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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by 1903_Redz

  1. How do we see this going? Well, personally i won't see it as i'm off the coast of Nigeria on nightshift but i'll be looking for the score when i get up. Getting mixed messages about the Lithuania game, match reports made it sound a decent performance, Strachan said it was good, although he speaks utter tripe! Fans opinion seemed to counter the positivity, so will there be any changes and where? Strachan praised Martin but surely Griffiths has to play? Central defence and Barry Bananarama (and Strachan) can GTF any time they like in my opinion.
  2. I'm not a big lover of the Oirish. I'm sure the majority of them are fine folk but.... I think it's the effect that they have on this country is the thing that pisses me off about them most. McGeady and McCartney have already been mention and then there was Ray Houghton, all would have been sure starters for Scotland, i'm sure there's more. Then you've got that West coast thing where half them see themselves as Irish/Scots. I've family who are about 4 generations away from being Oirish but still tell you that they're Irish/Scots.... GTF!!! I'll say one thing for them, for being such a small place and population (3 million i think) there's a helluva lot of people around the world who claim to be Irish decent! And again, some amount of fooking nutters/hardy hoors for such a wee place.
  3. Both Johnny and Rooney unused subs again tonight. While it's good that both come back uninjured it would have been nice to see them get a wee run out. I see that McLean scored 2 though.... after me being critical of him too.
  4. Love this photo.
  5. In a game against the h*n back in 94 or 95, we were stood in the South stand reasonably close to the front, certainly within shouting distance of the players, so any time any the h*n players was anywhere near us my mate would volley some abuse at them, as you do. Started off with "fuck off juke box Durie ye dick", followed by "fuck off Laudrup you Danish dildo!", these all got plenty of laughs but when he roared at Hateley "fuck off Hateley ye hysterectomy" it caused a different type of laughter and a bit of head scratching. You probably had to be there.
  6. 1903_Redz


    I like to watch the NFL too, more a highlights sorta guy as i just never have time to watch a whole game live. Super Bowl XX was the first time i watched it, i think Channel 4 showed it. Bears v Patriots. Defo glamourous stuff. I became a fan of the Dolphins chiefly because of Dan Marino, actually had a shirt with his numer 13 on it, pretty naff style really but i was young. Always wondered how UK guys would go about selecting their NFL team, anything in particular that made you choose that team?
  7. Said hello on the Ab Mad thread. Was on Ab Mad for over 12 years and used 1903_Redz cos i used to go to the other teams boards just to wind them up but i wanted them to know who my team were, doesn't really seem relevant any more, might just change it. The BA / Mr T avatar is because in my youth i was always being told by 'the authorities' that "you've got a bad attitude son". Inveurie loon, spending half my year offshore Nigeria. Still got my season ticket tho. You'll notice me as the one with the sun tan in SSW.
  8. Sober - no way! Gadz!!! Few bevvies - oh aye min! I guess that's why my marital lead is rather short.
  9. She looks the type that would like to have some batter splashed on her dish.... in a culinary sense of course. So it's an aye from moi.
  10. It's a good question and probably one that has DM swithering at times. O'Connor is probably the most accomplished of them all at the mo but he's the one i'd like to see sitting in the holding role in midfield (IMO we only need one holding and two advanced midfielders - but that's a different topic). Consi, Big Ash and Reynolds all have their weeknesses although i like them all and they're all quite capable of putting in very good performances. If it were just 'who's the best CB pairing' i'd say O'Connor and Reynolds but if it was as part of a team selection i'd go with Ash and Renolds with AO'C protecting in midfield.
  11. I was always well impressed by him, love watching direct players who are willing to take a shot on early and that's what he does imo. Also, i work with a Boro fan who is a season ticket holder there and he raved about him when Boro lost at the Riverside to Sheff Wed in one of May's first games there. He did seem to drop out the scene really quickly then to have the cruiciate damage, it's probably looking like a short career down south.
  12. I see he was an unused sub... kept out by James McLean. I know he plays for a EPL team so that auotomatically makes him better than Johnny does it?! I know who i'd rather play.
  13. I see Stevie May is expected to make his come back from cruciate ligament damage this month for PNE. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and can get back to the player he once was. I'd love to see him at the Dons and reckon a fit SM should be a guaranteed starter for Scotland. Good luck WTFISM
  14. I see the despicable shitehouse is on the Beeb pages claiming he wants to go to Hampden to watch Scotland as a fan and that he was vilified for not singing the national anthem but his reasons for that were because he can't sing. What a load of steaming shit! Maybe he can't sing but that doesn't mean to say you don't. Plus i clearly remember him waiting until the camera was passing him by during Flower of Scotland and as captain he stood there and pulled up a greener and spat it out, as i said while the camera was on him. He's a loathsome cunt! (Could be doing with some proper 'hating' smilies on here)
  15. If you have a negative rating does that mean that you're a cunt?! I'm basing that on the fact that Rocket Scientist has a rating of -80.... I recall his brief spell on Ab Mad.
  16. Cooee Another interloper here. Looks aright so far. Feel a bit of a slut for cheating on Ab Mad after 14 years of loyalty. Nice to see some names already that i haven't seen for a long time. COYR
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