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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

hercule poirot

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Everything posted by hercule poirot

  1. ^ To add to above... He asked me if I had a price in mind for the car I was trading in. I informed him I had, as being no slouch I had done my homework as to estimated value via the Internet He was derisive of this approach as its preferable to see and kick the tyres of a vehicle to give a true value. He then offered me more than I had been offered virtually!!!! Car salesmen, no match for a trooper such as myself.
  2. Today I also paid for my new car. Got a cracking deal, drove the sales gadgie down to what I was willing to pay rather than what he was asking for. Boot mat, gap insurance and paint protection all included. No email chains a mile long with some spiv from Doncaster and no endless phone calls about inconsequential trivial crap in an attempt to save £123.50. Bull by the horns, that's the way I roll.
  3. Today I hadn't noticed a Teams message from the CEO until around an hour after it was sent. He's aware I go out for a stroll around lunchtime, so in my reply I apologised for the delay and informed him, in error, that I had been out for a 'wank'
  4. Ken. If I was to make of an arse of it at work (not that I would, top of my game me), then I would expect to be sacked regardless of my contract of employment. Why do football players and useless managers apparently get paid to the end of their term of employment?
  5. Fair point. He's likely on less money than Bryson, and a few others at Aberdeen.
  6. Luther Vandross? Martin Luther King? Whatchoo talkin about Willis?
  7. ^ He's on loan. Actually.
  8. I did not ask as to his source. He's a slater by trade, salt of the earth. Good at darts also.
  9. My source is the guy who I drink a lot of beer with at weekends. He whatsapped me earlier.
  10. Cosgrove and Mckenna have submitted transfer requests. Logan, McGeough also to be shown the door. Edit to add: Hedges away in addition.
  11. ^ there's a website that's worth playing with, can't remember it's name. You enter in your garden dimensions and play around adding trees, walls, decking borders etc.. Then you can walk round it in 3d.
  12. Hopefully that fantasist clown rocket isn't your neighbour.
  13. One of my mates is a tree cutterer and he has one of those stump removal machines I've not asked him for a price yet though Presumably you're from Elgin? May be a bit far for him to travel
  14. And if you did, was it a little fat squeaky padlock?
  15. Thanks for the kind offer. See if you paint your fence, presumably, even with the best will in the world, some of the paint will go through to your neighbours side. Do you have to come to an agreement with them to both use the same colour paint?
  16. And the mower has a slow puncture. First World problems.
  17. That could be an entrant in the bonny garden competition. Well done sir, clearly a lot of time and effort gone into that. I recently dug out a lot of borders, lay down some weed cover sheeting and filled with 10mt of chuckies. I've too many borders so some had to go. Next on the agenda is remove 6 of the 14 trees. That won't be cheap...
  18. Did you and Mrs rocket hang your love padlock onto the railings at the fuegh?
  19. I appreciate your words of advice, thank you. But.. I'm old skool, I prefer to see, touch, drive and then make my mind up. As you know, car salesmanship is not a vocation, it's a last resort job for those who have fallen by the wayside. I'd prefer to decide while standing looking at the product rather than rely on some uneducated anonymous oik to get things correct. Thanks again though.
  20. You're boring me now. On a completely different subject, I'm away down to Dundee today to buy a car.
  21. My point proven. Thank you. From January to June there are 14 medals mentioned on your itinerary. The remainder being a mixture of assorted competitions. So, if we duplicate the first half of the year to include July to December, we can assume a maximum of thirty (30) medal competitions per year. That's assuming the weather will be favourable every single time. Unlikely.
  22. Could you please advise how you managed to play 50 medal rounds in a year? Every golf club I know has Monthly medal competitions during the summer months, club specific trophies normally for a much loved and missed ex member, texas scrambles, club championship completions for singles, doubles and mixed tournaments At the very most there's unlikely to be more than 8 'medal' completions per club per season. Therefore... Were you a member at approximately 7 golf clubs? Or do you talk nonsensical poop in a futile attempt to impress?
  23. I'm not an afc chat weirdo, just a normal weirdo. I monitor posters musings from afar. You appear to have grown up a bit which is a good thing. Keep it up shorty.
  24. Yoga is renowned as being the best way to reach ones inner self. Also beneficial for expunging trapped wind. Both will help the old man become a better person. Maybe.
  25. Most unlike you to back down from potential confrontation with an apology and politeness. Good to see that moderators have taught you a lesson in being humble.
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