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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

100% Anti Kingsford

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Everything posted by 100% Anti Kingsford

  1. To be honest the club have done everything they can to stop an atmosphere at Pittodrie. It doesn't cost much to install safe standing.
  2. Yes, its been proven through many avenues e.g. research, questionnaires, survey's that lots of fans are heavily in favour of safe standing. This is across the UK. I've 4 or 5 times written to the club (AFC) informing them if they get a safe standing section I will buy a season ticket and 2 others and donate these to charity. As regards 'Kingsford' the club on numerous occasions stipulated that the new stadium would have a safe standing section. I specifically attended one of these events and asked some club representative to his face 'will the new stadium have a safe standing section' and his answer was 'yes it will'. What evidence is there that this will be the case? As things stand there does not seem to be much in the way of stopping clubs installing these rail seating areas other than sheer bloody minded opposition. There is the added complication at Aberdeen that the place is riddled with former Police who take a risk approach to everything. In the UK the standing issue is as mad as the no drinking issue. People can spend 2 hours before the game getting rat arsed in a nearby pub before going to the game. That money could have been spent inside the stadium - all money down the drain. Likewise, I watched big screens at Hampden on Saturday. From the 5th minute an intermittent statement 'please do not stand' kept flashing up on the scroreboard. If you looked at the North Stand and the West (part of it) everyone was standing. So basically at Hampden, and weekly on Y section of South Stand unsafe standing is occuring weekly. The question is why have we reached this nonsensical maddening scenario? Celtic have safe standing section - it works. Its policed, stewarded and season ticketed out the door. German clubs have them - works well if you watch Bundesliga. Yet at Aberdeen we are dragging heels on the whole thing? Just what do the club propose doing?
  3. The pair of yiz dinna know what your'e on about. Nothing to do with being sophisticated. The pair of you are Making a song and dunce about what end we are getting at Hampden yet are pro moving to sticks ville that is not even in Aberdeen. Hearts and Hibs have no sectarian affiliations whatsoever. None. Both of these clubs have traditions that are nothing to do with the politics of Celtic and Rangers. The only people that have an agends are you lot, you two making a song and dance about the end we get at Hampden. Go get a bloody sat nav for your car to find a parking spot! Bloody idiots.
  4. Absolute, utter gutter nonsense. Hearts and Hibs (as clubs) have no affiliation to sectarianism whatsoever. The only clubs who have proven affiliation to sectarianism are Celtic and Rangers due to the Northern Ireland questions and the historical traditions of the clubs. It is utter tripe, narrow minded anti Glasgow bias and parochial trash (typical of many Aberdonians - and I know as I am an Aberdonian) to make a song and dance about a toss of a coin over who gets what end at Hampden for the 2017 final. Absolute, clap trap garbage. The club are approaching the first final since 2000 and people want to make a case for the end we will occupy at hampden. What a load of garbage. And as for 'car parking' what a shower of lazy idiots. All you have to do is do a quick 5 minute search on internet and there are litterly hundreds of places to park within 10 mins of Hampden. I found one on Saturday on Aitkenhead Road. Go get a life man.
  5. No, I am not. I have lived in Glasgow, studied in Glasgow and know hundreds of Dons fans who live in Glasgow. To be brutally honest some stupid argument over Aberdeen getting the 'east stand' is pathetic. Nonsensical pointless gripe.
  6. Trouble is you guys are (what I call) in the north east bubble. You cant see past anyone without a doric accent who doesn't say 'min' after every conversation sentence. I appreciate this is a Dons forum but there has always been an end that is traditionally celtic end and another rangers end. This whole argument started by someone saying 'hope we have a toss of coin'. There is no toss of coin. Why would you want one? Or need one? And why for goodness sake would you be so interested in getting the East Stand? Why does it make any difference? Its is absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the SFA in anyway whatsoever. No correlation to Wembley in any way whatsoever and what happens at Wembley. Celtic traditionally get the eastern end of Hampden and Rangers west. From Central, Rangers fans were directed to Mount Florida and Celtic fans to Kings Park these are the stations designated for police purposes. In addition Rangers fans tend to meet in West (buses) so obviously it makes sense for them to occupy West. Likewise, Celtic fans occupy East of Glasgow so go to the East stand! For goodness sake, if you want me to come on here and agree with you just because its some stupid North East 'anti old firm' gripe than I am not going to! Why would Aberdeen being in the West Stand at Cup Final be any problem FFS!!!!!! There is parking all over Glasgow. If truth be told on Cup Final day dont park anywhere near Hampden as its a fiacso getting away. Park in Maryhill or something and get the train.
