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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by stubo72

  1. 70. Min. 2:0Noch zwanzig Minuten. Die Lautrer haben jetzt alles sicher im Griff. Von den Gästen kommt nicht mehr viel. Nur noch ihre Fans auf der Südtribüne machen sich bemerkbar. 70. Min. 2:0 still twenty minutes. The Lautrer has now everything surely in the grasp. Of the guests comes no longer much. Only their fans on the south grandstand become apparent.
  2. Tuesday 24th August 2010 @ 7.45 in the PM
  3. As the question says 'should' I have responded '9'. Will be suprised if it is as many as 6 in reality...
  4. Great album
  5. Why did Young ever get dropped after a run of a few decent performances?!?! Then again, why is Kerr still captain!?!?!? Why am I still suprised that McGhee is insane?!?!?
  6. We need 0800 83 85 87... EDIT: http://www.breathingspacescotland.co.uk/bspace/119.html
  7. I thought I was joking when I said a few months back that the only excitement we had left was a relegation dogfight... Although we are yet to see any actual fight from this shower of useless cunts. Now even Langfield and Diamond are fucking up. McGhee appears to have some kind of reverse Midas touch. Although it would still take a pretty massive series if calamities for us to actually go down, it is starting to feel more and more likely! FFS!
  8. Jesus, Mizer! I nearly had a coronary after reading the first couple of lines of that story! Then I almost wet myself reading the rest...
  9. John Major got in touch and wants to defend his fellow 'grey man': In fairness, I think that if you were to look very carefully at the evidence, that you would find, on balance, that he really is, quite literally, interesting in many many ways that may not, at first glance, necessarily be obvious to the public at large, but which, in a very real sense are, never the less, real in the reallest of all possible senses and that, further, far too much emphasis is placed these days on factors such as 'personality', when, and I think, if you were to take the time to think about this yourself, that you will find yourself almost certainly to be in agreement with this, that it is experience and ability that should count, rather than the empty posturing and preening of so many... (and so on ad infinitum) He does find peas delicious, apparently...
  10. Would definitely keep Young for another couple of seasons - gives 100% every time and can't be costing that much. Also Aluko if he is just pish just now cos he aint fit yet... Mackie for nostalgia... And the rest... meh...
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8574923.stm Invisibility cloak created in 3-D By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC News Scientists have created the first device to render an object invisible in three dimensions. The "cloak", described in the journal Science, hid an object from detection using light of wavelengths close to those that are visible to humans. Previous devices have been able to hide objects from light travelling in only one direction; viewed from any other angle, the object would remain visible. This is a very early but significant step towards true invisibility cloaks. (Continues at link above, becoming less and less interesting as it goes on)
  12. I smell shite... Anyone actualy read the full story?
  13. Was close between Smith/Scott and Calderwood. Went for Smith in the end, as we had more genuine 'success' and some decent wins/perfomances/excitement (although also crushing disappointment!) under him. Not that we enjoyed much in the way of success in the period under discussion! Aitken was just never going to win this, despite actually bringing us our last silverware. I take it the inclusion of McGhee is just a piss-take...
  14. Despite what I said earlier, I don't for a second want to see us bin McGhee at the moment. Am pretty confident that Falkirk will make sure we don't get relegated. If results haven't improved by end of season though, I think I would welcome his departure during the summer... I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but it definitely looks like McGhee has badly misjudged and is badly mismanaging this group of players... Christ, what a bloddy fankle we have gotten ourselves into!
  15. The way things are going, whoever was going to put money into AFC would need to be delusional!!! Fucking hell...
  16. To be honest, words fail me. We are total and utter fucking garbage. Jimmy maybe wasn't taking us any further forward, but by fuck we've gone backwards in leaps and bounds since McGhee came in... Gutted.
  17. Mr Trump isn't really interested in investing/wasting his own money on anything. What he tends to do is to get some other muggins (banks/businesses/tv companies/actual rich dudes) to invest the money in his ideas and if it goes well, then everyone stands to make a fortune - but if it doesnae, it tends to be the other daft bastard that loses their investment whilst DT keeps himself well insulated. They quite often go quite badly... http://www.legalzoom.com/legal-headlines/celebrity-lawsuits/how-does-trump-repeatedly-file http://www.legalzoom.com/lawsuits-settlements/more-litigation/donald-trumps-casino-company-files The idea therefore, that he would piss his own money away on a football team he knows nothing about and cares less about, is laughable in the extreme. Estimates of his personal wealth actually vary wildly - with some claiming he is worth pretty much hee-haw (and is in fact in debt up to his eye-balls) and himself claiming to be a billionaire just because he thinks he is one... http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2009/05/donald_trump.html http://open.salon.com/blog/saturn_smith/2009/05/18/what_exactly_is_donald_trump_worth
  18. We seem to be stumbling from one disaster to another at the moment. I have been told that McGhee changed a lot of things when he came in that did not go down well with the squad, but then Mulgrew was quoted saying he had been great trying to get them all cheered up after the Raith game... Fuck knows what we are going to do, but if we don't pick up soon our season may not be over after all - relegation dogfight, here we come!
  19. Sounds like a pretty media-savvy and balanced opinion... not exactly exciting or informative... Still wish he would put his hands in his pockets rather than just talking boring pish though... There is a lot of reasonable sounding talking goes on at Pittodrie - it is usually followed by a disastrous performance/run and no actual action being taken to improve matters...
  20. Having had time to calm down since last night (and having spent my entire lunch hour reading this thread)... Listening to McGhee's post-match interview, he at least seems to know what the problems are and is as pissed off at the losers we have playing for us as any of us are. He also seems to be determined to do what he can to resolve this. He's taken the barracking he got on the chin and I actually like him more after hearing that interview than I did before the game even began... Still not convinced by anything that he has actually done during his reign as opposed to the talking, right enough. As we have all just seen last night, talk is very very cheap indeed... Wish our players (i.e. Mackie, Maclean, Diamond, Aluko) wouldn't waste their breath in the EE or other rags bullshitting on about how determined or desperate they are to win 'for the fans'. They quite clearly couldn't give a fuck when they aren't on Sky against the OF and being watched by a bunch Championship scouts/managers. Cunts. Ok maybe I haven't actually calmed down that much!
  21. Went with Shearer for simple scoring consistency and Gillhaus for quality stylish football (as an aside, did he ever come out of the closet - Gillhaus I mean...?). Both almost as good as Mackie...
  22. You can bum him quite legally madbad...
  23. Absolutely delighted with this deal to be honest. Miller has been a passenger in too many games. Whether that was down to his lack of effort, or us playing the wrong style of game for him, I don't know - but a 5 figure fee and the chance to rebuild the strike force in the summer sounds good to me...
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