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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

100% Anti Kingsford

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Everything posted by 100% Anti Kingsford

  1. No bud, you won't miss anything down Pittodrie way. As it, ain't going to happen.
  2. Bud........................thankfully I have better things to do with my day without grammar checking, spell checking posts on here. Why people do it is a touch ironic given that a lot of folk in Aberdeen spik in some weird dialect that defies laws of English grammar
  3. The team is at its level. Out in 3rd Europa league - Check Amongst Top 3 in Scotland - Check Goalscorers anonymous - Check Goals coming from midfield - Check Lewis looking solid - Check No surprises here.
  4. The No/Yes Kingsford question is and can be poisonous on Twitter/Faceache - lack of humour that is for sure. Ultimately, is all just online bluster but underneath it all shows the amount of bitterness, nastiness and division that this whole topic has created. I would compare Kingsford Stadium to Scottish Referendum. With some people even using or adopting YES/NO symbols used during the referendum during the Kingsford campaign. Being a NO Kingsford supporter and being open about it certainly the whole thing is nasty - I had a big argument in Cyprus last week over this issue for another Red. It's created division, dislike when the whole issue should have been about collaboration, common sense between all parties - a sensible location, sensible access, common goals instead its been based on division, nastiness, anti/pro campaigns and propaganda. Given they chose Kingsford its the fault of the club that this all happened and its became so political.
  5. Absolutely 'gems' of the highest order. I would go as far as saying they both ALL deserve knighthoods. When I think about NKS - I just think 'oooooooohhhh, you are heroes'.
  6. Yes, and speaking from first hand experience I would have no issues meeting NKS and its leadership team. I know for a fact they are all lovely people. Each and everyone of them has a heart of gold.
  7. Bugger off to twitter
  8. Yeah, I read them all. Support and against. My special favourites were the ones submitted that said "coyr" and "get it built" from the support side. Hugely creative.
  9. Ah, the "get it built" brigade. Aberdeen FC's loyal bunch of we wint a new fitba stadium mannies. Alive and well I see. How ye keeping? Love to see your face mannie come October, greetin in your cornflakes when the multiplex cinema we a fitba pitch in the middle (St Mirren Park II) located oot in the country gets its marching orders! Get it built.......ha
  10. There are more people got off their arse to submit a complaint about Kingsford on the Planning portfolio than submitted one in support. Westhill / Kingsford as far as I am concerned is not Aberdeen. It's a separate town/place in Aberdeenshire and a place that our club should not even consider moving to. It is not a place representative of our club, our traditions, our history and our team i.e. Aberdeen FC.
  11. Kingsford is not a place/community when I last drove by it. It's A: A field B: A Sign Post C: Place earmarked for this stadia that is near Westhill and Kingswells i.e. not bloody Aberdeen where the club hails from. Anyway back on topic - you really think the last minute petition will push this plan through or even help now given all toing and froing of documents, requests between ACC, committees, AFC and Fairhurst? These easy to create petitions pop up every day in this age of social media. Even if it gets through come Oct there will be legal challenges - possibly to Scottish Parliament holding up things for more years.
  12. What McInnes thinks of it all in private is unknown. What Yule thinks of it in private is unknown. Russell Anderson is out now and he was Business Dev manager. PR Messages are spewed out via mass marketing email but it's all PR and there has been a consistent lack of effort to properly address pivotal issues consultant committees have asked to be addressed. Just how does the club hope that it will progress come October? It can't just pass council planners as the club wants it to pass. The whole new stadium scenario - Kingsford has become political, a political game that is muddy when if the club had simply done it all properly i.e. submit a proper plan, for an appropriate site, work closely and collaboratively with the council, do lots of due dligence even the naysayers would not have had a heal to stand on! The club has made it all muddy, alienated fans and some locals and clearly have not submitted a truly proper robust plan or addressed all things that need to be answered. I read something Sunday that £5m spent on these plans since 1999. £5m? They have used many architects, they have used countless parties but still gone like a bull in a china shop for a bonkers location! Again, it's not a question of FOR or AGAINST - it's a need for a proper plan that addresses the planning issues and regulations and the immediate sporting needs of McInnes. Read the planning portal - read the documents. Instead, the club has been stubborn (just as stubborn as ACC) and just want Kingsford to happen as they are AFC and because there is a nearby AWPR. Was it not obvious to Milne and co. that Kingswells/Westhill people would form some sort of anti-backlash against this plan as they did during Keith Wyness time?
