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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by kelt

  1. K1664... isn't that CB parlance for "a mouthful of cum"?
  2. My sentiments exactly. 9 times out of 10 they "think", "Yous are aw sheepshagger an yous ur gonnae get humped. Baaaaaaa". And while some might find that a particularly fascinating opinion to take on board, I'm not much interested in hearing their shite at all.
  3. There was talk on DonsMad about the voice over being English, and how that was alienating for Dons fans who are, after all, primarily not English. Sounded like a very typical neutral to English accent, with the sort of manly gravity that you get in most voiceovers, like in movie trailers. "In a WORLD where....." sort of thing. Would have preferred Willie Miller to some pretend Don LaFontaine, but whatever.... at least it shows they're trying...
  4. I don't think they do, though. I can't see any way in which a club like Aberdeen can't simply raise the price of ALL tickets by 5%, then offer instant rebates to Aberdeen fans. Any rebate on tickets sold by the OF would be the responsibility of the OF. That way the price of tickets to ALL fans is the same, but it would be up to the individual clubs to offer rebates on the tickets they sell to their fans. This way the OF get their 5%, but the OF fans themselves are funding it, not Aberdeen and not Aberdeen fans. AFC hasn't broken any rules, because ALL fans are paying the same prices... it's just that AFC offers its fans cash back. Of course this could VERY easily be remedied by AFC simply saying, "Fuck you" to the Old Firm, and showing it has the balls to stand up to these wretched fucks. But one thing Aberdeen Football Club has in no quantity at all is balls. I fully expect them to comply with the orders of the OF.
  5. Gutless fucks. There's no more to be said about these people. If AFC follows suit they'll never see another penny from me.
  6. Well, It's (hopefully) safe to assume that this is due to a limited squad, rather than some long term strategic monkeying. Mulgrew is our left back. That's why we bought him. Though we did play Mulgrew, the natural left back, in a centre back position. I suppose playing our only left back out of position would free up the left back position for someone who can't play left back. Like, for example, right sided midfielder Jamie Smith. So that all seems in order. Play your creative right-side midfielder at left back, this allows you to move your left back into the centre of defence. Take your other central midfielder, Severin, and play HIM at centre back, meaning you can take your forward, Maguire, and play him in midfield. This means that the Boss' most favouritest player, Mackie, can continue to play a role as a starting forward... despite not being a forward, midfielder or defender. Oh, it all makes sense now.
  7. We won a game? Ach.. BOOOOOOOOOOO anyway. BOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. I say give him a new contract... when he stops being shite. But only a one year contract. Then, if he stops being shite for a year, he gets another contract.
  9. I don't think it's illegal to offer a rebate to people who purchase tickets for the home sections. So you make the face value the same as the Huns, but you get an instant rebate when you purchase a ticket for anywhere in the home sections. So the face value is 25 quid, but the instant rebate just so happens to be the exact amount that the price of the ticket has risen. Unfortunately rebates don't count for away sections, since there's a greater degree of clean-up required after Old Firm fans visit, meaning rebates are, 'sadly' impossible due to overheads. Or, rebates only apply to tickets purchased at Pittodrie... and since we don't sell tickets to the away support, no rebates apply to tickets sold by the Old Firm. But if the Old Firm want to eat the cost of offering THEIR supporters rebates, then by all means do so. All that means is that the 5% they're charging us goes back to their support and they make not one penny.
  10. Simple solution is to add 10 or 15% on to the cost of tickets issued to the Huns. Just to show we can play silly fuckers as well as they can. That'll cover the cost of the 5%, the Huns GET their 5%, we make MORE cash and the Huns fans get stiffed thanks to the actions of their own club. Everyone wins. From an Aberdeen point of view.
  11. It's getting late in the day, and the club (AFC) STILL hasnae managed to formulate a response one way or the other. I'll hold off on renewing my Redweb subscription until they respond with a big 'Fuck You'. If they don't then I won't be renewing my Redweb, and I probably won't buy any club merchandise the season after next. I'm going to have to start an Excel spreadsheet detailing the club's fuck ups, so that I can pinpoint the next time I'll spend money on the club. Right now I'm buying nothing from the club in the 08-09 season because of the QotS fiasco. If they roll over to the Huns that'll be pushed back to the 09-10 season. I live in hope that they're preparing a special 'Piss Off Huns' special presentation, with balloons and elephants and juggling monkeys, but that's just the mindless optimist in me.
