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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Drew Peacock

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Everything posted by Drew Peacock

  1. Cant be any worse than the retard who penned this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A31089116
  2. My solution - buy Steven Hammel and put Ricky Foster in at right back in the meantime. My biggest fear in all of this is that our dire need for a proper left back is forgotten about as we look for a replacement for hart at right back.
  3. That's the only niggling thing at the back of my mind that i'm not totally comfortable with either - however i get the impression from Hart that his situation wouldn't change his committment on the park.
  4. Actually - the more i think about it, the more i think it might be a good idea to hang on to Hart until the end of the season. For us to go into the CIS Cup semi final, a potential Scottish Cup run, the Bayern Munich matches (Not expecting a further UEFA cup run - just wanting to save humiliation!!), and the league run in with Sir Lee Mair at right back, the more i think we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot. I've got no doubt he'd give 100% for the cause, and if he helps us in these competitions, it's be worth far more than the 175k that we're talking about getting for him in January. Also gives us time to seek a decent replacement instead of just getting someone in for the sake of it.
  5. Wrong fans forum.
  6. Good news - despite all the pish that some people come away with!
  7. On a related point - I wasn't at the game on saturday, but from the highlights it looked like Ricky Foster was slow in tracking his man Riera who scored the equaliser. However,i agree that Lee Mair = Bombscare. What a liability he is.
  8. Trust me CAPS - having seen him on numerous occassions, i mean it when i say he is shite.
  9. Yes. However, he had already shown he was a decent footballer despite an indifferent spell at United. Duff however, is completely shite - There's no comparison.
  10. He's a poor man's Lee Mair, and that's saying something. If we don't sign him i'll be amazed.
  11. Deary me - i sincerely hope this is a loady pish: http://www.thisisnorthscotland.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149212&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232924&home=yes&more_nodeId1=149229&contentPK=19519465 The boy is mince.
  12. Everyone got banned for less.
  13. If you listen to what the Hibs fans have to say about him then you would probably change your tune. I'm under the impression that he's their version of Seve.
  14. I won't be booing anyone. I can pretty much understand Hart and Nicholsons decision to go - they have proven themselves in an Aberdeen shirt and should get what they deserve in terms of contracts. If that's not at Aberdeen, then so be it. An opportunity missed for us, but nobody can deny that they have been good servants to the club or begrudge them that they have earned a good payday with consistent displays over the last few seasons. However, the thought of us going cap in hand to ask Chris fucking Clark to sign on the dotted line and for him to turn around and say "no thanks - i deserve better than that" leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth, and I don't want him in an Aberdeen shirt again. Some might say that smacks of double standards, but i think you reap what you sew and he seems to be dragging himself along on the coat-tails of others who have done a good job for us during a good period for the club. Fuck him - i won't boo him but i don't want to see him in a red shirt again. I'm not surprised at the reaction on BNP chat however - fucking idiots.
  15. Steven Hammell. Dunt foster accross to right back and put Hamell in his place - cracking full back IMO, despite the fact he's turned us down before.
  16. Could we not just bump up Barry Nic's offer now and then get shot of Clark and Hart for £400K? If so that would be a really good week's work despite all the doom and gloom that's been flying around...
  17. No but it's not difficult to work out who the top earners at the club are. Seve, Miller and Smith were a fair coup at the time and as a result will have wages that reflect that. Came from relatively "big" clubs, so we attracted them with at least similar deals to those that they were already on. It's an educated guess on my part as opposed to a well informed disclosure. What Michael Hart said in the papers this week about him earning less that the top earners confirmed it for me.
  18. Next! http://www.thisisnorthscotland.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149212&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232924&home=yes&more_nodeId1=149229&contentPK=19507234 Can't see him staying past the summer either - as one of the top earners his new offer is bound to ask him to take a drop in wages...
  19. The "top" earners refer to Severin, Miller, Smith and Lovell. Miller aside, i don't know if it's a coincidence that they choose what games they decide they can be arsed to play in. Even in Miller's case it's taken him over a year to come good.
  20. And a blindfold.
  21. Clark, Hart and Nicholson - Fuck right off, the lot of you. I sincerely hope none of you play another game for AFC. I reserve the right to abuse any one of you if i see you in the street. That is all.
  22. Delusions of grandure - Cunts.
  23. I think that given what has happened over the last couple of weeks at Motherwell, there's not a bloody chance Mark McGhee will be leaving them anytime in the near future....
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