  13. I get that. But it's not a case of petitions, support emails, or NK letters of opposition. It's a question of PLANS - and submitting a proper professionally robust application, not a punt in the dark that fails on so many levels. This is part of the issue. Both sides want to throw insults at each other (for example you have come on here lots of times and abused or thrown insults at me - a theme common to this whole thing on Twitter AND something done by AFC). It's not a question of whom is for it or against it. 1: The club submits a plan. 2: The plan is assessed by relevant Council parties against criteria. 3: A decision is made and called on that criteria The Council just can't approve it or dismiss Kinsgford as XYZ% want it or are against it or someone is submitting a petition with XY numbers on it or more people in Westhill are for it than against. Ultimately it comes down to the plans, what they are about, what the entail, how good they are. The club current plans fail on so many levels. Go onto the portal and read reports - it's obvious it falls short and will not progress in October. It may well be mothballed but it would make sense to find a more suitable site now for the sake of Derek Mc.
  14. Given this scenario is now coming to a pivotal point (like say an election where everything becomes fraught and divisive) I'd expect the discussions around this matter to polarise again. One of the problems with this issue is that it has become so polarised between entrenched ideas and view i.e. AFC v No Kingsford when in actual fact it's a much bigger discussion. On AFC side - two parallels of Pittodrie redevelopment and Kingsford have never been measured properly and on Westhill side - it's just a big No from them across the board. Entrenched, somewhat blinkered debate. One of the problems with polarised arguments is people tend to not see sense, refuse to compromise and it becomes very destructive. AFC, unfortunately, have been equally destructive and blinkered during this debate when the onus is ultimately on them as they are the ones with the idea. I accept AFC has its strategy, this is what those that run the club want but if it is what they want it has been done very badly - poorly planned, desperate communication infringes all local and planning regulations. Moreover, there are ridiculous travel and transport plans put in place by AFC (bordering on bonkers scenarios that will not work come match day) which regardless of what any ordinary bod in Westhill think don't work or add up in the slightest for those going to the game. At the end of the day the club have let us down, let the players down and let McInnes down with the plans for Kingsford. It is the responsibility of the club (Milne, Yule etc) to deliver and put in place all the required planning ideas to deliver a training ground. They have failed, and they have failed as they are amateurish blinkered idiots.
  15. They are getting worried, and panic has set in. The end is near and soon the hammer will fall on the nail. Goodnight Sweet Prince - 'at least you tried. Kingsford - R.I.P 2016-2017
  16. Partly true, there is more money in contracting elsewhere outside of the BBC especially in London. So yeah, if you are in the contracting IT game then the BBC is possibly not, in general, the place to be. But there in is the problem - and the misunderstanding. The BBC is rife with inequalities across the board. There are many people getting paid well in IT contracting at the BBC and other being shafted for doing same job. What happens on MOTD happens in IT service management. Some people get a huge salary and others only half despite doing the same work. ATOS for example (who were involved with the disability scheme system thing) get something like £300m from the BBC to look after infrastructure. That is £300m of your license money they get. Capita (managed consultancy) are getting paid £50m to administer the license fee. They have authority to send people demanding letters and threaten CCJ's if you dont pay. There are hundreds of other suppliers that the BBC procures from via multi million ££ contracts. Nobody doubts that people in media whether they are Graham Norton or Lineker are in media so can command big money - its the nature of the beast. But this is an organisation that lives off of you and me. YOU and ME pay for it via license fee and its the whole culture is rife with inequality, have and have nots and its getting worse. If an ordinary worker at the BBC does a 2nd job he would get dismissed or reprimanded by HR for conflict of interest. Lineker however has a £5.4m PT deal with BT Sport to do its Champions League despite them being the main competitor of the BBC. Just how is that allowable or fair? Its virtually impossible in London as it is to buy house, even buy a flat is impossible. People like Lineker probably have 6 houses simply because he is paid more than ordinary hard working person. Its the inequalities in salary and benefits at places like the BBC that typify and sum up what is wrong with UK culture. Too much inequality, too much arrogant privilege and not enough ordinary workers getting fair pay.