  12. And let's not forget that Leighton's bottle was never in question
  13. I've already cancelled my annual purchase of a couple hundred quids worth of merchandise (tops, hats, scarves, wallet, pens, hoodies, and assorted gift-shop shite) as a result of their surrender to Queen of the South last season.... if they take this 5% thing lying down, in fact if they do anything other than politely (or better still, impolitely) tell the OF to go fuck themselves, they can wave tata to my cash for next season inna. I realise my money is insignificant to AFC, but It'll make me feel better about not funding a club that has no balls whatsoever. My Redweb sub is almost expired, so depending upon how they react to the 5% thing will determine whether I renew even that.
  14. Leighton, our greatest ever keeper by a country mile. Snelders is dead to me.
  15. Used to play for a side where our right back, a ginger guy (fantastic tackler, battler, runner) would repeatedly cross the ball from the right... into our own fucking box. Forget his name, but that was his only real flaw... his deft inswinging crosses at our own end. Really had to be seen to be believed, like. And despite our repeated screaming at him to knock it off, the very next time he was under pressure on the right touchline he would turn away from his man and sweep a tremendous cross right into our six yard box.
  16. My thoughts exactly. We get what promises to be our first decent, natural left back since Davie Robertson, and we play him in the centre... meaning we still don't have a decent, natural left back in the left back position. I'd think the club was having a laugh if it was anyone but Jimmy in charge. Calderwood saved our arse, bless him, but he does do some awfy, awfy retarded shit.
  17. A few goals, hat trick from Maguire.... against a team that, to be fair, is likely about the quality of a bunch of lads in the Duthie Park. Still, it's games like this that let them form understandings.... when they can knock the ball about and play to the game-plan, rather than chasing the game like we did against Peter-feckin-heid. Hope to christ we can find a central defender before the start of the season. And by 'defender' I'm not just talking about some substandard journeyman who gets found out at SPL level.
  18. I'm just delighted to have a natural left back in the team. It's only taken about 17 years to replace David Robertson... maybe this will be the guy who we were waiting for. The trip to Holland I'm not expecting much from in the way of results, but hopefully it'll go some way to making these players into a team capable of beating, say, Peterhead.
  19. No, but then technically we don't know what Jesus or God or the Virgin Mary looked like (understandable given their entirely fictitious nature) but it didn't stop Michelangelo painting a great fuck-off picture of god in the Sistine Chapel. And the Ornamental Mary industry here in the States has never been so busy. What you do in the case of your god, whatever god you decide to go with is this... 1. You make him look EXACTLY like you want him to look 2. You give him all the prejudices you already have So, for example, if you're a God Fearing KKK member, you don't pretend your god looks like a Gollywog. Any self-respecting white supremacist KNOWS Jesus was a blonde, blue-eyed white dude who looked like a Californian surfer. Beach Jesus. Despite everyone else in the middle east being Calderwood coloured, Jesus was obviously a white European looking Messiah. If you hate homos, so does your god. If you think Transvestites need killing, then that's what your god thinks. It's a handy dandy way of confirming your prejudices. You attribute all your hatreds and prejudices to your god, then you say, "Hey, I HAVE to believe this.. because GOD tells me it's so. Circular logic is awesome.
  20. When did Gollywogs become racist all of a sudden then? I bought my loon a Gollywog when he was born, though I had to order it online because no-one in Detroit sells them. I also bought him a cuddly Jesus. The wife winna let him bring them with him when we go out though. Says they're inappropriate. Jesus is inappropriate? It's political correctness gone mad. I'm an atheist, but I've no problem with my loon having the Lord and Savior of 1.5 Billion Christians in his Crib. Was originally looking for a stuffed allah, but would you believe there isnae one? The closest you can get is an "Allah is Great" Teddy Bear in a T-Shirt. Might see if I can get one made. Actually, if I dye his stuffed Jesus' hair and beard black and stick a turban on him we might just pull that one off. I can see how stuff like 'Piss christ' and a Pig called Mohammed is offensive. I can see how a ceramic ornament of Mohammed fisting the Virgin Mary would be offensive.... but I cannae understand how things like Gollywogs and stuffed messiahs are offensive. Well, okay, maybe Gollywogs are a wee bit offensive. Apparently this is racist.
