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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by kelt

  1. I'm going to jump in late to the George Galloway debate and add that he is the fucking man. That happens to be a scientific fact. I read it in Omni or something. The Americans figured that they'd take this Scottish bumpkin over to their turf and slap down the most vocal opponent of the invasion of Iraq, just to show you don't fuck with Uncle Sam and the neocons. Thinking they were in for an easy ride with this backwater teuchter, they failed to prepare themselves. And we all know that failing to prepare is preparing to fail George proceeded to rape the entire US Senate live on television. It was fucking glorious. They then threatened to take him back for a second interrogation. "G'head", says George. "I'll go pack my suitcase." "Ermmm.. no", declines the Americans. Now personally I'd have liked to see Tam Dalyell go over with Galloway, because he's like the grand master of surly Scottish bastards. He makes Galloway look like Mother Teresa. I doubt the American Senate would have survived an encounter with Tam. Galloway's opponents have tried to smear him repeatedly and have failed miserably. Even when he puts himself in front of a hostile US Senate on their own terms. Makes it pretty clear that the smears are just that, bullshit smears. And he gives the Palestinians a voice in a pro-Israeli west and media. George Galloway, as has been scientifically proven, is the fucking man.
  2. Will we get past Dunfermline and go out to Falkirk, or are we just going to capitulate against the Pars and not even make the semi?
  4. And he's put the ball from only 8 yards. It was easier to score. He could have just side-footed it into the net. 3 year contract for that man, plz.
  5. I was replying to someone else in that line, not you. Calm down, weepy. I'm not saying you can't have an opinion of your own, princess. What I'm saying is that repeating "6 years" ad infinitum doesn't make your 6 year statement any more valid. Do you think they just threw up the RDS without looking into the possibility of relocation before they invested 4.5 million in a new stand? I know the club is incompetent, but they're not that incompetent. But, like I said, if you want to believe that there was no investigation into redevelopment back in 93, and that the very first time it was considered was "6 years" ago then knock yourself out. Personally I do think that makes you mental, but I'm sure your E-feelings will survive the trauma.
  6. I actually agree with the above. What's the travel time from New Zealand, 24 hours? So if he sets off fae work at 12 on Friday afternoon, immediately gets a flight, goes from the airport straight to Pittodrie, spends a couple hours at the game then heads right back to the airport, he'd be home some time Sunday evening. Hang on though, no direct flights to Aberdeen.... Okay, so if he sets out on Friday morning, gets a flight to Gatwick, then immediately gets on a shuttle to Aberdeen he might catch the whole game. Then get a shuttle back to Gatwick, flight back to New Zealand, sleeping on the plane, he can get off the plane and head immediately to work monday morining. NZ to UK both ways, call it a grand.... shuttle to Aberdeen both ways, couple hundred. Food, ticket for the journey well call another hundred quid. Say 1300 quid fort the trip at a bare minimum. HAng on, I just noticed on the website that the travel time is 30 hours. So he'd have to leave some time on Thursday to get to the game on Saturday. Reekie, yer a fucking waster. Get yer arse on a plane and support the team. That's my angry face.
  7. I believe it was around about the 500k mark. So that puts us another half million in the hole. Do you know how much a new stadium costs? Feckin loads. Do you know how much money we've got? It's about -10,000,000 quid give or take. If there were a 'more than reasonable chance of it becoming reality' I'd seriously like to know where the cash is coming from. Originally it was to be a joint venture between the city and the club. Then the city pulled out because they're broke/not interested and the club went ahead/is going ahead and paying for it themselves. So if the city won't even go 50/50 on the feasibility study what are the chances they're going to take on the expense of a new stadium? Pretty slim, I'd guess. Sounds good to me. Keep the filth out of our city and the good people of Aberdeen are surely safer. Which, without any money, investments or handouts was precisely nothing. Yep. Feasibility studies and a drawing. To me that's nothing. What would be something would be to find the money to build a new ground, because without cash all the feasibility studies and drawings of new stadiums amount to exactly feck all. Whatever the club does, if they don't have the cash to follow through, is nothing more than blowing smoke up our arses. I could go window shopping for a Ferrari, but if I don't have the cash to buy one what value do you place on me window shopping? I could draw a picture of a Ferrari, but without the cash to but that Ferrari there's still no chance of me getting one. So, until the club finds investment we're going nowhere. That's the bottom line. Let's double that figure and call it 20,000. That's still less than 10% of the city's population who are motivated to even go to the ground, let alone are passionate enough to care if the city helps the club out by financing a new stadium. No, the club has obviously been looking at the possibility/feasibility of moving since the RDS was built 15 years ago, given that at the time they stated that it was move or redevelop, and they went with the cheaper option. That's not spin. But if you want to stick your fingers in your ears and say "Nonononono" then go right ahead, but you're only convincing yourself. I can see you've managed to convince yourself. Big pat on the back. I guess if you keep saying 6 years enough you reckon it'll become true. Tell you what, let's say one of the 2 sites are identified as being fantastic... where's the cash coming from? Not the club. Not the city. Not the government. Not Milne. No investors. G'head, tell me where they're finding the money. Hmmmm, so you're under the impression that vocal cynicism means one isn't prepared to wait and see? Well, you're wrong about that. Toughen up, buttercup.
