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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by kelt

  1. You should fight each other. I'll fight the winner. I'll fight you all.
  2. I would fight them.
  3. Now I must break you.
  4. I would fight you all.
  5. If you're introduced to me or my company I'm going to be friendly from the get go. I've never been one to be negative towards any other human being that I'm meeting for the first time. If it turns out I don't like you I just won't bother with you again. I've no time for this 'stalking' shit that other people do with folks they don't like.
  6. BUKKAKE! Again.
  7. So what's he going to be wrong with him by the time the Jambo game arrives? I'm going to go with Necrotizing fasciitis, just because it's funny and hard to spell correctly.
  8. That and anal sex.
  9. BUKKAKE! http://www.afc.premiumtv.co.uk/javaImages/62/33/0,,10284~4797282,00.jpg[/img]
  10. I hate these fucking non-story articles that just fill pages and tell you absolutely sweet fucking fuck all about fuck all. It's as though they've got a couple of hundred generic phrases, they pull them out of a hat, string them together, add in a couple of current player names and voila, an article. "Manager Jimmy Calderwood today said he hopes to have Jamie Smith and Sone Aluko in time for Saturday's game against Inverness Could just as easily, with the addition of a few random phrases and words in the hat, become Manager Jimmy Calderwood today said He's joining the NAZI Party with Adolph Hitler and Hermann Goerring in time for 1939's upcoming war against The British
  11. We'll bit the hand off any club that offers us six figures, by which I mean 100k, for practically any of our players. The only one that we might just possibly hold out for a little more with is Aluko. And the depressing thing is that if a Hibs or Hearts player was playing like Aluko they'd be tacking a seven figure price tag on the guy. We'd be lucky to see 300k - 500k for him.
  12. If Maradonna had been Scottish, even he wouldn't be picked for Scotland if he played for Aberdeen, Some prick like Hartley or Weir would still be picked ahead of him.
  13. Yesh, Shuck my penish you nashty shlut. Unt shwallow, no shpitting my shpunk in the shink. I'm sho narshishishtic.
  14. not me thats for sure and stuff like sentence structure grammar and syntax can all get to fuck inna its no like that sort of thing is needed on the modern internet as a matter of fact prpr spelng cn get tae fuk is weel
  15. Yeah.. one thing we wouldn't want to set in at Pittodrie is mediocrity.
  16. Seriously, you could replace the hopeless bastards who referee Scottish games with homeless guys picked off the street, and have confidence that they'd likely be more honest and less likely intimidated by the OF. I say let them strike... in fact get shot of every last one of them and replace them with homeless guys. Scottish referees are not very good at their jobs. So, you know, see ya lads.
  17. The Old Firm issues notice to the 10 SPL clubs that they're going to charge 5% for selling those clubs' tickets. Aberdeen respond; "So we felt it was best that Rangers continue to distribute the away tickets." This is what's known as tacit compliance. tac·it –adjective 1. understood without being openly expressed; implied: tacit approval. No refutation, so the situation appears to be that Aberdeen, understanding that the OF will charge 5%, are going ahead and allowing said distribution by the OF, as quoted in the article.
  18. I've no doubt the weegian rag reported what they were told by the club... unless we're expected to believe that the Sunday Mail just randomly selected AFC from a hat and fabricated the story that Aberdeen was accepting the protection scheme from the OF. Seriously? We're meant to believe that? If that's the case then AFC would have to look at revenue lost because of this story and rightly take legal action against the newspaper to recoup that lost revenue. At the very least the whole situation has been mishandled by the retarded chimps at Pittodrie. What the gimps at AFC, and their pet monkeys on the Aberdeen boards expect us to believe is this scenario... Rather than coming out immediately with a statement to the effect that nothing has been decided and that a further press release will be issued upon conclusion of a solution, they just sit on their hands and say sweet fuck all. This deafening silence gives the papers plenty time to pull Aberdeen's name at random from a hat, then fabricate a story to the effect that the club has capitulated to the OF's intimidation. And somehow that's supposed to be a better scenario than straightforward capitulation? So we're left with two scenarios. 1/ The monkeys favoured scenario: The club handled the situation with awe-inspiring ineptitude, by saying nothing to anyone.. and then the Sunday Mail just out of the blue fabricates the idea that the club has capitulated. THEN the club, after the damage has been done, decides to issue a statement. And they expect the FANS to apologize to the CLUB for being misled by a weegie rag and the arrogant silence of the club? 2/ The club just capitulated right away. But rather than issue a statement they eventually decide to test the water by talking to a weegie paper, then gauged the response by fans before issuing a statement saying nothing, in fact, has been decided. Uh huh.
