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Posts posted by ayrshire_don74

  1. 48 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    Yep, absolutely, I agree entirely. Lack of transparency. To be honest, I've no real issue with the SFA making mistakes, they're in a far harder position than most clubs given the travel arrangements, but it is the lack of transparency that is the problem. Just a clear outline of events, what went wrong etc and how they're going to change things. When you said "who investigates them?" earlier, I had it in my head that you meant from a punitive perspective, but you're completely right and investigation of the facts that can be presented to the public is what's required.

    AD, I just read the transcript of the interview, you're right he doesn't quite nail it down. This is where the club have to be more incisive and more forensic (a good effort by McInnes to be fair, it's not really his job). We really need a solicitor type, not to sue, just to transcribe the series of events and lay out what went wrong. The SFA aren't going to do it, and we're really, massively, let down by the journalism in this country in that regard (especially the BBC who seem to just report rather than question). Force the SFA to come out and take ownership of what could be simple little mistakes, or things that are proven to be unavoidable.

    yes agree i suspect our own compliance and governance should handle

  2. 38 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    Have they investigated clubs for potential failings? I don't think they have. They've issued punishment for rule breaking, but that's an entirely different thing.

    I hadn't heard about the timing of testing problem, I'd be interested to hear more. The biggest problem with communication for me is the fact that people like us have to speculate about the circumstances on the internet - it's a lack of transparency, we're left guessing and accusing. Motherwell experienced a bizarre lack of communication, but obviously that had no bearing on Campbell being allowed to play or not.

    I don't think its incompetent to insist that players from the same team are placed beside one another whilst travelling, it's just a policy that has to occur at international level due to location. I'm guessing that's the single difference between a dons game and a Scotland game. There were 3 dons players in a squad of 25, where 11 had to isolate. Even those placed apart would have faced a strong chance of being infected. Given Aberdeen's infection rate compared to Glasgow and surrounding area, I'd have been more comfortable with dons players sitting together than next to another team's player, and if I'm an Aberdeen manager I'd be telling my players to stick together and avoid others because I'd be more comfortable with our procedures at AFC being robust compared to other teams (I'm not saying that they are more robust, just that McInnes would be more aware and trusting of them). What I suspect happened, is that the hun called Robbie McRorie back to Ibrox for a meeting at which he was deliberately infected with the vid in the knowledge that he'd likely be close to his brother with the u21 squad, and he in turn would infect Ferguson and Mclennan. Because they're sleekit huns.

    did you listen to Mcinnes interview ?  He did mention some (not very well articulated) about seating manifests on plane and fact we hired a 98 seat plane to restrict close contact.. not sure if insinuation was SFA didnt.. I mean its not as if the SFA are a world class organisation fit for purpose ?

  3. 3 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    Why are they incompetent though? I've seen a lot of unsubstantiated criticism, but nobody has been able to put a finger on what they did wrong (Robinson mentioned communication, but that's it). The only thing that I'd say is that we shouldn't have to isolate for 14 days because all our players gained herd immunity whilst partying in soul bar.

    The Huns have a strong squad. Them and the tims would cope with 8 players missing. So would we against half the teams in the league in fairness.

    apart from mccrorie who has had it twice

  4. 33 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    Perhaps a slight overstatement. It's a fairly transmittable virus. They'll be using much the same protocol as the dons, so it'll be down to luck, or bad luck. As far as we know it's only one Don at the minute, but I'm guessing there's a strong chance that they'll have been close together in the squad. A formidable midfield of Ojo and Leigh should see us take home the win.

    maybe sfa will fine themselves for breaking own protocol.. and think mcinnes may have a similar view to mine

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