  17. Both great posts bud. Hence the 'wow' factor.
  18. As former BBC employee I can comment on this topic via first hand experience. The BBC is full of pay inequality. Someone mentioned it already - Stuart Cosgrove gets £41k for 8hrs work? Disgrace - if that was a bank it would be outrage. The whole place is riddled with an air of cultural entitlement, a sense of arrogant entitlement and we are the BBC so we can do what we want culture that led to cretins like Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall getting to do what they want, when they want and no one being able to stop it. And you don't need me to enlighten you what they were doing and what they got paid. These newsreaders read the news from an autocue. People in news desk do the hard work but don't get paid £500k for it. There are people in IT getting screwed all over the place by the BBC. Not paid going rate for incredibly stressful roles while dickheads like Alan Shearer get free nights in a 5*hotel in Salford, £500k for talking rubbish (and having no personality). The laugh of it is if you want sky sports - you buy it. If you want BT Sport - you buy it. If you don't want BBC tough - they take you to court for not paying its per head fee. It's out of date and should move into the 21st century. Stuart Cosgrove, Kirsty Wark - incestuous media mafia freeloaders bleeding the license fee payer dry. And as for that arse Chris Evans - £2.2m per year? How does he get away with it.
  19. Good to see most of us acknowledge Apollon didn't cheat and we lost as we were crap, garbage, did not turn up, wilted in heat etc etc. Point of order: 1 flare ONE landed in goal line area BEHIND Joe Lewis. It was nowhere near him. The Apollon group behind the goal set off flares (20?) which created a lot of smoke which the ref stopped the game for. The game did not continue while smoke was at worst. One flare was thrown only. We are out as the team on the night played boooffff, crap and created nothing. It was summed up by the horrendous Free kick by Tansey where Joe Lewis was up but cross never got past first man. There is no chance zero chance of Apollon being thrown out. Sorry to disappoint.
  20. Maynard was good when he came on. Nice touches and lay offs. There was no intensity to Aberdeen play, no urgency and no up and at them approach. Also, the subs were not used well. We are threadbare up front - and offer little with one man. Also - 650 fans offered virtually nothing which is a shame given away trips are usually superb. Tactically, technically outplayed in 2nd leg. Usual moans about diving but that is how it is at this level - you deal with it. Actually at 7.55pm last night it was cooler all be in still 27c. The players have been in cool and air conditioned hotel surrounds all day so can't complain it was too hot. Also, there was not one but 2 water breaks and it was warmer in Bosnia and Rijeka. Overall there are no excuses. We are at our level - 3rd QR. Overall I think we do well in Europe each year including this year. Played 4, won 2, lost 1 and drew 1. Its not bad but we lack ability to beat half decent teams. Some people without tickets were let in for free. As to the violence - if you stand at edge of stand at end of game and shout rubbish at stewards and home fans giving it the fingers and 'come on' there will be a reaction in europe. Stewards certainly should not be kicking out but riot squad were lining up outside long before full time. There were also a number of Aberdeen fans violent amongst themselves - punching and kicking each other. We will get fined by UEFA. A good few at the end of the game were looking for trouble and acting like idiots. As to ticket shambles - ground was not full and neither was our bit. Gaps either side - that stand held over 1000.
