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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by MálagaSheep

  1. I like Clarkson Just saying
  2. Am still here! 25degree the day!
  3. A few pints and then a aye
  4. Satay chicken and cucumber salad! DD i also made a big pot o carrot and coriander soup the day, since you were on about soup yesterday
  5. You nae like soup min? Christ i could live on soup, cana beat a fine bowl o soup
  6. Whats Csulok DD?
  7. Just to show its not all about meat in Casa Malaga Chestnut mushroom and rosemary creamy pasta
  8. Its a big nope from me!
  9. Rock cakes, god i haven't had them since i was a bairn, mam used to make them all the time. Loved them fan they were no lang out the oven,
  10. Hey DD is it true, that to much wanking makes u go blind? In need specs 24/7
  11. Ohh i like a sleep fan i have had a few Weekend stagger in Prague,good few years ago, came across a fine establishment, took a venture in and got cozy with one of the workers, up stairs for a shower and she asked if there was anything i would like her to wear? Aye a yank police outfit and high heels, ok she said, you want viagra, aye why not! Take this and lay on the bed naked till i get ready! Only thing that got stiff was my eye lids shut! Two big burly bouncer made sure they woke me up! Throwing me out the back door naked! In broad daylight!
  12. Probably sold then on the street the next day! Hey Del boy size 11s
  13. Dont wear a watch, Learned a lesson with going out with my phone, that stays at home Wallet, no chance they could get that as my fat erse was sleeping on it! When i finally got hame and had to ring the doorbell for the wife to get up and answer! The look was not good and the words "what the Fuck"
  14. Fair play Ten Caat,
  15. Speaking about the rug, you hinna been out we the hoover the day min rocket
  16. Haha, me too! Last year i went out with the fitba lads for a xmas meal and drams in Fuengirola, had a great meal and then on to a pub crawl, final stop was a Irish bar called Pogues for live music, as it was gettin on a knew i needed home so i thought right time to go, went outside and started walking for a taxi, it started to rain, so i took shelter in this outdoor food place that had a roofed area with a few seats still out! So sat doon! Night fucking night Malaga! 2 hours later i woke up and some bastard nicked my fucking shoes!
  17. Never heard o her! Way to look her up! Was that the best pic o her mondo
  18. Got to admit that once i have had enough am ready for ma bed! And maybe thats why i like a dram in the hoose, ma bed is only a few steps away! Going out and i have had enough i would sleep anywhere! And thats no good! Could tell a few stories o my sleeping habits
  19. We are looking at the same picture arent wee?
  20. Dont know who it was and who it was aimed at, but i put 2+2 together, and i hope know one found it funny! Fucking stupidity aye Good work all Mods
  21. They seen you coming! Less than a tener then i would of said nothing
  22. A few local lagers and a nice cheap Rum, Legendario. Very good for the price of it! Now giving it a bash with a Orange peel
  23. Nowadays? Is it when you hit a certain age you become very happy to slip on the slippers, pour a dram of your choice, and make yerself comfy on the sofa and sit with a movie on or come on here and post shite? Before, we never had drink in the hoose, only for a party or BBQ and first chance of a few pints out somewhere i was out the door like a shot! Now i canna be arsed! And has been for a while Funny thing now is am very happy to head out with the wife for a night out, (Maybe should of posted this in getting older thread)
  24. No from me too
  25. I have no idea what that was about and have no interest! Just know it was out of order. Was a poor show from the poster that did it
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