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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

100% Anti Kingsford

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Everything posted by 100% Anti Kingsford

  1. Love this thread. Anyone that disagrees with the resident virtual-clique gets accused of being a specific member / person from Non Kingsford Campaign or whatever they are called. Let me get this right - George Yule is responsible for Aberdeen FC being in the great condition it is in at the moment? Is that right?
  2. Ha ha. You seem to know it all. You are so ingrained in red tinted blinkered thinking you refuse to look anywhere below the propaganda of the club and its drive to move to Kingsford. - The club pulled out of the University deals and partnerships. - The Council have offered land, and identified locations - the club have ignored it.
  3. Saying there is 'No Plan B' is not true. Kingsford is Plan C (this was stated at the Consultant Meeting at Woodhill Hse). Kingsford is not Plan A - it is another in a long line of plans after Loriston, Calder Park, Bellfield, Balgownie etc etc. Stating this (Kingsford) is Plan A and there is nothing else is part of the artificial political rhetoric around the whole concept. There are tons of plans could be embarked upon via proper collaboration with right people. Have Aberdeen FC ever though of starting a conversation by asking ACC 'Ok, where can we build'? George Yule is becoming like a broken record, privately he is grey with worry about this whole thing dying on its arse but says one thing to the press and another inside Pittodrie. The guy has turned into bullcr*per gambling on this very concept with his fake optimism.
  4. Hold on. ACC have on several occasions tried to play ball with AFC as regards stadiums and sites for new stadiums. Countless times. Aberdeen FC simply do not want to play ball for whatever political reasons. One of the clear economic reasons is that they do not want to have to pay Council for land. The Council are desperate for cash - dying for funds and they have masses of land available far bigger than Kingsford. Its so political this whole context its incredible. They (AFC) want to make money out of selling land (Pittodrie) but they don't want to have to pay for land. One of the big problems with this whole 'new stadium' conundrum (may I remind you this all goes back to 1999) is that Aberdeen have a political agenda to move from Pittodrie at all costs for a 'House in the Hamptons'. The club have REFUSED to collaborate with just about anyone other than potential private investors. However, collaboration should have been at the CENTRE of the Kingsford concept instead what they have done is rode slipshod over just about every local and regional planning policy, ignored fact that proper road and transport plans need to be in place and embarked on a political propaganda campaign that has alienated the community and Council surrounding the plans and angered lots of lifelong fans but calling us 'sentimental'. Even if this gets approved by ACC the word mentioned was Holyrood might get called in - with a veto. What they hell does George Yule know about stadiums? what is his expertise in football ground development? I can tell him his plans for my club are basically shi*e - amateurish, cheap and nasty crap. Everyone knows Pittodrie is past its sell by date currently. But its past its sell by date and the pitch is terrible as the club have made every effort to make it crap by cutting off funding streams. Pittodrie could have been developed piece by piece just like every other club have done years ago. The club could be in a training ground now but they have chosen not to as the strategic direction they want to take is move from Pittodrie at all costs. As regards this 'sentimental' argument. WTF? Following your club is a sentimental thing - yes! Comments like that just show how out of touch George Yule and the people who run the club are with its fans. Moving to Kingsford will entail masses of debt - a mortgage of what £30m?
  5. Imagine getting sentimental about your club. Imagine getting all sentimental about the history and traditions of the club. Football nowadays eh?
