They sound like a useful bunch the 'Portman Group' banning something from shops that isn't sold in them
I tried to celebrate this news by finally getting round to buying a bottle of Tokyo* but it appears to be out of stock, as does everything in the BrewDog shop?!
I re-installed XP at the Weekend, I updated it to the newest version, and i've got the newest version of Firefox running right now.
I tried it on same Laptop in IE and it worked first time
Just in thoughts:
Fuckin' yaaaas min!
Rangers are fucking shite. Boyd is terrible.
Young was amazing?!!
Captian Foster is the future.
Did I mention? Fuckin' yaaaaaassss!!
Aye, it's magic, once again McGhee does the oppositions team talk for them. Personally i'd rather he did his talking on the pitch rather than in the papers.