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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30827483 That would be interesting. The residents of Milngavie having a sports direct warehouse on their doorstep and the residents of Ibrox having the largest Sports direct shop on theirs.
  2. That's all very nice but you didn't answer my question. Do you know any practicing Muslims? or Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Catholics etc? With regards to your thoughts on the catholic church compared to the protestant i think a quick look into the child abuse history of both might open your eyes. Barnardos kids homes spring to mind In addition non-denominational institutions responsible for the care of children & young adults also have had some hideous incidents. Situations where people have 'control' over one another are always high risk for abuse particularly if they have an environment where those in charge are rarely if at all required to account for their own actions and know they will usually be believed compared the the victim. If being married stopped paedophelia how do you explain the likes of Fred West or Josef Fritzl? Why is the catholic church seemingly being tarred more than the protestant faith in the media? A topic for another thread perhaps? The systematic denial of any wrong doing and then admitting they covered the whole thing up but wouldnt reveal names would be a big factor I'd say. Perhaps because there isnt a protestant equivalent of the Pope so there isnt a focal point for the world media to home in on? Who knows I look forward to your thoughts followed quickly by another post congratulating yourself on them
  3. Do you know any practicing Muslims? or Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Catholics etc If not I suggest you try and meet a few of them and ask about their own personal beliefs I do enjoy your suggestion that paedophile tendencies could be suppressed if you were allowed to get married.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30773297 Damage will already be done with this one I fear. Add that to his twitter comments I'd say old Rupert will be congratulating himself on a successful day One of the worst and really irritating aspects of 24hr news and the internet (for me anyway) is there no longer seems to be a safety net of researchers in the background who say 'woah, hold on while we check the facts before we broadcast this' Really is scary how ignorant people can be and even scarier is that so many of the ignorant can be found in positions of influence (Politicians, celebrities, news media, Financial institutions) Couple of weeks back whilst helping to sort out a UK credit card for my Aussie GF, the girl in the bank had to ask us if Australia was outside the EU. This girl works for what claims to be 'the world's local bank' and has the power to influence your financial future!!
  5. If its not religion it is something else. We hate each other
  6. Quick look at the fixture list The next time the dons play celtic will be Sunday 1st March, 3 days after yon tic have played the 2nd leg in the San Siro. Celtic also have 9 Games before then (possibly 10 if they try and fit in the postponed Thistle game) whereas the Dons have only 6. Wise move shifting the midweek county hame to the Scottish cup weekend too
  7. I think you should add Christianity to that list. So many different factions all of which have an issue with at least one other. Christians spend many years trapsing across the planet to far off lands and cultures trying to convert everyone to their way of thinking and if they said 'aye yer ok but we are happy as we are' it often lead to war and in extreme incidents genecide. There are far right christian groups who picket funerals, campaign for segregation, persecution and even death for anyone they dont think fits in to their vision of the human race. Go back to my home town area and there are still ministers who are visiting their parishioners telling them their gay son or daughter is going to burn in hell, or holding funerals in which the deceased is condemned for the most trivial of actions (Robert Burns Poem 'Holy Willie's Prayer' is about this type of minster/priest. Look at Ireland and to a lesser extent the central west of Glasgow. Islam on paper is apparently one, if not the most peaceful of the main religions but like christianity it is vast and diverse with so many different sects. The ignorant generalistic view in the west is Islam is all Burkas, sharia law and lets murder the infidels. That is the part that is causing the news stories and the media is lapping up and stirring around to their hearts content and with the internet and social media islam is now potentially more feared and hated than the Nazis and other far right extremists. Now thanks to the media, people see a turban they think 'muslim' forgetting or merely ignoring that it is actually an item of clothing also worn in Christianity, Sikism, judaism. Basically if you are extremely religious you are unlikely to be able to 'take a joke' if you think someone is belittling your beliefs and way of life. I went to uni with several muslims as my had a big link with Malaysia. I only recall one of them ever even considering the aspects of sharia law thing as sensible, the irony being I believe she applying said law would have meant condemning herself for how she carried on with her Boyfriend. The rest of them were a great laugh and I found it particularly amusing how some of them took full advantage of being out of sight of their families by carrying on the same way the brits on the course were. Found it even funnier when I met some of their parents and discovered they were very happy their children were enjoying their uni life and the 'western culture'. i try to imagine what the crusades would have been like had they had modern technology, the internet/social media etc and I find that very scary. As for an answer...there isnt one. Humans are tribalistic and seem to be genetically programmed to hate each other. Perhaps some sort of mass brainwashing via wi-fi or mobile phone signal which makes everyone forget why they hate the bloke down the street who looks and dresses different to them but it wouldn't last and sooner or later the tribes would start again. Perhaps going back in time and convincing Rupert Murdoch and other media tycoons to choose another career could have delayed the mass fear a few decades?
  8. And what with you going along to St Mirren on Saturday I'd say the season is heading off a cliff
  9. it would have been around 24k had the upper tier of the south stand been opened.
  10. Seems they were holding back another section in the West Stand Just over 2000 tickets left with the general sale starting tomorrow.
  11. Can you just answer his question? I too have no idea what McGinn's 'previous' is and for this 'debate' to end sooner it should either be revealed or declared as fiction. Then we can go back to posting clips of his goals, the next coming on saturday
  12. Fuck sake is this Primary 4?
  13. Personally if our players are going to watch rival teams in their spare time id prefer not to hear about it or have it turn into an argument amongst the fans which could perhaps spread to the players. keep hearing talk about how important it is to keep the dressing room atmosphere good and I fear a bad result could lead to ' you want them to win the title more than us ya dick' talk with a domino effect to follow. Typical that we go on a 7 game winning streak and one of the main talking points is about one of the players watching a game of football in his spare time. Had McGinn been seen out drinking heavily and getting into fights on Belmont street I could understand but this....fuck sake get over it. If it had been Kilmarnock vs Dundee United would anyone have cared?
  14. Another 500 odd shifted this week. Hopefully there will be one left should I end up being free on the day.
  15. Gerrard Offski. Wonder if he would have the balls to sign for Man City?
  16. Just under 2500 seats left in the Dons Section. Be interesting to see if they go over the next couple of weeks
  17. tom_widdows