  8. Magic. When we bought him I thought, "Here's a big, thuggish looking loon who doesnae look like he takes shite, and could well whip our team of metrosexuals into some kind of, if not tough bunch of tasty pagga-merchants, then less scared to get their frosted tips messed up. Unfortunately it now looks like it's gone the other way, and our new striker will shortly be wearing his hair in pigtails and worrying about whether his clothes have the right brand name on them. "No more Mr Tough Guy. By the way, do you like my new HIGH HEELED SHOES? I GOT THEM TO GO WITH MA NEW HANDBAG!" I reserve the right never to say any of this to his face.
  9. Um, would we? Where was the cash coming from? As far as I'm aware we were just as broke a few years ago when the Kingswells site was touted, and I can't remember the Council having a sack of cash ready to throw at us. I also remember that the European Championships was supposed to get us cash from the government for redevelopment/new stadium, but obviously that was a non-starter since we didn't win the bid. Show support for what, exactly? No-one's saying we don't want a new stadium, we're passing comment that not one brick has been laid to that end. Are we supposed to go, "Yay.. nothing's been done yet, and nothing looks like getting done. Yay!" Because I fail to see how supporting nothing can have any different an impact to commenting negatively on nothing. Being positive doesn't make cash sprout out of the ground, and pointing out that we're no further forward doesn't make us any poorer. Let's see, 225,000 people in Aberdeen, of which around 10,000 go to games regularly. So we can assume 215,000 people don't really give a fuck one way or the other. Maybe a petition might help? But not really. Okay, so let's say the feasibility study is complete and X-site is decided upon. Where is the cash coming from to build the stadium? Not the government, not the city and not the Club. Sooooo.... where? Let's call it a lowball 30million quid. I think my memory's just fine. I'm not going to tell you what you do or don't remember. But I recall at the time of the redevelopment of the RDS that they said they had discussed the options, moving v redevelopment, and redevelopment had been the cheaper option. 4.5million v 30million. So that would put MY recall of relocation talks at 1993 v your 2002. So 15 years is, in my book, a pretty good recollection. And certainly better than you not being able to remember past the last 6 years. And 2 plans in 15 years, one failed and the other doomed to failure, with nothing more than a sketch to show for it, is pretty shite in my book. Though maybe I just have unrealistic expectations. We're ALL prepared to give it a chance. So, off you go Aberdeen, here's your chance. Run with it and show us what you're made of. Words of encouragement should make all the difference.
  10. Just to get things back on topic... ...acountants, eh?
  11. I can't see any sort of a new stadium in my lifetime, and let's say I have maybe 50 years of life left in me. They've been talking about a new stadium for as long as I can remember, and thus far there's a drawing of a new stadium as the sum total of their efforts towards said new stadium. The club is blowing smoke up our arses any time they mention this, so I seriously wish they would shut the fuck up about it because by this point we know they're lying through their teeth. "Look at us doing feasibility studies, like a real organization." The club hasn't a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. The city doesn't have the sort of money that would be required to build a stadium, even if they wanted to... and they've shown they don't. There's no-one banging on the door to invest in our club, and frankly I wouldn't want to risk some Lithuanian gangster taking over anyway. It's a pity, because Aberdeen really is a sleeping giant. A one club city where entertainment is few and far between compared to other cities... unless your idea of entertainment is getting pished and fighting on a Saturday night. A new stadium, run by people who know how to market a product would make a killing. Unfortunately I think we missed the boat when it comes to getting serious investment, so we'll stumble along with a giant debt, a board that doesn't give a fuck, smaller crowds than we should be getting, a stadium that costs hundreds of thousands to stop from falling down on an annual basis, and drawing s of stadiums that aren't going to amount to shit. Still, eh?
