Not the best performance i've ever seen, but it was always going to be difficult playing 2 centre forwards as your midfield pair.
The challenge before the first ICT goal is a joke, and from that point on the 1st ref lost complete control. There was no fucking was he was injured, he bottled it and just hid for the 2nd half. I've never heard a PA announcement at half time before asking for a qualified ref, i'm thinking of doing the course regardless though.
Anderson was the worst I think i've ever seen him. The defence in general was pretty poor, which is worrying as only Naysmith is actually missing.
McGinn & Hayes both looked decent going forward, but Hayes seems to struggle to know when to release the ball, he kept trying to take on 1 man too many and fucking it up.
Fallon is shite.
The boy Masson looked pretty anonomous most of the game, whereas the lad Cammy Smith looked right active when he came on.
Langfield was definitely injured too, his shoulder appears to be fucked.
Other stuff too. My hands are too cold to type anymore.