  21. I'll try and help you. Basically, Hearts are based out at Heriot Watt Uni. It's a training centre which adjoins a wider sports unit at Oriam national sports performance centre i.e. basketball, handball, futsal, netball, rugby is all played. Hearts occupy a small place in Oriam (the sports unit) but obviously, its a dedicated unit and outside Hearts have 4 Grass pitches and outside 3G pitches. But these pitches are all shared - lots of other teams use the artificial pitches including Hearts but the club has its own training pitches. The Hearts Academy has teams based from Under 10 upwards - lots of coaches, lots of teams and dedicated facilities for young players and 1st team. Cathro (alongside Levein) works at developing players from the youth ranks up alongside other coaches. So he was brought in for his visionary approach at youth levels working at Newcastle, Valencia etc. But he had never been a manager. So why was he appointed to the role? Hearts fans blame Levein and Budge who they think know nothing about football. When Budge came in (after the Romanov era) a strategic plan was put in place to move the club forward on and off the field. Levein was brought in to reinvigorating the youth set up and football side and Budge sorted out the business side. Leveins idea was to appoint Cathro and use his knowledge of coaching. The fact that they get £100K plus a month via direct debits shows money is coming in and all that is different to ST sales. Part of the business development was the new stand - it's coming along and looks good but there is a shortfall in funding for it - they need to find money from somewhere. When Cathro came in they were 2nd and fell away to 5th - that has a knock on in terms of prize money + no UEFA games. While Levein and Budge see the long term and want to work with him (work with Cathro long term and let him develop things coaching wise) football is not like that at management level is it? He can plan things all day on a laptop to a high technical level, great presentation skills and excellent theory but that is no use if the football is crap and he cannot manage people. There is the added complication that fans (FoH) putting in £100k a month via direct debits means they all want a say. People don't give money away for nothing - they want a say on signings and direction. People can stop the DD at any time for example especially those who want Cathro out. Fans dont really care underneath it all if a youth set up is going well or is well planned. Hearts have a structural advantage i.e. stadium that is modern and a training ground but they are miles behind us at the moment on the field results wise. Cathro cannot get results to save his life and his very poor media skills and very poor communication skills - watch his interviews. He is the opposite to Derek McInnes. So, its all Levein and Ann Budge's fault that such a poor appointment was made. They got the club on a level footing financially, attracted money and season ticket sales and building a new stand but they majorly fecked up by appointing a rooky manager with no experience of being a football manager. The liklihood is he will go sooner or later just like we fecked up with McGhee. But supposedly they all want Levein out as well.
  22. Yeah, they have big problems. The stand looks good and glass frontage is going on but can't see it being ready and operational for Sept. Also, not sold the season tickets that wanted to sell. The Foundation payments have gone up though - £120k a month getting pumped into club via direct debits but some will cancel unless Cathro goes. Its a risky business - direct debits can be cancelled at will. The dugouts, VIP areas are now in stand - so surrounded by fans. So like Milne and McInnes sitting in South Stand. Most blame Levein rather than Cathro and want both out. Ann Budge, is now under pressure for being out of touch with fans - supposedly that is what they think. The foundation payments have been a rod for the club however. People now pump in £120k a month and want results - they are not getting these so its hard for club rulers. The idea was Cathro came in and reorganised the whole club coaching wise from under 12 upwards but it's failed. Basically, they will by the end of the year have a modern stadium, training pitches but to be honest having used it the training pitches are nothing special. The adjacent Oriam facilities which do not belong to Hearts are far superior to the Hearts Academy HW facilities which currently look tired. The Hibs training facilities are far superior and more exclusive to the Hearts facilities. Getting rid of Cathro will cost money - lots of money. They are in a similar situation to McGhee era Aberdeen. Low morale, muddled tactics and lost the dressing room.
  23. Derek M. can't wait another 5-10 or 15 years for a training pitch or 4G pitches which are bundled up with the current undeliverable structure. There must be simpler means of delivering what needs to be done than the current political muddled strategy. It's not all going to get rubber stamped in October - can't be it's going to be rejected. Is it going to get rolled over and mothballed again?
  24. Yes, they can't redevelop Pittodrie Main Stand as 'it costs too much' and there are 'lots of problems with utilities' on Pittodrie Street. Yet there would be no problem demolishing Pittodrie whatsoever and building hundreds of crap flats that very few people can afford (or student flats that will be paid for on debt) on Pittodrie Street and re-routing the utilities. Not a problem. Read through the Planning Application on ACC and some selected documents: https://publicaccess.aberdeencity.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=OJMF3EBZIED00 The club has got mountains and mountains and mountains of obstacles to overcome if it wants a new stadium in Kingsford. Far more obstacles to overcome than bloody wires that run underneath Pittodrie Street.
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