    The police are there to provide a public service which included keeping the peace. The 'friendly' local cop giving you a warning as opposed to throwing you in jail or fining you for the most minimal of crimes is an essential part of this otherwise the number of criminal records in this country would be through the roof. Prevention is better than a cure etc etc Are you of the same opinion that the Fire brigade are only there to put out fires and have no business advising folk on fire safety? The Coastguard and Mountain rescue are only there to drag you back to safety and have no business advising folk on correct equipment or when it is safe to go out sailing or rock climbing? The GP is only there to hand out the Anti-biotics and has no business advising you how to improve your health?
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30633737 I am enjoying football at the moment
  19. just says Hayes and Considine have signed. No mention of Goodwillie
  20. Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Allowed to change guess at any point as along as it is to an empty tally 90 - Scunnered999 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 - MBT 79 78 - Tyrant 77 76 75 - Dandy 74 - BigAl 73 - BobbyBiscuit 72 - Edinburghdon 71 - Mizer 70 69 - CtS 68 - Manc 67 - Nellie The Don 66 65 - Jute 64 - Wi_09 63 62 61 60 - Kowalski 59 58 - Tom_Widdows 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
  21. Compared to this time last season Celtic - 9 point worse off, Scored 6 less goals, conceded the same (1st) Dons - 5 points better off, Scored 1 less goal, conceded 1 less goal (5th) Arabs - 2 points better off, Scored 4 less goals, conceded 6 more goals(4th) Hamilton Caley - 1 point worse off, Scored 2 less goals, conceded 3 more (3rd) St Johnstone - 4 points better off, Scored 8 less goals, conceded the same (6th) Kilmarnock - 6 points better off, Scored 5 less goals, conceded 7 less(9th) Dundee Partick - 5 points better off, scored 8 goals more, conceded 11 goals less(10th) Motherwell - 17 points worse off, Scored 9 goals less, conceded 3 more(2nd) St Mirren - 9 points worse off, Scored 5 goals less, conceded 4 more(8th) Ross County - 1 point worse off, Scored Same, conceded 2 more.(11th)
  22. tom_widdows


    Forums have admins and are self regulated. Anything really offensive will be removed fairly quick by the mods as they are responsible for the content of the board. Twitter and Facebook take little to no responsibility to what is posted by its members Also you need to be a member of forums to read a lot of the stuff and its not so easy to hit the retweet button to share it with your friends and the wider world. A joke about a general offensive subject is one thing. A joke aimed purely about a recent tragedy is something you need to watch your audience with or in the case of trolling is to get a reaction. People really need to start learning that the Internet is the real world and if you are not careful enough to ensure you are only sharing stuff with people you know you need to learn your actions and stupidity will have consequences. Before the Internet you may have ended up with a broken nose from big bloke in pub. Now you end up with a media circus and death threats from strangers all over the country which the police then have to waste valuable time investigating.
  23. tom_widdows


    I believe the law he or she will have broken is in the same category as adding 'breach of the peace' to your charge sheet. I haven't seen the tweet but I don't believe it has racist or sectarian words, it's just a combination of words which in a particular context or situation will offend and could perhaps incite something more serious ie death threats or in extreme cases public disorder or riots etc. The tweeter is free to say what they like but they need to be educated in timing, tact, an when to go public and when to keep it for yer mates. Hopefully it will just be a copper round his house explaining the situation and giving him a caution 'for his own good' and then he gets a clip round the ear from his mum or dad. The media will be the main drivers of this one as without them the cops will just say 'stop being a wee dick as it gives us more paperwork
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