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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

One Bobby Clark

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Everything posted by One Bobby Clark

  1. Is there any chance that someone in the SPL team investigating the EBT/Double Contract issue had an off the record word with the Chairmen? Maybe suggested that, given the Huns' fans recent threatening behaviour to anyone they perceive as being anti-rapeepul, the Chairmen needn't make a decision because the evidence in the contract fraud is so compelling that the SPL will no choice but to impose enormous sanctions, strip them of trophies and relegate them, otherwise UEFA will impose sanctions on Scottish football. Or are they just bottling it ?
  2. how bad must we have been to lose 3 - 0 to the Dunfs
  3. It's a piece of nonsense that with nothing at risk, Brown is still unable to break from his safety first, safety at all and any cost state of mind. Can you imagine where we'd be without Vernon's goals?
  4. We did get a reaction. The players showed showed us that they really are as bad as we feared. Milne must be so happy with all this Huns/newco pish that is filling people's minds because otherwise AFC would once again be the butt of many many jokes.
  5. A Craig Brown quote on the BBC page.
  6. That looks like a 4 1 4 1 formation, maybe 4 5 1 if Brown is feeling especially adventurous.
  7. sadly disappointingly well behaved match, apart from Brown's mental lunge at the Algerian, right at the end. would have preferred another 3 goals, just to watch the Huns implode even more. Is it compulsory for Hun managers to wear that stupid cardigan? I did wonder if maybe it doubled as a bulletproof vest.
  8. Someone should go round there tonight and put chains and a padlock round all the gates just to make sure AFC can't embarrass us any more.
  9. So, are we just supposed to forget the EBT and "alleged" tax fraud, the double contracts and all the other nonsense that went on pre-Whyte?
  10. I wonder if any of the fuckwits who designed this poster know what impartial means? And oh the irony of a mass walk in protest by a group that says they don't do walking..... ?
  11. sucker punch oh dear, what a shame Terry will miss the Final................
  12. Presumably he will be "compelled" to sell them. However, as he has already been quoted as saying that the SFA can't force him to pay the fines they have just levied, I wonder what will happen...............
  13. I don't know why anyone would be surprised by the way we play under Brown, or the state of the team. This is exactly ho Scotland were when he managed them, safe, dull, try to avoid losing at almost any cost and if we happen to fluke a goal, then happy days. He is what he is - a safety first, survivalist. If a top notch proven goal scorer arrives in the summer, I shall happily eat my hat.
  14. Laurent D'Jaffo another "worthy" consideration
  15. I thought the Newsnight piece was really interesting ( living in the Colonies means we don't get much UK tv) and was happy to see such a bleak picture being painted of the Huns financial plight. Income for the first 6 weeks of administration = just over a million quid Expenditure for the same period = just over 3.5 million quid This begs a couple of questions? WTF are the Administrators doing ? Is their job not to cut costs and reduce the debt, rather than allowing it to continue to increase? Where's the money coming from? An additional 2.5 million quid debt every 6 weeks and they think everyone is being mean to them and should just let them carry on as if nothing is wrong. I'm sure everyone remembers the slagging we took after "Toastergate" . Sod trying to live within your means, eh. I, generally, am a fairly calm individual, but fuck the huns, I hope they go the wall and disappear like 3rd Lanark. If, as would seem to be the case,
  16. usual blah blah blah Almost would have preferred it if they had just come out and said, we can't get relegated, so really, we're not that bothered about the league games. It's all about the Cup.
  17. You have to remember its Rangers. Rules and laws simply don't apply to them.
  18. Probably because both sets of fans rightfully think the other team is completely gash and there's a chance of semi-final "glory".
  19. That boy is obviously smoking something far too strong for his brain to deal with.
  20. Boring Italian fucks
  21. For some reason, Fox Soccer Plus is showing this game at the weekend. It's the only Scottish game they've shown in the 3 years we've lived over here............
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