  6. Always amazes me. Aberdeen FC are an Aberdeen club, Aberdeen FC - based in Aberdeen. YET, lots of the clubs' lifelong fans (since the 60's me included) get shot down in flames when we speak out against moving from Pittodrie. Kingsford/Westhill/Kingswells/Elrick is NOT Aberdeen. They are towns outside the city. Fans of Hearts, Hibs (likewise at Everton) they simply would not accept under any circumstances moving outside the city away from the historic home of the club. Hearts and Hibs are in the heart of the communities they have been since 1870's yet at Aberdeen they want to move to a farmers field that is not even in Aberdeen! As regards this latest garbage in EE - the writer of the story (Charlie Allan) is one of George Yule's own circle of cronies. Its a fabricated, contrived garbage piece of 'journalism'. The EE is nothing but a propaganda tool for the club. It has all become political - fake news near enough peddled by the club. There are Hundreds of Dons against moving away from Pittodrie, we have just never had the chance to mobilise and speak out in unison about it. Anytime we do (such as on here) we get shouted down, abused by fellow fans. Its divided us - the whole thing. On a final note the club HAVE been looking at alternate sites. I would also bring your attention to previous club statement on the 'new stadium'. Milne has been stating there is NO Plan B since 2004. But Kingsford is Plan C!! Also, since we are all Dons fans be afraid. According to Stewart Milne and George Yule the club WILL DIE if Kingsford does not get the go ahead. Yes, that is right Aberdeen FC will die of we cannot move stadium. That is the words of Yule and Milne and they have been peddling this since 2004. And some on here get questioned for querying 'transparency'!!! Yule and Milne are like a couple of polticians - peddling trash and rubbish. Liars.
  7. All perception whether for or against Kingsford. Quick look on planning site - selected list of issues with the plans and problems ACC Transport/roads identified: Plan Lacks detail Lacks impartiality in assessment (no methodology used) No split assessments of travel plans of fans (Big games v small games) Too many assumptions No detail of eastern access by foot Cyclist access provision queried and questioned Pedestrian safety queried Need transport management plan before planning consent is granted. Need pick up points identified in city centre for shuttle buses No drop off points post match identified etc etc etc There are also lots of technical queries.
  8. The planning and transport considerations in the case of this are more than onerous. They are pivotal. Everyone's perceptions are different as well. I drove down A944 on Friday at 3pm and it is not far from Hazlehead but the road was very busy, lots of roundabouts. The 'key' here is its not mine or anyone's else's perceptions of the road access its the ACC and its teams views. These are the people who know about regulations, transport plans, road layouts. And the view at the moment is that the transport plans are a shambles. Aberdeen Fc can't just mitigate these issues other than build a new road but that is impossible. It is a ridiculous idea to build where they are currently proposing. Rationality has gone out the window - partner the Council and find a suitable location FFS.
  9. I don't use Facebook. But I have followed this stadium mullarky since 1999. The local council are already in state of execution via the club as regards Kingsford at the moment. The club have already had maybe 14 or 15 points of 'improvement' i.e. things that they have to do as regards roads, flooding etc which they say they are working on. They call it an 'open dialogue', its not its ACC saying we want to see this or else. However, many of the fixes are non practically solved - unless George Yule can build a slip-road flyover like you get in Taiwan to access the stadium then there is no way of mitigating the issues. The ACC cannot say to Aberdeen FC you need to fix X,Y,Z and the only answer is 'we will run shuttle buses'. The shuttle buses are not going to work. People want to take cars and park where they want. In laymans terms, how can I explain this, Aberdeen FC have made a 'punt' with Kingsford. Its a plan, a design and a throw of the dice. But the materials that accompany that are poor with the roads, transportation plans a shambles. Do you know that road A944? Have you drive on it? Do you know how it links up these places i.e. Kingswells, Westhill, Elrick etc? Have you driven out to these towns and seen on an ordinary day the problems with traffic? Have you seen the roundabouts? Bus lanes proposal is nonsensical. The ACC could give the a moratorium in June sure - but for what just to put off the reality of the fact that the stadium at Kingsford is not practically possible and there will be huge problems for fans, club?
  10. The squabbles have moved onto various "Facebook" groups No v Yes and members in these groups accusing each other e.g. lying, fabricating votes, complaints, letters to council, letters to EE, virtual threats as regards votes general public made via ACC planning portal. Arguments over 'who' put in the better objections or better letters of support. As mentioned and already said it makes no difference. The club have messed up big time with the plan submission - its a crap transport plan and site is deemed a flood risk in various places. It's not going to get approved in June and the club have a big decision to make as to whether they go through a cycle of planning again for the same site (even though problems will not go away) or they actually try and throw dice again for somewhere else. The sensible thing for this now is that Aberdeen FC partner and collaborate with ACC and take advice from Council as to 'where' a new stadium can be built i.e. Council identify suitable sites, advise club, submit a plan, avoid conflicts and move the club forward FFS. There is not gonna be any community backlash over Kingslinks.
