Maybe i've got this completely out of context, however how I read what our very own mizer said was that the good people of Aberdeen were referring to our whole team as "Weegie neds", not mizer. And anyway, when taken in context, he was saying it could equally be a Dons fan and not an OF fan that the scuffle involved, which if anything, doesn't go far enough. I'd say there's almost no chance it was an OF fan, your typical Aberdeen based knuckle-dragger wouldn't know who 'Mark Kerr' was in the first place, let alone recognise him. But lets not let facts get in the way of the "Mizer is a cunt, lets shout down everything he ever posts" bandwagon
Anyway from, experience of meeting most of the Dons team/management over the last few years, with very few exceptions they have been to a man absolute cunts. All of them big time charlies who think that they're better than you, most of them wouldn't even give you the time of day and if your words are anything other than "Great performance of Saturday", "You were my man of the match" or "You should be in the next Scotland squad" will result in you being told in no certain words to "Fuck Off" or be offered a fight.
The only exceptions I can think of were Russell Anderson, who was quiet but polite. And Noel Whelan, somebody who had been a big time charlie, how the transfers for £millions, played at the highest level, didn't he also have an England Cap? He had plenty time for anyone who said they were a Don, and just wanted to talk football. He also bought a round of Tequilla for me, him & all my friends, which looking back wasn't overly-professional. Hell, now I think about it, John Hartson was more of a gentleman when I met him.
That aside, this incident, think everyone needs to take a step back and look at what we actually know, not all the speculation that is floating about. We know:
Kerr got battered Kerr got charged
That's it. All this talk of Calderwood allowing the team to get wasted 4 days before our biggest game? Rubbish! If i'm having a work night out, the single person we don't tell is our boss. And anyway if it was a "stag-do" on a Tuesday night in Aberdeen? I'm rather sceptical on that one too. Should maybe leave the condemnation of everyone from Wiggy down to the groundsman until we actually know some hard facts?