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Posts posted by ayrshire_don74

  1. we have made a loss and am his transfers decisions are now making operational losses.. the point was very clear sorry hanging onto my job so i dont dedicate myself to tomes .. data and facts he is bankrupting the club  is a phrase .. but actually the trend continues...


    btw the legacy is debt..

  2. Posted here last few years about this charlatan bankrurpting the club due to his profligacy in the transfer market 3-5m operational losses last 2 years have came to bite, we are fucked,  crocked pish from Leeds,fat boy Anderson .. Hibs sign talent... if i was in DNA i would ask for my money back ... Bryson has cost us 250k plus  zero return , how long do intelligent men allow this financial vindalism to continue...

  3. Lads in their 20s and early 30s have a quiet pint/juice/whatever together and unfortunately pick up a deadly virus. They're nae premiership superstars who need their every single move scrutinised to within an inch. Just a case of wrong place, wrong time. I expect it'll be the same for a lot of folk. I went for a round of golf at one of the infected golf courses. Had it been a few days later I could have been down with the vid too. If I'd been 20, I'd have had it 48 times by now. Hopefully it'll allow us and other clubs to implement a better set of rules for their players going forward. Live and learn etc. 


    Really, what a load of simpering obsequious nonsense.

    Bryson, Mcgeoch were there senior seasoned professionals who should know far better. Give Mcgeoch is coming back from injury makes it even more bewildering. They have been given dispensation to create a sports bubble in order for them to do their job, they blew it.


    However these are symptoms of an underlying 'virus' at the club where there is no mindset for improvement stemming from the manager. Why wasnt their mindset we collectively have  had a shocker on Saturday lets get back in on Sunday work our socks off and try and improve ?






  4. the young team DGAF no masks no distancing they are now probably major carriers for this.. the stuff in Aberdeen expect elsewhere soon was out in Glasgow Friday.. one place safe distance , next place nope and others we passed

  5. Mcinnes cant adapt or evolve he doesnt have a growth mindset, appears yet again we start a season without a proper recognised left back... this is the strategy , but the guy tasked to deliver it isnt capable


    As preparations pick up pace ahead of the 20/21 season with pre-season training well underway, Aberdeen Football Club has today unveiled its playing philosophy and refreshed football strategy to excite Dons supporters ahead of the new campaign.


    The Club is aiming to inspire fans with an exciting brand of football that has its roots in homegrown talent. The philosophy sets out how the Club will strive to produce winning performances that get supporters up off their feet, with intensity and pace. Adopting many of the principles which have brought the Club successes over the years, the philosophy is about creating a recognisable style of play that is firmly centred around the development of homegrown talent.

  6. great bryson was vocal , yards off it, king prawn ojo sporting is new blm haircut wasnt up for it ... ferguson was deployed deep where he is shite.. the manager is fraud , an expensive one .. players are not conditioned nor up for a fight , bruce anderson looks like he is made from jelly , none of our midfielders have any sort of real physique nor are they encouraged to bigger stronger..

  7. More insipid pish from this fraud .. he has one game plan lumps to a target, which in itself is horrible but his limitations as a 'coach' were exposed today. Team looked yards of it scared of the ball and having no idea what to do with the ball other than lump it fwd. Ojo was horrendous, Kennedy miserable.  This certainly doesnt fit with the footballing strategy.

  8. 80% to 25k we are burning 1.3m a month and appears our insurance wont pay out ... i reckon there needs to be some sort of uefa/fifa bail out , but without being cruel if shitty wee clubs disappear then so be it there are far too many clubs in our league

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