  11. Its a very sad state of affairs that the history of our club has declined to the depths of rival Facebook groups (Yes Kingsford v No Kingsford) arguing with one another as to whom is lying, telling the truth, knows best, submitting inillegibal votes etc etc Over 100 Years at Pittodrie, home of the club, the spiritual historical home of the club and its sunk to the depths of arguments on Facebook over whether the club should move to a farmers field that is not even in Aberdeen. Sad state of affairs. Shake head.....
  12. Yes its true. ACC make the final decision on 20th June. Its highly likely that its going to be rejected and declined on this date or that the club will be asked to go away and work on some things and resubmit. Its almost impossible for it to be given thumbs up in June - impossible unless ACC want to ignore every covenant, regulation, consultant committee, local planning guidelines going. Great idea - poor transportation plan and not workable.
  13. Thats ok. Its doesn't matter what you think anyway, or what I think and say or post on here. Its what ACC think and I know what they think of Kingsford. Gentlemen, Plan D can I open the floor to you all: 2/1 - Kingslinks 3/1 - AECC Site 5/1 - Hazlehead 3000/1 outsider - Kingsford.........
  14. Kingslinks and a host of other location have been ruled out by the club for the basic reason that they do not want the cost and politics of buying land from ACC. If you are going to get into discussions about sands, etc then land at Kingsford is not perfect. There is asbestos that will have to be dislodged for work to happen. Asbestos is a killer but sand is not. Aberdeen City Council are desperate for cash (public sector) they have lord knows how many public parks and land available across the city for development. Kingslinks (beside Broadhill behind ballroom) was used regularly by the club during Skhovdhal era for training everyday. There are public parks north, south, east, west of the city. When we were the best team in Europe we trained on one of them - Seaton Park. Milne does not want to engage in land purchase from Council. He doesn't like them ideologically. Hence Kingslink being ruled out. He wants a 100% private enterprise i.e. money lining the pockets of a private few rather than the public purse. He is a total Tory. So you see there are many areas of the city that the club could partner the Council via and collaborate in a public/private joint venture way towards a new stadium being built. Stewart Milne and Yule do not want that. They want a 100% private investment and to give Council the big v-signs. In the Kingsford case again however, its going to be a NO. Back to the drawing board. Its all so political.
  15. Its already been discussed on this thread if you pay attention. ACC identified and held a consultation with AFC. Kingslinks (30 seconds from Pittodrie) was identified as ideal location for stadium, training ground etc. It would have all allowed Pittodrie to be flattened, flats built and a new stadium adjacent to the old one. In addition, the club have withdrawn from discussions with AU, RGU particularly around training facilities (which may well have been in place by now) and chose not to partner the Sports Village thing (when it was just in planning) as they always wanted to 'go it alone'. In going it alone they have chosen 3 or 4 project concepts that have failed since 1999 and culminating in the latest Plan C Kingsford project which is now also in doubt as they have submitted a failure of a transport plan which rides roughshod over just about every planning and local development initiative going. So that is numerous Projects over the course of 18 years which have failed to deliver a new stadium for the manager while sporting infrastructure that is better than they plan at Kingsford (indoor facilities at ASV) were not a club priority. Throw in 15 years of neglect of Pittodrie (including the dire state of pitch these days) and its not difficult to detect that the club have blown a load of cash on virtual ideas and failed plans including the current pigs breakfast which cost £50k+ (not to mention £££££££££ spent on previous failed plans). So, again I open the floor Plan D - where?
  16. ACC, Aberdeen Univ and RGU have on a number of occasions worked and consulted with AFC as regards training facilities e.g. Kingslinks. The club have knocked these plans back and decided not to progress in an effort to press on with Kingsford/Loriston etc. Kinsgford is plan C. As Kingsford is dying on its arse transport wise where is Plan D going to be located? I open the floor.........
