I doubt we'll ever play an English side away in pre-season, after all those fun & games in Bradford a few years ago.
Portugal next pre-season I hope, seen a whole host of teams out there this year on TV and combine it with a little holiday would be lovely (for me)
First was the red abtruxt one from about 94 or so?
Favourite is the Northsound away one, I had it when it first came out but it's long gone, but I managed to get one off eBay last year for £10!
at Hyde Park - yes.
I've now got the odd feeling that i'm going to see their second reunion show? Why wouldn't the second night be the Saturday, why? WHY?
Have I told you the story about when I met Graham Coxon, no?
But it was a learner car with "Derek Young" written down the side, having watched him play football before, I assumed it was time for a change of career.