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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by cupidstunt

  1. Na Best defender we have. Why risk the security at the back for a midfield enforcer type we play well enough without.
  2. this morning I noticed that my nasal hair now grows faster than my beard. Officially old.
  3. I'd guess its mainly or completely down to the current work situation in the city. When almost 100'000 jobs have been lost with another 20'000 or so oil related jobs to go by the end of the year both offshore and in the city itself it would be crazy to think that wouldn't have an adverse affect on the crowds at Pittodrie. Obviously that 120'000 jobs weren't all taken up by people living in Aberdeen but a lot of the income generated in the city did come from those people even if they were just passing through. Hotel trade, restaurants, shops, even tradesmen are all feeling the pinch now. When a single ticket is £20, a family afternoon is £40, public transport for that 3 is £10 minimum which makes the whole afternoon out cost a minimum of £30 for an adult and £80 (when you take juice, a pie etc) for an adult and 2 kids its a lot for those made redundant living on their redundancy or early retirement and its a lot for those that have seen their income drop because they've got less hours or less business coming in. Yes its a worry but I doubt its apathy or people getting bored with the club. I'd say its all about how the city is economically and how much it costs to take your kids etc to a game.
  4. There's more chance of me donating to a roof repair fund for the rangers than there is of me douping this abomination. I only found out about this monstrosity yesterday while reading the guardian online. They had a youtube video of her 'rapping' and I unfortunately pressed play. After reading some of the discussion on the article, people discussing the rights and wrongs of appropriating Black Culture etc I decided to troll the ultra left of the guardian with these comments. Some bit, one called me a modern day Hogarth. I took that as a complement
  5. http://www.afc.co.uk/news/8717.php#.WB2aEOCLTIU More on the website
  6. The chat was good, I'll be dropping in there for more away games.
  7. no eye deer min. They are auctioning stuff for the cup final display on that twitface thing.
  8. Arent you contradicting yourself there slightly? To live life without regrets you have to do it in a way that creates good memories, nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that jazz. If you live your life in that way then every time you look back and remember something it will be in the good old days, if they weren't good then you may regret doing the things you did to make them not so good. As long as your mind doesnt perpetually live in the good old days then its all good. If you do then its probably dementia.
  9. Jakki Degg
  10. Of course thats true. If it wasnt then I would have been able to pick someone from the last 15-20 years. In some ways you have to feel sorry for the younger guys when all they have to pick from is the likes of Stavrum as their best player when all I remember him for was being offside.
  11. You can almost tell how old people are by the players they are picking. Late 40's+ are going for late 70's and 80's mid 30's to late 40's are going for a couple of the 80's and later 80's early 90's Younger than 30 are going for players from Jess's time and later.
  12. On one side you have a dull and heartless war mongering bitch and on the other you have a racists, loud mouthed, tax dodging sex pest that sits on a wall between pedophilia and incest. Shit choice, must be even crappier than normal to be a yank.
  13. Willie Miller - also the best referee the league has had as well Hewitt Richardson/Simmie
  14. Looks a bit like a young me and for that reason alone I'd shag the shit out of it. I am amazing after all
  15. C- for reasons stated in the us v tims thread with the addition of we had a shaky start to the season, the results hide it a little but the 0-0 against Hearts and St Johnstone were really poor performances. Could be clear 2nd even with the 2 celtic games. Our transfers have been good but also slightly baffling, Lewis and O'Connor are excellent signings. I'm struggling to see why we signed Morris though when his wage could've went towards an attacking central midfielder and we've signed far too many players for the single strikers role. Burns, Storey and Stockley all in to push Rooney has left us without balance in the squad and still reliant on the creativity of the usual 2, Hayes and McGinn. As we saw against Celtic though when Hayes is marked out the game and McGinn is having a poor game we lose all ability to create and score.
  16. Thats exactly what it was. There was a lot more bone in general in a dogs diet back then. Different make cars that actually look different to one and other. Everything looks the same these days. Fords and Jags, every single hatchback, Audi and VW and Skoda, Fiats and Chrysers. All identical bar a wee trim here or a slight modification there. Gone are the days Jaguars look like Jags with Del boy like oldies getting out of them, Golfs had sexy ladies in fur coats coming out of them and Capris had slightly rougher ladies all coat and nae knickers cuming in them.
  17. So hard she'd snap my banjo string.
  18. N I T !
  19. I'd say doing what expected with the budget you have compared to others is adequate. Doing a bit better than you should on the budget you have is good. We've met expectations in my opinion, no more. We've had a right to expect better than what we've been served up for decades though. No team has a right to win things but with the budget we've always had in place (between 2nd best in league and 4th) we have a right to expect more than a couple of cup finals and a run of finishing top 6. I dont think thats unrealistic, I dont think expecting Calderwood to get us to a Hampden final a couple of times was unrealistic, I dont think expecting us to finish clear 2nd and last season pushing for 1st in a league with no rangers was unrealistic, I dont think expecting us to be constantly top 3 or 4 is unrealistic. I'm tired of hearing from fans, both our own and other teams claims of us having high expectations, too high for a club like ours. Too high is expecting to win the league, qualify for the group stages of the CL and for us to be spending £500K 3 or 4 times each transfer window on players. Last season was our best chance in 20+ years to win the title. Last season was our best chance in the next 20+ years to win the title. Unrealistic expectations would have had people shouting for Milne to spend a couple of million in January, realistically if we had spent £250 on 2 players in the right positions (keeper and creative central midfielder for the hole) we'd have been a lot closer and probably top by the end of the campaign. It would've been a gamble but its a £500k gamble worth taking in that situation. McInnes has been a solid manager for us since being appointed however he's made plenty mistakes as well. He isnt taking the youth through, none of our U20 development league winning team has really touched the 1st team squad and without that they will stall. We were pish in the cups last year, we stuttered in the league partly because of his tactics and partly because Milne didnt invest when needed. For McInnes to go from being decent to being good he has to finish 2nd this season, attack and give us a fighting chance in the league cup and get to the semi of the SC minimum. Less than that is average in my opinion and also expected on our budget.
  20. Over and over again. She looks and comes across as utter filth.
  21. Just listened to him and I think (hope) he's just playing the media game for the final. Give the team a bit of belief that they can win. We were pretty poor for large parts of yesterday, completely dominated for most of the second half.
  22. I heard it was London and investment funds but it amounts to the same thing, no one outside the big hoose will touch them.
  23. http://rangers.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rangers-Reports-and-Accounts-2016.pdf £6.2m in debt How any club can be that far behind when they've spent 4 seasons playing part time teams while taking in £10m+ a season in gate receipts beggars belief. My fear when they went bust and started again was that they'd come into the SPL after playing there way back up having millions in the bank from playing a team that suited each league. If they'd done the climb the proper way they'd have a bank balance that would put them in the driving seat. Instead they're on the brink. Pleasing
  24. Aliens - yes. Here - no Moon landings - of course we did. There's physical proof left on the moon. I take fun in winding up the flatearthers on youtube and Facebook. Gullible fools that they are.
  25. Thats what i thought until I started shopping around and realised compared local installers its really cheap. Didnt see the bit about having an aerial already... Doing it yourself by just changing the aerial will be pretty easy. I had to fix mine to the roof outside and on a 2m pole. I'm just on the edge of getting a signal from Durris so I couldnt put mine in the loft.
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