  17. I've no connection to No Kingsford group. I'm an Aberdonian and an Aberdeen FC fan since 60's who doesn't want his club move to a place that is not even Aberdeen. A soulless, legoland, cheap middle of nowhere monstrosity. Building on the back of George Yule's desperate and fruitless attempts to save this project re: shuttle buses, a lot of bluster on here about buses, and bus services and bus lanes a little bit like Moses cutting a channel through the ocean. But the feedback to the club and the Aberdeen C of Commerce has already indicated that most fan will attempt to get to the stadium via car. It would take HOURS and HOURS to load people off of cars and onto buses. There are inadequate parking facilities. The council has already identified that pedestrians and cyclists getting to the stadium would have to take evasive action given dangerous facilities and roads out to Kingsford. Its all coming to a pivotal 'wakey wakey' moment for George Yule and S.Milne - the plans are not deliverable from an infrastructural perspective. There is a difference between image and reality - Its getting desperate. Instead of attacking me or 'NIMBYS" those desperate for Kingsford Stadium, may I suggest that you vent your anger and disappointment at the club who spent ££££££ on these plans which are AGAIN amatuerish and not deliverable.
  18. I have no intention of getting involved much further in pathetic virtual/cyber arguments about 'not being a AFC fan' and being 'a member of No Kingsford Campaign' or being 'Charlie somebody'. Ignorant, childish, very untrue, infantile garbage but very typical of football forums. Nobody seems to appreciate that Kingsford, its not about land being available or deliverable. The site is not accessible by foot, cars and bicycles and contravenes just about every single planning statute and regulation going. You can't just build something as 'we need a new stadium' and this land is available. Does not work that way. What else do the locals on here need to appreciate this? Kingsford is a 'punt' and the club have (again) messed up its plans for a new stadium and let down McInnes and the players. Amateurish, slipshod, rushed and a total fantasy of a submission. Its one thing childish cretins on here getting all nippy as to my views just cause you do not agree with their own cliquey in house virtual agenda and house rules but it's another thing the club facing up to the fact that their planning and transport assessment is a big steaming pile of horse crap and have gone into a sulk about it. June 20th I will be back on here and having a laugh as our clubs 'vision' goes down the tiolet........
  19. Goodbye guys. See you at Pittodrie in 15 years time.
  20. My true colours? Always have been 100% Anti Kingsford and Pittodrie through and through. Not denying it one bit. I am an Aberdonian and I do not want my club to be leaving my home city for a town and a cheap stadium that is not in Aberdeen. Aberdeen FC - from Aberdeen not Westhill. As for George Yule - he is the man delivering this. He is responsible for it, project managing its delivery. Its why he is paid a £6 figure salary + a car by the football club. If it fails (which it is currently) and by god we will fight to make sure it fails, then its hardly realistic he will be around much longer driving a new stadium campaign and at least for the sake of the club he better not be given the next gig as this one was not up to scratch. As a footnote - you are all aware that ACC have 'offered' Aberdeen FC land for training ground purposes? ACC have offered the club land for a new stadium within the city but that the club have declined it in order to push these plans? You are aware the club are intentionally running down the stadium operationally (including. the shoddy state of the pitch) so that they can put money into the Kingsford fantasy? You are aware the floodlight fiasco was a set up and done intentionally to 'make a statement' about the facilities? You are aware upkeep of Kingsford facilities will cost TWICE as much as that spent on Pittodrie currently?