  19. Bollocks... The club releases a statement to some substandard weegie rag to test the water before issuing a statement. The response, aside from the usual braindead arseholes, is almost universally negative... overtly so. THEN the club comes out and says "Well, we haven't really decided yet". Fairly obvious this was their tactic. Say nothing, test the water by talking to some journo, respond with vague "No decision yet". Couldn't be any more transparent. And the usual arseholes say "You lot jumped the gun", and try to win points for themselves, forgetting to mention that they were under the same impression as everyone.. only they were perfectly happy to accept a reaming from the OF. Because they, like the club, are gutless fucks.
  20. That is absolutely quality. Crude and shabbily cobbled together, but it's more than the sum of its parts I like it so much I'm going to call it Aberdeen Football Club Auto-Sodomised By Its Own Inherent Spinelessness. Nicely done.
  21. My thoughts on this are that the ONLY effective way of protesting AFC is to hit them in the pocket. Anything else will be ignored. Not spending money on the club will ALSO be largely ignored, initially, but if enough people are pissed off to the extent that significant numbers of supporters withdraw their financial support for the club then the club will eventually be forced to acknowledge us rather than ignoring us with their typical arrogant silence. Can you imagine any other industry where you register a complaint and are simply ignored? I mean, their sheer arrogance is breathtaking. They don't even deem the support as worth their while to even acknowledge us? I haven't sent them an EMail because I know it will be ignored. It's as simple as that. You and I are nothing but aggravating plebs who should give them our cash and shut our fucking mouths. Vote with your feet and your hard earned. They'll just laugh at any EMail you send them, so withdraw the cash without comment to them. The problem with this is that when they DO choose to acknowledge the complaints... based soley on the fact that they're losing money rather than because they're interested in what you have to say... they're going to come out and make some feeble effort at mollifying the fans. When they should be doing something tangible to address the fans' anger they'll simply come out and give us excuses. Pretty much done with them at this stage. I wouldn't worry about being called 'not a real fan' by some gormless tool either, because if enabling the arrogant cockmunchers who run our club is what it takes to be a 'real fan' then they can stick being a 'real fan' right up their arses. They can all go fuck themselves. The OF, the SFA, the club and the 'real fans'. PS, how do you manage to make a post on this subject without using words like 'fuck' and 'cockmunchers' every other sentence? I tried, but it's just not proving a manageable exercise in restraint. Kudos to you and everyone who manage it.
  22. Well, in Mackie's case, the abuse is because he's utterly pish. He'd be better liked if he DID take more money to fuck off. That's one of them 'ironies' that is.
  23. You're spot on. No explanation to the Aberdeen fans, no official statement... just agreement to do whatever the OF demand, and the fans can fucking lump it if they don't like it. The funniest thing is that they could have released a statement through their website saying they'll comply with the OF demands, but they'll be looking at restructuring ticket prices. This could very, very easily be resolved with rebates, meaning the Huns own fans are the ones getting fucked over. And what Dons fan wouldn't be delighted at the club fucking over Hun supporters. They could have turned this into a spectacular 40 yard overhead volley of a PR triumph. Instead... they look like the cunts they so clearly are by acting as if it's fuck all to do with the fans. The people who keep them in a job, no less. I'd like to think they misjudged the response... but the truth is they just don't give a fuck.
  24. My lasting memory of Theo was him signing for the Huns. An unforgivable sin for any Aberdeen player, in my eyes. This is why Langfield can fuck off... and if I'd been the manager he'd never have played for Aberdeen again after his alleged stating of his desire to sign for them.
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