  21. And the point was clarified, in detail in the very next post to you. As I said, you either won't or simply can't accept clarification. This is a failing of your reading comprehension, and tat's really not my fault or problem, is it? Again, rather than narrowing it down from strikers, I expanded it to include midfielders and goalkeepers. Again, the problem is your reading comprehension. My point was clarified in the second post to specifically point out the failings in our coaching of forwards. Once again, your reading comprehension leads to your confusion. The point was there. It was clarified in my detailed clarification. Once again, if clarification isn't something you can comprehend then the problem lies with you. There's really nothing I can do to help you there. Actually, it displays some form of obsessive compulsion to not understand the point in light of my clarification. Once again, if you can't understand my point in light of my clarification then you may want to get some help in remedial English. Once again,my point was clarified to clear up any ambiguity. My clarification very, very clearly pointed out that I was primarily talking about strikers. I can see where the problem stems from, since you say you can't take on board new information until you've thrashed the original post to death, despite my clarification in my very FIRST response to you. If you aren;t capable or willing to move on to the clarification then you're never going to understand the point. That's the point of processing new information, it helps you see the bigger picture. Obsessing over a post that may have been ambiguous to you isn't going to help you get the real point. A point I've explained to you about half a dozen times now. Really? I'm surprised that you can agree with a point I made later. After the point I made about strikers, in fact. And a point you just said you weren't able to comprehend because you were still ruminating on the first post I made. That's rather odd... Being able to do their job at a level I would consider to be at a level worthy of being in the first team. Obviously said definition is subjective. anderson suffered injury at Southampton and was never given a fair crack. He could have done a job, but circumstance rather than ability fucked him over. Hart was no loss when he left, yet he came back a better player. McNaughton stagnated, and has done well at Cardiff. He wasn't progressing at the club, yet now he's on the Scotland fringes. Kinda backs up what I'm saying if anything. Not to labour the point, but I did mention Diamond as one of the exceptions. All you're doing here is agreeing with me. Mackie was a product of our youth system. He signed on at 16 and has developed physically since he's now 26, but in all the years of playing and being coached at Aberdeen.. since he was 16.. he's still shit. I can't see why seeing him play as a physically weak kid would have any bearing on the fact that he hasn't developed at all at Pittodrie. What point were you making there, if any? You just seem to be looking for a lengthy and pointless argument at this point. you obviously, for whatever reason, have decided you're going to attach meaning to my post that by now you should know wasn't there, and no amount of trying to explain my point to you is going to make any difference. If you want to ignore that I was initially talking about Maguire and his chances of improving (as a result of.. the coaches who train our forwards) then that's fine. I'm seriously losing interest in playing this game with you. Maybe this sort of "NO.. YOU SAID...." stuffis what gets you off, , but I can only give you so much of the attention you're looking for. I've made my point, I've repeatedly clarified my point, you've continued to focus on the ambiguity you found in my initial point and ignore my attempts to get you to understand that point because of some kind of weird pleasure you're getting out of it. Bottom line is that if you refuse to accept my point by now you're going to refuse to accept my point a hundred posts from now. and that's not really something I'm interested in getting involved in. you can have the last word. It'll no doubt be something about how "YOU SAID...". Knock yourself out, Bud.
  22. Rangers ------------ Celtic Hibs Motherwell Hearts Aberdeen ------------ Dundee Utd ICT Falkirk Kilmarnock St. Mirren ------------ Hamilton Admin... any chance you can sticky this topic?
  23. All you've done is highlight some ambiguous lines that in no way is a reinterpretation of my point. That I was, and still am, primarily talking about strikers. You can continue to try to tell me what you thought I was talking about, but that would be a pretty idiotic thing to do since I've repeatedly told you that I was talking about forwards specifically. Are you capable of processing new information as it's given to you, or is clarification of a point not something you have the skills to incorporate into a discussion? I then went on to point out that we also have no record of developing midfielders and goalkeepers, and we only have very limited success with defenders. The fact is that our youth system as a whole is shit and we barely develop any players worth a fuck. Not to be difficult, but you didn't answer any of my questions, so why would I take the effort to answer one of yours?
  24. Nope. Was either Miller or Calderwood who came out and said that the only English teams that we might be able to compete with in terms of wages are the Conference teams. And that's only maybe. So there you have it.
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