  21. This whole 'new stadium' scenario is fast becoming one that resembles YES/NO referendum campaign of August / Sept 2014. Both sides accusing each other of lies, mis-reporting. Then there is the big issue of social media. Again, just to make a few points. The 'Transport Assessment', 'Transport Plan' that was submitted by ABERDEEN FC (as part of the stadium plan) is at the moment a failure. It has been assessed not by anyone on here, not on social media but by professional people at ACC e.g. transport planners i.e. people who do this for a professional living in response to what happens with any planning application - assessment. The people in 'No Kingsford' (who I believe you lot and Yule call 'NIMBYS') have highlighted traffic problems but even if they had not the council analysis of the transport plans would have highlighted these issues and the nonsensical scenarios anyway. The transport plans, again, as things currently stand will put a stop to Kingsford Stadium and Training Facilities. Although George Yule can try and mitigate the issues it's going to be near on very hard for him to do this in reality. Stating 'we will run shuttle buses' for fans and put in bus lanes is near best fantasy level mitigation of problems the consulting committee's and transport planners have highlighted. While some of us are against Aberdeen FC moving from its true home, for whatever reason e.g. sentimental reasons, memory, tradition etc OF COURSE those in this camp do recognise that the clubs needs to move forward. In that sense new stadium , training facilities are praise worthy. However, the Kingsford Plans are not 'praiseworthy' and will not pass ACC currently due to the location, chaotic traffic issues and infrastructural issues with respect to the stadium. May I remind you people have been travelling back and fore to Pittodrie for over 100 years. Most inner city stadiums take time to clear traffic and the likes after games. May I also remind you the people assessing the transport plans submitted by Milne and Yule are not members of this forum. They are professionals who know about transport, plans, regulations, legislation etc. As in they know what they are talking about. So, its all great the club putting snazzy graphical images up and making announcements on its website about 'supporting the manager'. There is a big differences between images and reality. Stadium (looks wonderful) but transport plans are a dogs dinner. Council's view not mine. Back to the drawing board AFC - where next?? As for George Yule, opportunity knocks my friend - P45.
  22. I expect the usual stuff in reply, its fine I have had a lot of abuse through the whole campaign against Kingsford online. I understand that its a highly divisive topic and not all Dons fan agree. Just to enlighten those unclear and requiring 'clarity' about the Aberdeenshire Council Infrastructural Committee held 0n 16.03: - The plans were submitted in January. Its not a case of a lots of council members meeting on June 20th and saying Yes or No. Like any legislature or governance board a cross feed of consultant committees, specialists, planners and public opinions contribute to the final decision. At the moment the crucial stakeholders (and ISC were one) have fed in negative consulting papers. As did the Road / Transport guys at ACC. -There was no 7 v 7 'split' amongst councillors on 16.03 at Woodhill House. 7 committee members objected and 7 others did not object or approve. 7 only abstained so they they could get 'clarity' about the transport plans which at the moment are not good. The presiding officer called the Transport Plan for Kingsford ' A Dogs Breakfast' and formed an objection for the group as a representation voice for all the committee members. Not a single person in the committee 'approved'. There was no 7 v 7 split. - At the current time there is a lots of consensus amongst lots of council members everywhere that the stadium idea is great. That is a 'new stadium idea is great' but Kingsford is not 'great' - that is the consensus. A lot of Dons fans seem to think 'Oh, it looks good it must be approved'. However at the moment it is a planning submission and planning submissions do not get approved as they 'look good'. To sum up and BE CLEAR the Transport Assessment related to the stadium plans (which is pivotal to the whole thing) is a total and utter amateurish, dogs breakfast mess which is an insult to the word 'plans'. At the moment the stadium plans for Kingsford will be declined. Why? Poor access, parking issues, crime worries, poor access for fans via road, road problems on the A944 (or whatever its called), can't walk safely, cannot cycle safely on the route etc etc. The club seem to think 5-6000 people will queue up for a bus in the city and get shuttled out. We'll take a look at a video of Treblinka or Auchwitz on Youtube and you will get the idea. Hearding people like cattle on buses is not going to work. There is not no-where enough parking space. I would take the opportunity to inform users here Aberdeen City Council have previously stated they want to work with AFC towards identifying land for a stadium WITHIN the city. The club appear (as with Beach Kings Links) to be declining this possibly. It would appear Milne / Yule are hellbent on moving to the Shire at any-cost. Someone is able to line pockets from Kingsford land - that is why it's been chosen. Sadly this whole thing has turned into a blinkered NIMBYS v PRO KINGSFORD argument. Its not. Lots of people in No Kingsford camp are Dons fans who want good facilities for the Dons. The problem is the Club have submitted a plan for a stadium in a place (Westhill/Kingswells) that is totally and utterly unsuitable for a football stadium. The area, access etc is not fit for matchday purposes. The plans show a complete and utter lack of foresight and are now teetering on the brink of failure. I would remind you all the failings of the club to 'deliver' a new stadium goes back to July 1999. All the signs are you can add Kingsford to that long line of failings............
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