  12. I'm currently reading Conqueror's Pride. It's fucking atrocious.
  13. Typical lack of imagination.. solve the problem by throwing a bunch of shitty teams into the mix and see how a 20 team league works. Scottish fitba needs to be ripped apart and put back together again. Personally I like the idea of seperate leagues. Maybe an East and West Coast league (something that has been suggested before). The West Coast league might initially have more cash, but it'll also get to keep all the sectarianism. The East Coast league is going to be more competitive, with most of the clubs in with a realistic chance of winning something. A more competitive league is going to draw in more crowds, which means an East Coast league should be able to generate enough revenue to keep its teams at least as financially sound as they are now, even with the loss of the OF's dirty money. Cups could be inter league, meaning ALL the teams go into one unseeded pot. Winners of the East and West Coast leagues would go into the Champions League, runners up/cup winners could go into whatever the lesser Euro competition is at the time. This means it's not ALWAYS the Huns and Tims in the CL, which means increased revenue for clubs like Aberdeen or United when they play clubs like Milan or Barca. There may be problems with this, and the main one I can see is the OF would be fucking horrified at the prospect of other clubs getting into the CL, which is a good enough reason to go for it as far as I'm concerned. Thoughts?
  14. I wouldnae fecht him.. even though he's looking fairly jolly there.
  15. I don't care how many teams are in a new SPL format, so long as the OF aren't part of it. All I know is I hate those cunts.
  16. Exactly. I hear Gandhi was absolutely top banana as a person, but would he have been any good at managing a fitba team? Probably not. On a side note, I recall a mate of mine referring to Gandhi as "A fucking Paki", I got into the spirit of the discussion by offering, "Worse than that Chinky bastard, Hirohito." Erroneous racism is fun for all the family. Where were we? Aye, I could never understand the love for Ebbe. He spent a fair bit of cash, had us bouncing around the table, more often than not the wrong end of the table, wasted cash on guys that didn't even deserve a red shirt, and every time we went to Glasgow it was with the certainty we were about to be humiliated. If Calderwood performed to the same standard there would be hordes of angry villagers waving pitchforks and torches aloft outside the doors at Pittodrie every Saturday.
  17. "Aberdeen were officially the worst team in Europe after an awful beginning to the season during which they lost their first seven games and won only one of their first 15 matches. With a winning run of three matches in February, it looked like the club might have turned the corner, but they faltered again and could not avoid bottom place in the league. A relegation play-off was only avoided by virtue of first division Falkirk not having a suitable stadium for the SPL. "
  18. Arild Stavrum v Rod Wallace, because you know just by looking into Stavrum's eyes that here's a bloke that wouldn't stop punching and kicking his opponent until he was dragged from his opponents twitching corpse. And that cunt Wallace seriously needs a sorting oot. Nae that I hold a grudge. But it's still fresh in my memory.
  19. This is maybe another step towards the Special Olympicising of Scottish Fitba. Everyone gets to be a winner... if you don't win the SPL then you might still win a cup or the Bottom 6 league. Now you've also got the chance of winning the SPL2! You don't get to boo the players because it might upset them. You don't get to throw bog rolls because it might startle our special little players, and make them flee into the advertising boards like terrified, retarded gazelles. You don't get to wave banners criticising the team because most fitba players can't read, and those that can will start crying and refuse to come out for the second half. You don't get to stand up, because our players don't understand perspective, and might think they're surrounded by thousands of giants, and terrify them to the point of pissing/shitting their adult nappies. You don't get to take pictures because you might accidentally get a copper in the shot and have to go to jail... ...what was the question again?
  20. IF Zander was oot for a year than I think panicking would be a perfectly acceptable response to the situation. I for one would make a conscious effort to shit in my pants, run around in little circles all flapping my arms about the place, and making noises like Beaker aff the Muppets. Hopefully my prompt and focused reaction will have a strong bearing on helping the club get out of that particular kerfuffle. Mimimimimimimimimimimimimim!
  21. Hahahahaa "[He's] good to have around the place" "He always gives 110%" "Skillfull". Three comments used by the commentators to describe Derek Young. So when did they start giving the commentators free drugs?
  22. Next person to call me a retard is going to be subjected to a frenzied attack using all my retard strength. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcrPmkWY0CI
  23. Yer a guid lad, Mizer. Nice to see the club has made it overcomplicated to find the fkn streams. That's progress.
  24. Not seeing anything that says Match Live Is that on the main/Home page?
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