  7. Its not crap or shite. There has always been the traditional 'celtic' end and the traditional 'rangers' end at Hampden. Its nothing to do with bias. Why would what end we have at hampden have any bearing on the game? Whether you like it or not that is the way it is. We have won the cup 7 times they have between them won it 69 times so in 120 odd years of Hampden finals one of them has been bloody in the Hampden final as they are the two biggest teams in Scotland!!! Rangers (Ibrox) is in the west (west stand) and Celtic is in the east (so they get east stand). Its not that difficult. So the 2017 final we get West Stand as basically Celtic have always got the east. To be honest, I dont see what is so 'abhorent' with it. It makes no difference whatsoever which end we get at hampden as in every final we have played Celtic including 67, 70, 76 (LC), 84, 90, 00 (lc) and 16 (LC) we get the Rangers end. WTF is it that is so abhorent about this. Its always been that way? We get same tickets for this final as them.
  8. If they turn up in usual McInnes mode - stand off, isolated Rooney up front we are fe*ked. Needs to be super human effort, Stockley upfront to hold ball up, attack them from word go.
  9. It does not matter if its other sides. When Celtic and Rangers are involved in the final we get the traditional end not occupied by the other. Its nothing to do with a 'conspiracy' or a 'SFA bias' its tradition and relates to policing operational matters. We get Rangers end, likewise if we play Rangers in a final we get East end. Its fairly straightforward. Its been that way since 60's, 70's. As far I am aware it was like that in 1976 LCF. Its a fair split - same tickets each thats it. The dressing rooms is different as far as I am aware
  10. Surely you are aware Hampden is traditionally split into traditional ends? Celtic always get the East Stand, East North. If Rangers are playing they get West. We will be in the West (Mount Florida). There is no toss of the coin. There is a toss of the coin for dressing rooms not ends at Hampden.
  11. We get Rangers end. Mount Florida.
  12. I agree. 27th May - It's the judgement day of all judgement days for Derek McInnes. The biggest game any of the players will ever have had. If we go into this game willing to be passengers we are finished - surely no argument with that. It has to be 120% from 1 minute to last, tackles, bawling the face of Celtic players - it has to be something different. What have McInnes and co learned from this season - any player watching. We have to be up for it or we will get bossed.
  13. Only thing certain is if we want to win it its going to take a monumental effort, monumental effort to win it. Rooney stranded half game. No out ball as Hibs had with Holt. He changed the game. Backed off attacking forays from Hibs. Its going to have to be superhuman to win the cup. We have to try something else like two upfront - honestly they have to go for it. Even if it means losing 1-5 we have to turn up, battle, tackle harder than ever or I am afriad we will lose. Saw that from yesterday - lucky as hell.
  14. McInnes emerged 3.20pm and sped off in a black mercedes back to Houston with his kids.
  15. I understand. But McLean was one of the best playing - outstanding. Fought, battled, passed cleverly, good touches and passes. It was one of his good days - an on form player. McGinn (the Hibs one) would be a good player for us. Lots of drive and positive player. Outside Hampden after the game was a catastrophe for a lot of people traffic wise. It look over an 1hr to clear.
  16. This is totally and utterly incorrect. McClean was very good v Hibs. Passes, movement, battled. There were many people posted missing - one of them was Hayes who was crap.
