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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Barcosente

  1. It was a shame it didn't work out for Hignett. He was exactly the sort of player the Don's needed at the time. I seem to recall that he was having some family issues which meant he was traveling all the time. Wikipedia reports a fee received by the Don's of £800,000, which isn't a bad return for someone we signed on a freebie.
  2. Only positive if we are on the same level too....which we clearly are not.
  3. We beat West Ham 3- 0 I seem to recall and Southampton in the final 5-1. Back in the days before the English leagues whored itself out to TV money and when Scottish clubs competed on a level field
  4. I too remember those matches Al. I seem to remember that the yellow and red bucket seats were being installed around then too. There were reports of West Ham and Man U fans wrecking a train on the way north.
  5. Aye, I got that. The BBC are the joke though
  6. I watched the match afterwards on that crazy Gaelic channel. Who knew that the Gaels were such strong supporters of football? I got fed up of hearing the word "Morrelos" and was contemplating turning off the sound, but decided to play "Morrelos bingo" instead. A handsome tally of 33 times, the cheating shiny faced Columbian's name was mentioned. His name was mentioned more than second most mentioned Cosgrove with 30 mentions and he actually played in the match being shown. Who says the BBC don't show bias? After this Gaelic Morrelos wankfest, I have no doubt that the love in is only going to get worse. I only have mentioned the turd's name 3 times.
  7. As an aside, being forced to wear a grey kit because The Rangers goalie likes to wear an orange shirt is petty beyond belief and not something I have ever seen or heard of before. Apparently, The Rangers appealed the case with the SPFL and won it? I mean really? Well, fuck them. Pettiness can work 2 ways. Next season, The Don's keeper should wear a blue shirt and tell the huns to wear their change kit. What a ridiculous farcical act of petty gamesmanship. Together with the pre-match comments, it's clear to see that they tried to get into the heads of players and management because they were worried. Underhand attempts. It's little wonder that no one likes the odious cunts.
  8. It may have been a frustrated petulant kick, but a kick in the kidney is different than a rap around the calf, petulant or not. The old adage that you don't kick someone when they are down applies here. Common sense should prevail in this example, but will the faceless goons who make these decisions see that?
  9. Sad news. He certainly laid the foundations for the Fergie era with his signings. My abiding memory of Billy McNeill was just after he left the Dons when we played Celtic at Pittodrie and he ended up squaring up to ref. His passion for the game as a manager was there for all to see. His example as a player does not have to be mentioned. Rest in peace Billy
  10. In my eyes, the soul has been sucked out of the club and moving the club to an area outside the city, will further suck the remaining soul and tradition from the carcus of the AFC body. I'm like Rocket, in that I can't get enthused by "the product" on offer any more. Product rather than anything else being the operative word. I'm all for progress, but there has been very little on offer these last couple of years. The match day atmosphere is flat and uninspiring. A change in chairmanship and manager is required to spark some life into the club in my opinion to guide us through what should be but won't be, an exciting time. Di Stefano's quote is no longer relevant.
  11. We obviously disagree on that point then. In my view a straight on position is what the referee had and should have been able to make the call. If he can't make that call from there, he is not very good at his job. If hundreds of fans in the south terrace with a worse view than the ref are shouting for it, then he has an easier decision to make. Different referees interpret different decisions. Maybe a symptom of the magnified pressure that refs are under
  12. Pictures clearly show the referee in line with a great view. I can't accept the referee bottling that decision on that basis.
  13. Wonders will never cease with this righteous decision of thug McGregor being banned. It is therefore an admission that it should have been a penalty and straight red card. In other words Madden got it wrong..........again! I take great pleasure in seeing the Huns going into meltdown over this. They simply can't accept that a decision can be made against them the self entitled bastards.
  14. I am amazed that Aberdeen did not appeal McKenna's red card. A precedent had been set earlier this season when Morelos had his card rescinded after "provocation" was cited by the huns as a defence. The SFA accepted that. I don't know about anyone else round these parts, but if someone had 2 goes at stamping on my nads in front of 19000 witnesses and tens of thousands more on live television, I'd call that provocation. Of course, we all know that the SFA are prone to making bizarre decisions using some nonsensical rule to justify their decision, so I won't be surprised to see the Colombian get off Scott free, or McGregor not have a case to answer for after his umpteenth assault on a player this season. If Morelos had taken a gun out and shot our player, the odious Govan club would still have the audacity to appeal, because that's what they are like. As mentioned elsewhere on this thread, a deterrent should be utilised to stop clubs making these spurious appeals, such as a straight 4 match ban if it fails. This shit is just not in the spirit of the game and the quicker it is stamped out, the better. Commit the crime and do your time and if you don't like it, rollaround clutching your shiny face back to Colombia you antagonistic little shite!
  15. Probably nothing in this one, but just heard that Michael O Halloran is a target. Anyone know what he's up to these days?
  16. 4 tickets secured. Phew!. Both daughters and granddaughter coming over from Spain for this one. It'll be the youngsters first taste of her grandads team in the flesh. I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint.
  17. Barcosente


    Around 30 or so betting companies are set up in Gibraltar. The main reason is Tax/VAT related. They market themselves to the tune of millions every month and a 20% saving amounts to millions saved over a year. Corporation tax is also set at 10pc versus 20pc in the UK
  18. Barcosente


