Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen
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Everything posted by mondo
Love it when something jumps out at you and it's almost as if you know it's going to come in. One day in the works van I was looking through the racing pages and the name 'gentleman john' jumped out at me. Seen as the boss and the apprentice I was working with were both called john I thought i'd throw 20 quid on at 8-1. She romped home
Very true Malaga. I'd probably have a heart attack if I ever found out how much I'd spunked to the bookies over the years.
Go 'n then....
If I was still in to a smoke of the old 'herbal' I would say yes. Can you imagine the munchies she would rock up with?
Nae chance of getting her in the back of my van even with mechanical help. She's all yours Buc.
Apologies if there is already a thread hidden away somewhere. Anyone like a flutter now and again? I've settled down with my betting now, it wasn't so long ago I was looking at my bank statement and seeing I was spending about £400 a month on betting. Set my deposit limits right down and now only put a £25 coupon on every weekend on SPL games only. Plus the odd tenner on the dons now and again. Never had much luck with the coupons but had a few decent wins from dons games. Pick of the bunch being £25 on Hayes to score first and us to beat celtic at Pittodrie last (?) season @ 90/1 ish. Must of been the only person in the stadium celebrating their consolation goal as most of their fans had left by then Anyone else had some bonnie wins? Watching the snooker the now and you were getting 3/1 for Perry to win the match even when he was up 2-0. You never know with Ronnie though I suppose. Also thought the bookies fucked up on the NYE old firm game, 2/1 for celtic to win after Der Hun went 1-0 up with a massive chunk of the game still to go.
Topper of a bloke is Jim. He was always good to work with because at the end of lunch time if you really couldn't be arsed getting going again you could ask Jim about his bike or a new tool he had bought or something. Guaranteed to pass atleast an extra half hour telling you all about it
What kinda fishing you in to ED? You a shore man or do you ever get out on the boat?
For me personally it is always more appealing making it a day out. I don't just mean having a right good sesh as I am designated driver for a lot of the games we travel to but it's something to look forward to. I also find it quite addictive, We'll tell ourselves we wont go to the next few games but when it comes around we don't want to miss out
Yes very well deserved especially with so many of the crazy KO times we get these days. Could go a nice wee away day at the moment, can't believe we've got so long to wait for another game.
Here's a link DD.... Like I say, I'm not sticking up for the police it's just the fact that all the stories are now coming out that this guy was a peaceful man, wouldn't hurt a fly etc and they are complete nonsense. He was carrying a fucking gun for christ sake. Absolute shame that a life has been lost but come on. In this case I hope the officers involved are cleared and get back to calling 14 year olds inspector.
It's a tricky one. On one hand she's a publicity craving tart but on the other hand, going by the first photo, she has clearly served in the forces so maybe deserves a break. Who am I kidding? I'm in, even the bodybuilding version. I would pretend I was asleep in the morning though until she was out the door.
Funcy fork. Hope you caught the fish yourself? I've only ever managed 1 decent dish and it was fish pie with fresh cod and ling that I had caught on the boat out from macduff. Fit fine it was
It's not clear yet the exact events leading up to him being shot 3 times through the windscreen but there was a gun found in the footwell of the front passengers side where he was sitting. I rambled on in my post a bit but it just gets on my nerve when all this fake grief and anger comes out from people claiming he was an angel. I'm sure there is facebook pages up and running demanding justice for him blah blah yawn
Caught a bit on the news about that guy who was shot dead by police on the M62. It was his funeral today and hundreds turned out for it even though they did not personally know him. Sorry but the guy was well known to police, he was known to be quite a player in the drug trade and had previous for attempted murder with a firearm (though he was never found guilty). There seems to be a bit of the American 'fuck the police' demos going on. The usual idiots with their 'police brutality' placards. Surely if you are travelling in a car with a loaded weapon in your footwell you know you are risking the chance of being shot by police stopping you but of course he was a 'gentleman', 'wouldn't hurt a fly' blah blah....Pisses me off, it's just a matter of time until his parents are suing the force. I'm far from the greatest fan of the boys in blue especially the police scotland version but in my opinion there is no case to answer here. Fly with the crows, get shot down with the crows.
I haven't went for anything else, I still use the kodi box now and again but for football I feel it is easier and get better quality streams by using my laptop then casting it to my TV with chromecast. Please let me know how you get on with you sat box when you get it set up, may change my mind yet.
How's it going Malaga? The trip was brilliant. Caught the eurostar on the 19th and headed right through France, I should have really researched my route as I ended up climbing some pretty steep mountain roads in a blizzard. Needed a new change of boxers but the van got me up to 1100metres and down the other side no problem at all! Some cracking roads though including going over the Millau viaduct in Southern France..... Amazing piece of engineering. Amazing how much of a change in the weather pretty much as soon as you cross the Spanish border. I stopped at a lovely site at Villanova before spending christmas at Benidorm (met a lovely stripper called Maria ) and spent the last few days of the trip at a cracking site at La Manga. It was a huge site with plenty to do and a great restaurant on it's own private beach, love the calamari! It was soon obvious that I was never going to have enough time to get as far as Gib or even Mallaga but my auntie (in Murcia) is looking after the van for me so it will be kept in nice weather and next time I will fly over to Murcia and carry on from there so should get down your way. Here's the van on my last day there on a visit to the cliffs at La Manga. 2000k miles I did altogether and enjoyed every minute of it.
Are they actual players or just some random beautiful women? Check out the pins on the 3rd photo. I'd let her stick that tee in my crack anyday sorry that's all I've got
Now now, she's not that bad but she did promise me she would delete that photo
Cheer Malaga, I drove the old girl over to the Fola Esch game and she didn't miss a beat, I'm sure it'll be fine but it is a good bit further I'm travelling this time. I'm booked in the channel tunnel on Monday. Aparently it's a train that goes under the sea, I thought that was just a myth
Cheers, certainly will if I've time mate. Would like to spend a day or 2 in Gib so could easy fly by castle malaga on route
Starting in the North East and just pleasing myself after that. Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza maybe is the plan so far. Depends if the campervan breaks down or not Just stopping anywhere that looks nice. My auntie stays in the Murcia area so son't think I can get away with out paying her a visit. Sucks about the weather though, I've bought new T-shirts