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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by MálagaSheep

  1. Pic I took one morning out on the bike. The countryside of the Mijas Costa
  2. Aye manc, lost control going down a track in a old quarry and hut a boulder! Bike fucked. A just got a decent spec for starting up again, did alot o research for what i was really going to to use it for. Fun and nothing serious, am to old for that now and to scared. Been out in the country most o my days except for 7 years in Aberdeen, so always liked the mountain bikes. All types of biking is popular here Manc, weekends the roads are full o bikes!
  3. Thats the man, mondo! Worked with Jim for about 10 years and and only found out before he left, his name wasn't Jim
  4. Aye Elgin, its a cracking vid and tune to go with it
  5. Aye Manc some cracking countryside round me, perfect for the mountain bike. (Will see if i can find a few pics) When we first moved here i took the bike with me, with great plans to get back into the bike, went out into the campo with the youngest loon and biked up to this old ruin house out the back there was a orange tree, so me and the loon rested the bikes up against the wall and went and picked a few oranges. Was gone about 10mins and some cunt nicked ma bike! Cunt. In the middle o the campo and no hoor in site. Last year i bought a new Trek and one for her, so i tried to get more into it but only once a week sometimes no even that. But planning to do alot on it this year, been out everyday this year, did 20k along a track of a old river bed the other weekend with the family and the rest is out with the loons in the campo having fun. An old work mate o mine was into downhill mountain biking in a big way! £6k just for the frame o his bike, mental money he spent on bikes.
  6. Need afair set o knackers for doing this!
  7. Any other posters into Mountain bikes, road bikes, BMX or any other? Did alot on the mountain bike when younger but kinda gave it up after a crash. Never anything serious, just hill tracks, old quarry tracks and forrest tracks. Started it up again but only out with the loons round homemade campo tracks, just a bit of fun with them. Made it my new years resolution to go out more and so far been out every day. The boy Danny Macaskill is some boy on a bike. Hes done alright for himself.
  8. Hid a few drams noo! Wid love a try o the ....
  9. MálagaSheep


    The controversial Jodie Marsh Shes nae a bonny thing, and she'd be a fair take on, wild as fuck! I widnt mind a shotie. Just the once tho No keen on that bodybuilding look. No for me that
  10. Gordon Ramsey is a Cunt
  11. Am a bit of a Jamie Oliver fan, i look up most o his ideas for cooking. Was in his Restaurant no long after it opened, food was ok, service was shocking. Due to that we never went back.
  12. Its called obstruction, with no attempt to play the ball! Dancing around the ball pushing back into a player is no in control, especially when a player is trying from every angle!
  13. Hey Mondo, how u get on in the campervan? Did u land doon my way?
  14. Starting to think our internet search history is very perverse Gervaise?
  15. How difficult is it to put on a pair o joggers and a fleece to nip out to the shops.
  16. Some kiddy, would rather enjoy it tho! Where was that Cue place in Aberdeen?
  17. Jist cheddar and mozzarella manc!
  18. Beer and Burger Stick yer BK or BMacs up yer ....
  19. Thats Lindsey dawn McKenzie, she has a place over the road from me. horrible woman,
  20. Other teams to me is not a pet hate! Its just pure hate. And as for english fitba and the shite thats in it i have zero intrest in, am a Dons man. Some very good stuff from Windows, agree with all u say. And Manc, that english fan comment, spot on, the English cunts wind me up about that. And coming from fans that clubs are for bloody tourists. Brings me to, English fans you have met who grew up supporting, preston, fullham, or any o the Sheffield teams, now support Manure, Arsenal, Chelsea and Man city. Glory seeking bastards. Saying that, i know a few who loved the Dons as kids now support english shite and one worse, The Tims. As i said thats no a pet hate thats just hate
  21. ( minging yayas, but quite funny)
  22. I dont mean the usual stuff like referees, diving and faking injury. I mean to me , well heres my two or three, Kick offs in the centre circle, playing it back to the nearest player, for him to hump it right back into the opposite half. Straight out for a throw in or a defender. Pointless! Players shielding the ball from any distance of the bye lines out. That is obstruction! Its a free kick Professional fitba players doing foul throws! Ffs. That winds me up! Time wasting is another am no a fan of. Especially trying to be smart, Anything else get on yer tits?
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