  17. There was a request for a Singing section in whole of Merkland. This was after the club said South Stand would be a 'sitting' singing section. After a boardroom discussion about the whole thing and concept they bottled out of making the Merkland or the SS the singing section and dismissed the idea of moving the family stand to lower RDS. Instead, there was a decision to create a small singing section in the Merkland Stand. Unfortunately (unsurprisingly) this section has not taken off due to a multitude of factors. Amongst these factors are the clubs desire for Pittodrie to be 'family friendly' at the expense of everything else. In addition, the place is stewarded to hell, passionate support is deemed risky and even the idea of a capo with a megafone was rejected as the club felt that it would 'create the impression there was a fire' (not joking either). Similar harrassment and bad treatment of supporters (sometime young kids 13yrs+) happened in upper RDS, and the Y. The club have proved that they do not want to engage in atmosphere creation. They do all they can to stop it occuring and instead have the strategic aim of attracting 'families' and 'corporate fans'. I dont think anyone disagrees with that, its just that in progressive nations (Denmark, Sweden, Germany) they create areas for all types of fans inside the ground hence why they are more successful than us! Unfortunately at Aberdeen FC there is a total resistance by those running the club to create atmosphere. Its happened at Celtic as they have let it happen and pushed for it - singing section with 3600 season tickets, flags etc. Its up to the people running the club really. But they are out of touch with things so struggle to get more than 11,500 fortnightly. It shouldnt be a surprise that they want to screw supporters with Kingsford. With the Kingsford Project we were promised (I have it on authority and asked a person at this open night) "will the new stadium have a standing section"? The answer was - "yes, that is the plan". If you look at the plan - no safe standing section.
  18. Celtic standing section is driven from executive level - Peter Lawell. The SPFL, SFA is littered with politics, silly rules and regulations. It makes it hard to make progress atmosphere wise. The people that run Aberdeen Fc (Milne, Fraser, Yule) are severely out of touch but they lack the ability to influence authorities at both national football and local legislative level. Celtic standing section had to jump through loads of hurdles before it passed and become reality (including local council in Glasgow) but it helps that club wanted it too happen and used its influence to get it through and past various authorities. All Aberdeen FC want to do is move to a new stadium, screw supporters by charging £30 at the turnstile and attract more corporate fans. Come in, sit down, shut up - go home. They could not give a damm about people who want to come and stand and have a beer and have no interest in engaging a matchday experience outside of handing out free t-shirts to kids. Anyone that comes to Pittodrie and tried to create any sort of atmosphere has been hounded out, branded and labelled something derogatory. Most folk come to Pittodrie to pick their nose. Seems a bit odd that a couple of hundred who for years have stood in Section Y would not go to a standing section at Aberdeen. All the club had to do years ago was cut out the seats at Y section and replace it with a rail-seat area and steward it properly.
  19. I am trying to help people. Go to the internet, parkopedia for example. Type in Hampden Park and litterly hundreds of spaces available for free come up within 20 mins walking of Hampden. Its simple.
  20. £300k a year to maintain Main Stand. That is utter pie in the sky garbage. As for the South Stand - there is not much to maintain apart from seats which get broken regularly by away fans and away teams pays for it anyway. Aberdeen FC employ an all trades handy man to do work. Its amazing what you can do with paint brush, screwdriver and hammer. He gets paid mimimum wage.
  21. Here is a solve for you. Go to the internet www. Type in 'Free parking in Glasgow' the date, times. The chances are something will appear to your requirements. It did for me. Thanks
  22. "Pittodrie is falling to bits" Not it is not. It is perfectly working conditions, UEFA Category 3 and has all the facilities required as stipulated by UEFA.
  23. Basically the people who run Scottish football are severely out of touch. You only have to look at German football from Bundesliga 1 - Bundesliga 3 level even down to Regionaliga level to see that Scotland is light years behind.
  24. There are some streets with no restrictions on one side and restriction on the other side of the street. It depends on traffic flow really. In addition, there are problems getting away especially from a 30k+ crowd. Plus many streets are not marked well where restrictions are. There are hundreds of spare places to park in South glasgow but you need to plan it before you go.
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