Slightly off topic a bit
Went out for a chipper last night, first chipper i have had for about 6 years or so, am no a lover of chip suppers.
Anyway a lad from Peterhead i have got to know has opened a chip shop in Fuengirola about a month or so ago, so the wife wanted to try it!
Ordered two large haddock suppers
One small haddock supper and a large chicken fillets supper
And a single white pudding.
Ohh me, dont get me wrong but the fish was fine, but small, it was a half fish and no batter on it, the small fish for the loon was the the size o a fish finger and the young loon's chicken fillets were chicken nuggets! The white pudding was the size of a richmond sausage, not good and no batter!
I didnt have the heart to tell him it was shite, and he now wants me to put a review on Facebook and trip advisor! Never posted reviews on that stuff before and am no going to start!
Do you think we should of told him? Or will we just forget about it? And as i said am no a lover o chippers anyway