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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by dave_min

  1. Nun ist es ein Glück, dass er praktiziert seit seinem Deutsch dann
  2. What about this one? Much better imo my opinion: I'm sure Stuarty would love it.
  3. In/oot - oot Prematcher - Manc Derby Match - Gulfin' Postmatcher - Boozin' Prediction - 1-0 Us
  4. Taking the piss out the Huns.
  5. £38m+ -caledonia £37m - £36m - £35m - £34m - £33m - £32m - £31m - £30m -Octavion £29m - £28m - £27m - £26m - £25m - MBT £24m - Tom_Widdows £23m - Topcorner £22m - £21m - Glasgow Sheep £20m - Tyrant £19m - Scotfree £18m - Kowalski £17m - BigAl £16m - rocket_scientist (and that's a fucking steal) £15m - Capitalsharpie £14m - mizer £13m - Bilbo £12m - Sandaldinho £11m - The Tradesman £10m - £9m - £8m - Dave min £7m - £6m - TF, what we'll actually get £5m - £4m - £3m - £2m - £1m - Fuck all -
  6. Aye - join the club. When you see we're 3-0 down at half-time to St. Mirren you'll know i've finally made my return.
  7. What do I win? If it a Scotland v Liechenstein matchbadge, I won't be happy.
  8. "I love the Club & The City" Sma insulted.
  9. I wouldn't know
  10. I'd swap my Advanced Higher Maths for a couple of million pounds tbh be honest.
  11. I'm sure we'd all prefer both. But if it came to picking one over the other, i'd take enjoyment over 'glory'
  12. So? Doesn't stop 12.30pm being a shite time for fitba'
  13. Mine too. I'd love us to be winning stuff, but I go for the football to be entertained and have some fun. Jimmy's years were non stop fun (with a lot of shite thrown in) Since he left i've nae really enjoyed it, and as such, pretty much stopped going. Jimmys years were "glorious" fun.
  14. It was in the bookies because he was making the draw for the WILLIAM HILL Scottish Cup.
  15. What a load of pish.
  16. What a man Most of what he's said is true though, except being 4th biggest.
  17. Indeed. Unless we can get Deam Windass in that is
  18. Excellent choice. Although i'm aboiut 99% sure it's actua;;y called "cookies"
  19. Yup. He was by far the best cunt in a shower of cunts. Milne/Miller/Foster/abody oot.
  20. In or (Milne) Oot - In, unless I get a better offer. Pre-Match - wuLk Match - Y or S Post Match - Chasing young emo gurlz Prediction - 0-0 Crowd - 8,567
  21. Pretty sure they're both German nae Polish.
  22. Fuck sake. Just seen the goal. Foster you fucking cunt. Should have manned up and just fouled the cunt when he lost the ball the cunt.
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