept performance was down to them wondering wtf DM was changing a system that had worked well. He's got a lack of belief in his players obviously and they'll now be lacking belief in him. 20 odd thousand Dandies make that journey with belief in their hearts but the most important cunts didn't have it! Sorry, i thought i had calmed down a bit but i've not. Pissed aff big time! Edit to add: The changes he made was to go back to the line up / formations that failed the two previous times we've played those horrible bastards this season... wtf made him think it was going to work this time?
  19. :laughing: :laughing: That'll be a first indeed!! I would, nae bother! It would be risky as in the same way a mannie spider shags a wifey then gets his heid ripped off... i'd imagine this has similar potential but i'd still go for it. Hoor of a body!
  20. It really was some team that! Loved them all. I was at Porkheid that day, one of my best ever away days, although i didn't get to enjoy Hans wrapping things up as my celebrations of Bobbys star jump were too much for the local constabulary . That first goal was a thing of beauty.... big Eck pings a 60 yard cross field pass to Mason who takes it first touch into his path then fires it through Bonnar. About 5000 Dandies there too. Just brilliant!
  21. I was in at 2pm buying a couple of tickets for West coast based cousins, the guy said then there was still "a few hundred". Showed me the screen with available seats and it looked more than i expected. Anyway, here's the official site.. http://www.afc.co.uk/news/8663.php they say 'limited numbers' are left. COYR
  22. I was the same regarding Charlie. He'd obviously already announced he was rejoining the dhims and when he stood up i promised myself if he missed i was going over that fence to have a word. Thankfully me spending time at her majestys pleasure was averted.
  23. I like to keep it topical and i see she's in The Sun today... I give you Madge... I'm not interested in how she looked in the 90's etc... WYOWYN now? I would, nae bother!
  24. Guilty as charged i s'pose. I've watched that 90 Cup Final loads of times this week and my love for Dobbin grows.
  25. No way Rocket, i'm not having that! I know it's an opinion but that bit i've quoted proves that your comment is a total oxymoron.
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