    It perhaps does not help much that the 3 main Scottish competitions in football are sponsored by 3 different gambling institutions. Our government has seen to it that sugar tax is imposed on drinks to tackle obesity, an extra tax on alcohol, but yet fail to impose any type of meaningful tarrif on the huge windfalls betting companies are generating. Nothing wrong in controlled gambling, but surely gambling has become as much an issue as becoming fat or alcoholic?
  19. I didn't make it to the semi, not through boycott, but family commitments. I've been visiting daughters and grandkids in Spain for a chunk of the year. I may miss my first Dons cup final since 1968 as I don't have enough points left to qualify for a ticket. I'm philosophical enough to understand that those who attend games should get first bite of the cherry when it comes to getting tickets. Regardless, I'll be roaring on the Dons in any capacity I can on the day.
  20. I've said it once and I'll say it again. It's supposedly a neutral venue, albeit only a mile and half from Darkhead. It matters not a joy how many season ticket holders the Tim's have. If either of them qualified for a euro final against the likes of Real Madrid or Barcelona, you can bet your house that they'd be demanding an equal split of tickets. Same applies to any cup final. Offer a 50/50 split and a cut off date for sales. If the cut off is not met, then that is the time to offer the unsold tickets to the unwashed, and not a moment sooner. Of course this is Scotland and I fully expect to see the opposite of fairness and common sense prevail due to the corrupt attitude of the SPFL.
  21. The huns did have more possession 54% to 46% but the did the square root of nothing with it. 15 shots and only 1 on target to our 4 with 2 on target. Much was made about the Dons inability to win "big games", but on the other side of the coin, that's the huns 5th straight semi final defeat. Will a similar accusation now be made about them? Let's see if we are offered a 50% split of the tickets for the neutral Hampden venue a mile and a half from Darkhead or we are going to have to fight again for it.
  22. Pretty sweet for the young lad Ferguson to end up with the winner, with his dad and uncle being ex huns. A couple of dives in the box had me with my heart in my mouth. Thankfully the ref wasn't conned and such a blatant dive by the guy up front for them should surely be punished further given the recent clamor for doing so. I won't hold my breath however. Sweet as this feeling is just now, there are major problems to sort out, particularly up front. I'm going to savour this moment for now. :ultras: :ultras: As an addendum to this, I see Gerrard has failed to give an aftermatch interview to anyone other than Hun TV. What a childish prick that guy is! * no interview for the BBC, presumably on the orders of Jabba the hun.
  23. My usual was a pint of lager and bag of Chipmunk crisps, shared with my then to be wife before the match. We stood at the top of the Beach End overlooking the links course as supporters pissed into the wild grass down the hill. Before the ban came in it was 25 pence for the crisps and 80 pence for a pint. It wasn't ever a cheap date then as we usually ended up in the Premier Grill for dinner and then a movie at the Queens cinema or the slightly more expensive ABC.
  24. Sometimes I just don't get this country (Scotland) and what it is trying to achieve with some weird laws. The selling of alcoholic drinks in football grounds is not on (corporate excepted), but you can do so at Rugby, Ice Hockey and at just about all music events. The Scottish government positively discriminates against a sport, most would argue the main sport of Scotland and gets around it by saying football fans can't behave themselves with a drink in one week, but these same people can go to a rugby/ice hockey match or a gig the next and that's okay? It's absolutely bizarre in my view. The Glasgow police, under the guise of "Police Scotland" are dead set against any licensing matters that would allow your average, ordinary punter to be served a nice cold beer on the concourse, before during or after a match, because thousands of pissed up Glasgow neds had a fight on the pitch at Hampden almost 40 years ago. Almost 40 years ago mind! Surely Scottish society has changed beyond recognition in those years? We aren't asking to bring in cases of beer with pretty ladies on the back like happened back then. We aren't asking to be able to bring 3 litre bottles of rocket fuel cider or cases of Whitbread like happened back then. We ARE asking to be treated with civility and equality that other entertainment events enjoy. This Scottish government has banged the drum about equality for years. Equal pay, equal rights, gay marriage and so on, all about equality, yet people, just because they follow football, are treated unequally by this draconian law. Just because I have enjoyed a couple of beers at a football match, doesn't mean that I am going to go on the rampage and start a rammy with opposition supporters. I must admit though that I am rather looking forward to having a pee in the gardens of Westhill, but that might be because of the piss flavoured bovril. I am old enough to remember being able to buy beer at Pittodrie and other grounds in Scotland without incident. I've been to sporting events around the UK including football, where I have enjoyed a pre/during/after match beer. I've sat in stadia in the US where guys have come around the seats with a giant beer urn on their backs and served me a beer, which admittedly was mostly foam, but beer none the less. I've yet to witness US football/baseball crowds kick off because they have enjoyed a few beers at the game. Sometimes it's quite the opposite with cars setting up in the car park prior to the game in the common American practice of "Tailgating" before games. I can't imagine Police Scotland ever agreeing to allowing beer to be sold inside Scottish football grounds, and once again ladies and gents, it would appear to be the case that Glasgow culture, such as it is, may be the thing on police minds here. I'm not saying that other clubs, including Aberdeen, do not have an element that can cause problems, but the police obviously have a fear that a certain 2 clubs supporters will go at it hammer and tongs after a helping of Eldorado or Buckfast, and therefore, the rest of Scotland's football supporters have to suffer the indignity of not being able to enjoy a sociable beer with their pals, while their egg chasing and black pudding slice sclaffing counterparts can down as much as they can take. Scotland has grown up a lot in the last 40 years and it's morally wrong for the government to positively discriminate against football fans while banging it's own drum to the supposed beat of equality. I'm off for a beer.
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