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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by MálagaSheep

  1. Worked perfect last night! Thank feck! Would o lost the plot if it didn't
  2. Its going to be tough over there, i think we should of done alot better to be honest. But in deek we trust. Don't get what deek sees in Stockley tho? Watching highlights from friendly games and I don't get why Storey is no getting a chance? Anyway, Mr Ryan Christie! WOW, i like him alot.
  3. No manc, Same as u, am no a fan of the home kit, last season one was my favourite for a long time. When over for the final and i saw a few lads of the same shape as myself wearing the new top, it didn't look good on them and put me off, tarpaulin springs to mind.
  4. Kits arrived the other day, The 8 year old loon is in a size 13-14 year old kit and the 7 year old loon is in a 11-12 year old kit. They got the blue away one and let me say, it's absolutely Stunning
  5. My wife has put her foot down and said am not allowed!
  6. Couldn't agree more manc. Pittodrie is like a morgue. I would like to add more to this but I will and would get pelters! And to be fair i cant get to games so much now!
  7. How is the kids size's this season? Got a 8 year old and 7 year old and the are big lads for their age. Usually always need a size up! Thanks in advance
  8. Welcome back SeeBass, and chin up min! Like yerself i went thru a bad time, but 4 years ago i packed the car and never looked back.
  9. Both kits for this season are minging! The home one is bad, but the away is worse, The loons won't be gettin much kits this year
  10. Snapper and clams, young Malaga is having a howk o the eyeball.
  11. Cracking views of the costa yesterday.
  12. A wee steak, jalapeño and tomato salsa sandwich for a snack today.
  13. Absolutely no interest in this game! Loose, and that ginger fud will hopefully gone along with that tim cunt Win, he becomes a hero! God help us By the way, slating Reynolds. U boys see the rest o the shite in the squad?
  14. Here Rocket? When are u over in my neck o the woods? Or was that a while ago? Played La Cala resort Asia course the other day. Great course.
  15. My Fucking goodness! Place is full o professionals on here!
  16. Got hame late on last night, am no going to lie, had a great weekend with ma loons even tho we lost. Thank AFC for a great game but we run out o steam, Red Army were bloody fantastic and was a joy to be with u in hampden! Ps, i hate that fucking stadium!
  17. U sure thats no a pizza crazz min?
  18. With grilled asparagus, tomato and red onion and garlic and pepper cuscus
  19. No sure if its decent min, but got one near Hampden, 10 min walk away
  20. I will bring my tongs!
  21. Am a nervous wreck already! Loons are on the sleep countdown till we go to Glasgow!
  22. Am the same, been working alot just now so no had much time
  23. I see why u put " daft" in your name min.
  24. Didnt even recognise her untill this came up!
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